Arlendra Ariderth
Strength: 14 (above average) Half-celestials (angels of a kind) like Arlendra are blessed with bonuses to all their stats, but they still need to hone them somewhat and a monastery of a god of discipline is a great place to do so.

Dexterity: 13 (above average) Though she isn't a perfect example of grace, Arlendra does carry herself very nicely; and to see her fly is a special sight indeed.

Constitution: 14 (above average) Compared to a normal person her health is exceptional, but compared to the warriors and priests that she grew up around, she seems fragile.

Intelligence: 14 (above average) A bard must be able to memorize facts and prove a knowledge of all things if they are to be very good; it's hard to a very good performer if you don't remember how to do it.

Wisdom: 16 (high) Living among many wise people growing up and from the meetings she's had with her mother, Arlendra has a very good understanding of the world.

Charisma: 20 (otherworldly) With a friendly smile and an almost carefree attitude, coupled with her metallic gold hair and eyes that sparkled gold it's very hard no to like the bard; though what captures people is not of the norm. A bard must have a very high charisma to get along in the worlds. Arlendra is slightly arrogant, but wouldn't you if you were a child of a deity's favored servant?

Arlendra was raised in a monastery dedicated to the god of discipline on Faerun, Tyr where her father, a paladin, worked and help run. Her mother was of a blessed kind and would visit her love and daughter whenever she could spare the time for combating evil. Arlendra learned to become a very good singer and lute player, performing songs in the name of Tyr and other gods aligned with him. When her father died Arlendra was taken under her mother's wings (literarily) and was trained more in her chosen path of life. After a while her mother thought that her daughter had learned enough under her watch and now sends Arlendra (later joined by the tiger Ninave) to various worlds to learn what she can there.

Creation History: When I was looking through the 3.0 D&D Monster Manual I came upon a template to create a half-celestial, I thought it was cool so Arlendra was born. Although I've always geared the bard to eventually abandon her bardic ways and become a paladin, than a divine emissary for Tyr, but now I've come across a prestige class that works very well this how Arlendra is right now.
Kygosta (Silve)
Strength: 27 (otherworldly, we're going to be having plenty of these) Those in her elven form she isn't this strong, she still is inhumanly strong.

Dexterity: 10 (average) compared to a normal human she moves around as well as most people, which is odd since she chooses to be an elf.

Constitution: 21 (otherworldly) she is very fit and healthy, even excluding the fact that she's immune to cold, acid, sleep or paralysis spells, most diseases that humans fall to don't affect her.

Intelligence: 20 (otherworldly) When your race doesn't die unless they are killed by a person, you need to be able to remember a lot of things, and Silve belongs of one of the more intelligent subtype of this race.

Wisdom: 21 (otherworldly) same basic reasoning for intelligence, except that you learn a lot of the world around you and Silve's subtype is also one of the wiser ones too.

Charisma: 20 (otherworldly) The beauty of her subtype is well known in the world, no one can really do one of their race justice in art, though many try. This beauty is transferred to all form they might take and so it's easy for Silve to captivate an audience. Unless she gets rubbed the wrong way she's nice enough to keep them so.

Silve lives in a small outpost deep within land that only humans are willing to settle there and acts as the leader and priestess of the area. She plays on the ignorance of the people she lives with for reasons she believes is for their own good. She appearance is very much like the rare grey elf and she pretends to be one to everyone she mets.

Creation History: I was reading the Monster Manual (again) and was going over the information about Silve's kind when I came across and piece that said red dragons love to lair in the same places so it's common that there's battle's between them. Silve was created for that plot only, though I used to play her in other ones I've always wanted to complete the entire plotline, but people are too stupid to allow me this wish because they get themselves frozen or they for some reason side the red dragon when they really, REALLY should be siding with her.
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