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This page covers some of the miscellaneous, useful items to be found around the Disc, these include Stat aids.

Black Leather Gloves
Bronze Helm
Crystal Ball
Flat Cap
Iron Gauntlets


Black Leather Gloves

"These gloves are made of a very fine leather dyed a deep black. The leather is very thin and supple and the gloves look like they'd fit you perfectly."

Black leather gloves, are the Dexterity equiviliant to Iron Gauntlets, in as much as they grant a +2 bonus to Dexterity, and have a 30 GP drain per 60 seconds or so associated with them.

They are not, however, much good as armour, and indeed break very easily.  They do however weigh only 1pound.

When being worn you'll see a message like, 

> wear gloves

Your fingers twitch a little.

Removing the gloves, or running out of GP, will generate the following message.

> remove gloves

Your fingers stiffen and feel clumsy.

WARNING Like Iron Gauntlets and many other Stat items, these gloves WILL conflict with other Stat items, creating negative and possibly undesirable effects.

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Bronze Helm

"This is an impressive-looking helm, skillfully made from bronze and polished so well that you can see your face in it. Well, you would be able to if the surface weren't curved so that you appeared all distorted and upside-down. Anyway, it's got a good shine to it and looks very resistant to rusting."

Weight 5 lbs

> wear helm

Your eyes prickle for a moment.

> remove helm

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Crystal Ball

"This is a portable crystal ball, just large enough to fit in your hand. You could use it to "scry" on someone. To see the room you are scrying, "gaze" into the ball. To turn it off, "rub" it."


> scry lobo with ball

The crystal ball changes to show a vision of the area where Lobo stands:
This is a long, low room filled with all sorts of interesting items. Various racks hold spikey, pokey type things in all manner of ways, ready for intrepid adventurers to pick and choose what ever they may need to further their career as an armed juggernaut.
There are two obvious exits: east and west.
Lobo is standing here and an air distortion (transparent) is floating.
You scry something with the crystal ball.

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Flat Cap


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Iron Gauntlets

"These gauntlets seem rather crude but will probably be effective nonetheless. They are made from a grey, almost black, iron with the surfaces left unpolished and slightly rough."

Iron gauntlets are what are referred to as, stat enhancers, in as much as they grant a +2 bonus to your Strength when worn.

This bonus, however, comes with a price.  While you are wearing the gauntlets, there is a GP drain associated with them.  This drain is approximately 30GP's per 60 or so seconds of real time.

While this doesn't sound like much, and indeed while you are not doing much this is hardly noticeable. It is most noticeable when in combat, using specials and so on.

When you remove the gauntlets, or run out of GP, you will see the following message,

> remove gauntlets

Your hands twitch and feel weak.

The gauntlets weigh 5 pounds and are reasonable armour, they vurdere accordingly.

The pair of iron gauntlets is excellent at stopping pierce attacks.
The pair of iron gauntlets is very good at stopping blunt attacks.
The pair of iron gauntlets is excellent at stopping sharp attacks.
The pair of iron gauntlets protects your hands.

When wearing them, you'll see the message,

> wear gauntlets

Your hands clench suddenly.

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Last updated: February 05, 2002.
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