Therodin Delryn
Strength: 15 (above average) as a paladin he has trained himself to be very strong and effective in combat against evil

Dexterity: 13 (above average) Therodin's elven heritage shines through with his grace.

Constitution: 13 (above average) his elven heritage also made him more fragile than some of the other paladins, his score is closer to his mother Ellisora's

Intelligence: 11 (average) his has been well educated because he was noble born, but he isn't anything to special.

Wisdom: 18 (high) he listened more to his mother's teachings of sharpening the bond between you and a deity and to give advice more than his father, a fellow Helmite.

Charisma: 16 (high) he's kind, handsome, and doesn't have all of his father's stubbornness and annoyingness

Therodin is the eldest of the three children of Anomen Delryn, warrior/cleric of Helm and Ellisora Greencloak, ranger/cleric of Selune, two of the most powerful being on the face of Faerun. Therodin choose that becoming a champion of Helm made perfect sense for an older brother who always would look out for his siblings. And so, with his father's help, he joined the Most Noble Order of the Radiant Heart as a paladin of Helm. He has never regretted his decision.

Creation History: If you turn all of Anomen's bad habits down you have Therodin. I decided that the eldest son would be like the father. Since Anomen is such a complex and wonderfully deep character, it's easy to play someone like him. Therodin's name is one I made off the top of my head and seems to be made from Theodin, King of Rohan, from the
Lord of the Rings and Thordin, King Under the Mountain, from The Hobbit.
Corin Delryn
Strength: 15 (above average) Corin trained himself to fight with power and strength to defend nature.

Dexterity: 18 (high) relying on lighter armor he is very dexterous and graceful to keep himself from getting harmed in battle.

Constitution: 16 (high) training in the harshness of nature, Corin has built his stamina and health up

Intelligence: 12 (average) Corin just was able to keep his schooling fresher in his head and Therodin for some reason; perhaps it was because he spent more time around Ellisora, who as smarter and better read than her noble husband.

Wisdom: 14 (above average) though he was around his ranger mother a lot more than Therodin, Corin just didn't learned the deeper meanings that his older brother did.

Charisma: 10 (average) Corin is distance and feels awkward around others, he prefers to be by himself.

Corin is the middle child of Ellisora and Anomen, and follows his mother's path more closely. Though unlike her, his patron god is the dead god of the sun, Amanator, he can still cast spells because the morninglord Lathander and the earth gods Silvanas and Mielikki take pity on him. Corin's wishes more than anything to have his god return to this world.

Creation History: since Anomen got Therodin, I gave Corin to Ellisora. Corin in named after his father's father, Lord Cor but he doesn't have his namesake's drunken urges and bitterness. Corin choose his patron god because if the god didn't exist, Anomen wouldn't have been brought back from being a vampire, so Corin owes his very exisitence to that very god. Corin is named after his father's father, who although was a complete jerk to his son, Anomen still loved him.
Rhodelia Delryn
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