Health, Care & Problems
The skin
The hairless has a unique set of problems that the powderpuff dosen't.The hairless is exposed to the elements. They need to have special care for their skin. The skin is the largest organ on their bodies. The elastic tissue that holds in moisture and heat as well as provides information about the surroundings. In the skin buried deep, are millions of tiny nerve endings (Receptors) that sense touch, heat, pressure, cold and pain. There are many glands found in the skin also. The sebaceous glands that produce a waxy substance to help keep the skin surface supple and prevent it from drying out.The hair follicles are pits of activity dividing cells that continuously make hair. There are smaller hairs all over the body, some that can not be seen by the naked eye.The surface of skin that you se is called the epidermis. Below the epidermis is a thicker layer called the dermis. This layer contains many structures such as hair follicles. Underneath the dermis is a layer of fat that is called subcutaneous fat. The epidermis is a very active layer of cells. Cells that are continuously dividing to make new ones. The cells gradually die by filling up with a hard substance called keratin. When the cells die they move up to the surface of the skin where they will be shed or worn away by washing or rubbing and even scratching. Any movement that increases friction can cause the skin cells to rub away. The reproduction of the cells at the base of the epidermis keeps up with loss of cells from the surface. It takes a month for a single epidermal cell to complete the journey from the base to the surface. The parts of the body where pressure or friction is greatre the epidermis is thicker so it takes longer for a single cell to be shed. With this constant turnover of the cells, is where skin problems come in. There are many symptoms such as itching, swelling, and even pain. They can even develop acne, black heads. You should stay away from products that contain lanolin, wool, isopropyl mysristate, sodium sulfate, laurenth-4 and D&C red dyes, most of the Chinese Crested have reactions from them. Oil based lotions should be avoind also, because the oil is usually the derivative of fatty acids that are more potent than the dogs own fatty acids. Above all keep their skin clean. Wash their skin with unsented soap daily..
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The sun
The hairless do get a suntan, but are prone to sunburn. The hairless ususally looks washed out in the spring to to the lack of tanning. With a tan, the contrasting skin and furnishing colors give them a wonderful appearance. In the winter months you can use sun lamps to maintain the tan from the summer, and get a head start on the tan for spring. The hairless's skin pigmentation can vary. Because of the variation there can be different degrees of sunburn. Use sunscreen that will keep out the burning rays of the sun.
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