Eldon Angelson
Strength: 11 (average) Eldon never really focused much on building up his strength.

Dexterity: 16 (high) like the animal whose antlers are entwined in his hair (a deer), Eldon must be very light on his feet because he has little more than hide protecting him

Constitution: 13 (above average) being out in a forest all the time does make you a little more impervious to nature's forces, when the things Eldon's up against attacks with something that is too much for a normal person with this score to handle, he'll already be granted immunity by nature.

Intelligence: 10 (average) Eldon may not be really smart, but he's not an idiot either

Wisdom: 18 (high) being in nature all the time makes it very easy to see the world as it really is.

Charisma: 15 (above average) his time around animals and his wisdom to see the similarities between them and people allows Eldon to be very well liked by everyone, who doesn't have some natural dislike against him

A fair young man that seems to have a golden glow about him, it wouldn't be very surprising to find out he WAS a descended from an angelic background. Though not as strong as the half-angel Arlendra, Eldon's blood is still strong enough to place him above normal people.

Character Creation: I was sitting in my Heredity class when I thought it would be cool to have a character named Angelson, so I made Eldon the Aasimar, a person with a fourth or less of their blood coming from an angelic source. I randomly chose his class, a druid and I'm still working with him and his plot, the search for Loderr.
William Gamewell
"The youngster was clothed in scarlet red,
In scarlet fine and gay;
And he did frisk it o'er the plain,
And chanted a roundelay."
Strength: 16-18 (high) "those calves and thighs are well rounded and straight. The arms, for all that gold-wrought cloak, hang stoutly from full shoulders." In addition to this description of him, William also pulled out an oak sapling root and all with just a simple tug.

Dexterity: 13-18 (above average to high) "the stranger was as hard to hit as though fenced him by an oak hedge." He also is very good with a bow

Constitution: 13-18 (above average to high) I don't see anything that says he was sickly.

Intelligence and Wisdom: 13-15 (above average) William is very clever but he didn't recognize his own cousin when he went looking for his, but as conciliation, his cousin didn't recognize him either.

Charisma: 16-18 (high) William is a very lovely and charming chap and as a bard a charisma is very important for them.

William is the son of an old knight in the medieval time in England. His uncle, it was rumored, was the rightful Earl of Huntington who was defrauded out of his lands and out of his position of Head Forester. His aunt and cousin, Robert, came to his father to shelter with William's family at Gamewell Lodge. A few years after this William went off to school for many long years. During his time away from home, a steward poisoned his way into the Gamewell household. When he returned home, the steward tried to turn his father against him, but a time where William was walking by and heard the steward insult his good father. He flew into rage and hit the man too hit, killing him. Fearing for his father's safety since the current sheriff didn't like the family much he left home and traveled to search for his cousin, who had became the leader of a band of outlaws in the meantime.

Creation History: William is taken from history and if you don't know what story he's a part of, than you're a very sad person.
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