Pictures of My Life, Prior to College
My brother Jesse and I, "cooking"... I was probably three or four at the time.  Weren't we cuuute?  :-)
Summer 2001, on a road trip to New England with my mom, her youngest sister, and my sister.  Loads of fun!  No, seriously.
Prom dresses!  The first and last are of my Junior prom dress, but the last was taken spring 2003.  The next to last one is my Senior dress.  The white one was my favorite dress ever, and I wore it while modeling for Cache my Junior year, but it was like $500 or some godawful amount like that, so it was totally off limits.
A collage chock full of me-ness, from babyhood right up until freshman year (yes, post-beginning college, but since there's only one from then, I still classify it under "past").
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