Staves and Wands

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Wands and Staves may be found in places all over Discworld, they must be held and then, "zapped", at the target. The exception to this, is the Red Staff which must be, "invoked".

Balsa Wand

This wand is typically only useable by Wizards.  It requires a reasonably high skill in magic.items.held.wand to use, so as such is only really included here for completeness.

This wand may be used to imbue items with the ability to shed light.  The more charges are, "zapped", into an item, the more light it will shed.

Charred Wand

The Charred wand may be, "zapped", at a target to remove any insect infestation carried by that target.

Since the Public Baths are a lot cheaper to use, this is not the most cost effective way of ridding yourself of fleas. However there are times when it can be handy to remove an NPC's fleas.

Unlike the Balsa Wand, this wand requires no skills to use.

Oak Wand

This wand may be used by anyone, and appears to use little or no skills. When, "zapped", at a target, heals a number of Hit Points up to around 500 per, "zap".

It typically stores around 10 charges, it maybe recharged by a Wizard when empty, but once again given it's relatively low cost, may turn out more expensive to do so. 

Short Wand

This wand, when, "zapped", at an item, allows the user to see the items level of enchantment in much the same way as a Wizard or Witch, this is indicated with a blue glow, which is slightly different to that seen by Magic Users.

Once again, this want does not appear to use any skills or have any cost, other than a charge in the wand, associated with use.

Red Staff

This is quite a useful, offensive staff. It requires no skill to use yet when, "invoked", at a target, instantly casts the spell, "Kamikaze Oryctolagus Flammula", or more commonly known as Firebunnies or KOF.

One of the advantages of this staff is that it is relatively quick to use, may be directed at multiple targets, and accruing damage while you begin your own melee attacks.

The downside is that the damage from this staff is rather disappointing.

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Last updated: February 05, 2002.
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