Covecrest 2004!
Stephen Steven Eric Kathrine and Laura!!! rock it ouuuut!
this picture was at SCS before our adventure commenced.
over to the right, we have stephen, eric, kathrine, me (with one hell of an interesting hair do) and steven, and the same order below.  This picture was taken right before we went white water rafting on the chattanooga river.  this river, we will later learn, split georgia and south carolina! twas awesome.
over left, we have eric, being attacked by a bear in the room where we learned how to be safe... "swimmer's position!!!!!!" and all that good stuff, what to do when you are in a life threating situation! yea, good stuff!
okey, over left and down, we have dearest stephen looking mighty cute on our bus trip from the checkin down to the river bed, and below, kathrine and me (doing God knows what on the busride!
awww our cute steven and stephen!!!!!!!!
And all of this... before we even get into the water!!!!!!!!! :D
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