Princess Rosella of Daventry
Strength and Constitution: haven't the slightest clue, probably fairly high, but you never know.

Dexterity: (13-18) above average to high. Rosella just always came across as very graceful and with flowing movements.

Intelligence and Wisdom: above average (13-15) She's had the schooling and she can (using your help) solve a whole lot of difficult puzzles.

Charisma: 18 (high) Rosella is very pretty and is loved by all who know her (and aren't evil). Part of you may say it because she's just a princess but she's willing to sacrifice her own life to save her people (like being eaten by a dragon).

Rosella always lived with her mother and father, King Graham and Queen Valanice in their kingdom of Daventry. Around her 18th birthday a dragon came and terrorized their land and Rosella did the only thing she could think of, sacrifice herself to save her kingdom. But luckily she was saved by her long lost twin brother, Alexander. As the kingdom rejoined at the vanquished dragon, saved princess and refound prince, their beloved king collaspes, ill. Rosella than set out on a quest to save her father, she returns victorious and there is a couple years of peacefulness (if you don't count the time Rosella, Valanice and Alexander along with thier castle got taken away and the time her brother went off in search of his on true love.) When the princess was nearing 20 her mother pressed the subject of marriage upon her, than she immeadiantly given a chance for another adventure, which she of course took having no interest in getting married just yet. Once in a new world she is thrusted into a quest to save the world from an evil faerie and when it was all over she found something that made her mother happy, some to court her.

Creation History: For those who don't know, Rosella and her family's tales and played out in the game series King Quest (one through seven, eight really didn't have anything to do with them) one of the best adventure games series ever!
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