The anneX Files
I began college living in the anneX of Talcott hall, which was attached to the hall, but was really a world unto itself.  It was the only place I ever lived where I actually connected with (or even really talked to) people who I lived in a hall with.  It was good times.
With Traci and Jessica, as Macbeth's "Weird Sisters" for Halloween 2001.  Yeah, I know the brooms are cheesy-looking, but the whole thing was thrown together and we swiped them from the janitor's closet.
At the spring Alpha Psi Omega Theatre Society banquet.  The theme was "O Brother Where Art Thou"... looots of fun.  Well, except that it rained most of the day.  But one girl got thrown in the creek, heeheehee, and she deserved it.  That would've made my day, even if the banquet hadn't.
Sitting around in my dorm room, had a borrowed digital camera... hey, what could I do but sit there and take pictures of everything, including myself?  Yeah, none of the others looked good at all, and my room was dirty.  Perfect timing.
Picture taken of me as's Student of the Day in November 2002.  I had just cut my hair the night before, so it was perfect timing.  It's the only picture I have of me with it that short.
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At the Ace League dance, which was themed on the musical "Chicago".  Spring 2003.
Actin' a fool after a performance of "The Diary of Anne Frank", spring 2003
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