Agnes Isailiah
Strength, Constitution and Dexterity: average (8-12) I've never really focused on her physical scores that much, the people she was around when I was developing her eclipsed her in these areas.

Intelligence: high (16-18) Knowledge is power, that's one of her mottos though somehow she presents it differently than Hermione so people avoid calling her a "know-it-all" perhaps its because of her ambition that changes the way people look at her.

Wisdom: above average (13-15) she takes great caution and thinks things through before acting. This is very obvious when she's around a Gryffindor. If she wasn't ambitious and cunning she would be a Ravenclaw.

Charisma: higher end of average (10-12) she's not pretty or very nice to most people all of the time but when she wants to, she can have quite a following. People respect her insight and she can be manipulative.

She's a straight up Slytherin wizard, power-hungry and a little prejudice. She believes knowledge is the key to power and therefore gets along well with the Ravenclaws. She gets along with Hufflepuffs (this maybe because of her brother Robert or just that Hufflepuffs just get along with everyone) as well and oddly a few Gryffindors (though these relationships change with people's moods) as well. Interestingly enough, the house she's most hostile towards is her own of Slytherin. She believes the pure-bloods have gotten weak relying on the power of those in their family that came before them. Draco Malfoy is the epitome of this and she struggles to unseat him from power, though she's a year younger than him. She does this by using the other houses to disgrace him but she never tells those that do so of her true motives. No one really cares; they have a chance to make a fool out of an annoying Slytherin. She works hard to get into a place of power after she leave the school, perhaps as the Head of Slytherin after Snape leaves or becoming a Governor of the Ministry.

Creation History: Agnes was originally a female, Slytherin Harry Potter, his twin sister who fate had placed her rearing in the hands of her parents' greatest school hood enemy, Snape. Everything Harry inherited from James and Lily, so did Agnes, she had messy black hair, startling green eye that she has to wear glasses to see, a great natural seeker (one of the reason why she never liked Draco, he took the position that she should have had by talent). Eventually I moved away from this more and more, her messy hair is because she does care, her eyes are now blue because of a freak accident, and she just doesn't play Quidditch. I never was able to move her completely away from Snape, though know he's a close relative of her warder and just keep an eye out for her during the school year. I guess, I enjoy playing Snape like an actual person, a fully dimensional person. As I move away from her original concept she becomes more and more like her namesake, my mom's old cat Agnes. She is an animagus that can turn into that cat with a few minor adjustments, but she has side effects of learning it too young. She acts more like a cat than normal and there always will be a chance that she'll forget herself and always stay in cat form.
Robert Isailiah
Strength, Dexterity, Constitution: average (8-12) I haven't really played out this part of him, so I don't have the slightest clue what exactly he would be.

Intelligence: above average (13-15) he's smart, but he's no where near his sister's level.

Wisdom: high (16-18) he has a lot more common sense than most people at that school combined, he does not even go against his warder, something Agnes does all the time.

Charisma: above average (13-15) most people can get along with him, even the Slytherin, though that might just be his sister's influence.

Robert is a Hufflepuff, pure and simple, how he emerged from a pure-blooded Slytherin background no one quite knows. He believes in working for himself and helping others, things unheard of him Slytherin, though Agnes has similar enough ideals. He stays away from Harry and the other Gryffindors of his year because he doesn't want to get in trouble whereas Agnes has no problems breaking the rules for her own benefit. His dream is to go to St. Mungo's or somewhere else to help people in need.

Creation History: I created Robert because there were no Hufflepuff and no boys on the neopets roleplaying chatrooms, so he was born to fill that void. Originally he was Agnes's twin brother (this was after Agnes moved away from being Harry's twin) but now he's a year older. They still look a lot alike; the only why to tell them apart is that Robert has green eyes still and what they are wearing, until they hid puberty at least. He even has long, black hair though he keeps his neat. Also I had him as an animagus as well; he turned into a little gray bunny (which is my Onyx; may the poor thing rest in peace) and he still has a rabbit's shyness and skittishness, but he doesn�t turn into Onybaby anymore
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