Various Details:
Pictures from my Daily Life
People and things that I generally see on a daily basis
Toby, AKA the cutest sweetest doggie in the whole wide world!

We got Toby when I was in the 5th grade, or just after I'd turned 11.  He is a Lhasa Apso\Cocker Spaniel, which makes him beautiful, but hairy.  He never bites, but he has a very large bark for being a fairly small dog.  He's my sweetie-puppy.
My little brother, being all karate-man in the kimono I brought him back from Japan, summer 2002.  Id'n he the cutest?

Tyler again, practicing the piano.  Someday, he will be great.
Me and my mommy.  Taken August 2003, on our front porch, by Tyler.
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Yes, that's my whole family!  Taken on Christmas Eve, 2003.  Aren't we pretty?  And tall?
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