Pictures of Chloe at 10 weeks of age.
Chloe is always ready for a picture she is so photogentic. Chloe was born Nov. 1, 2004.
Chloe is very alert. She never misses anything.
Chloe says hello.
Here she comes for the camera.
Chloe was curious of the sound of the camera.
She sits proud and tall for her picture. She is so cute.
Chloe is cuddling with my 13 month old daughter Ashlyn. Chloe is very gentle and loving with Ashlyn.
Aww, how sweet. Ashlyn has Spina Bifida and I think Chloe sences that with Ashlyn and is very caring towards her.
Oops. one more shot for the camera before I go to sleep.
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