Krisanith's Test

Part 1

In a small dreary village on Malestrom in the smallest stone house with a little garden of roses and herbs out front sits a girl with hair like molten onyx studying form a book five times the size of the bible. From time to time Krisanith looks up exposing he bright green eyes. Khallendros, a young man in his early twenties with hair just like his Krisanith's, but with icy blue eyes would actionably walking the room to check on his younger sister. "Krisanith haven't you studied enough, I mean you have been in this room for over an hour." He said at particular instedence. "No, I have not brother. If I don't study a few hours a day I will begin forgetting the spells. And besides tomorrow have a lesson with Master Cyan." She replied solemnly.

Malestrom's sky grew dark as the day proceeded and the constellations dotted up above, and still Krisanith studied on with a single candle to give her light. The candle was never used when she is lit it, but by the time she finished it was just a small stump. Not bothering to blow it out Krisanith rose to gaze at the constellations. "Lina is waxing and the Blood Star is waning." She commented using her childhood nicknames she gave to the moons over a decade ago. "I don't want to met any living thing that can tell me what the moon that represents black magic is doing right now." At that she blew out the candle and went to bed.

Every moment of her dreams was full of dreams in with robe speaking in a strange language with ease. The air was redolent of the smell of rose petals and spices. A long wooden staff lay to on side radisating light. Then, the silence except for the light sound of the rushing of robes

* * * * *

Krisanith stepped upon the small step between her house and the ground and lifted her eyes to the sky; the clouds covered the sky making it impossible to know if she was going to be late for her lesson. Little drops of water plummeted onto the earth, darkening it. Stepping off the step she put in her purple shawl over her head.

After walking about a mile through the wilderness Krisanith came to a dome with a difficult trail leading up it. "It only looks that way to keep unwanted people away," she reassured herself "Even though it will be harder to climb it because of the rain." And with that started her three-mile hike up it.

When Krisanith came across a circle of moss she stopped. "Asi treince hoda." She said in a loud clear voice. Not a second passed from when she finished did the moss and rock part away reviling a cavern. A loud, booming voice came from the darkness; it was her teacher Master Cyan. "Krisanith Regime you are late again." "I apologize Master" she replied meaningfully. "You are forgiven, now take your seat."

* * * * *

When the lesson was over and Krisanith and the other students were leaving Master Cyan called out her name. Oh well, she thought he probably is going to lecture me about being on time.

"Krisanith as you know the Conclave monitors each student that comes here and all other places where this art is taught." He began. "Master, even people who don't study magic know that." Krisanith replied not knowing what exactly he was aiming at. "When the Conclave thinks that a certain pupil is ready, the notify the teacher." He continued. "Ready for what Master?" "Why ready for the test. Krisanith." THE TEST! Krisanith thought just realizing what Master Cyan was aiming at. How could the Conclave even think that I could survive the test Krisanith opened her mouth to protest, but quickly shut it. Master Cyan seeing the reaction and commented "I understand your shock, I mean you have only studied magic at for only seven years… even through the Conclave are experts in these things. Krisanith, you know that the Conclave can never make you take the test now or ever if you don't think you are ready." "Master Cyan do you think I am ready?" "I am sorry Krisanith, only you can answer that question."

* * * * *

Kneeling before her small garden Krisanith picked a few leaves from each plant, thinking to herself tomorrow I leave for the Tower of Ricolan maybe I will never come back. She has always thought how boring this life is but to actually leave it was just too much. Krisanith's mind filled with ways to tell Master Cyan and the Conclave that she was not ready just yet. Stop it!

She told herself angrily. Khallendros ascended into her mind, she was all he had left in the world. What would happen if I failed? What would my death do to him? Again excuses came into her mind and again she pushed them out. I'm going to take the test, even if it kills me.

* * * * *

Walking out of the forest and into the courtyard Krisanith glance around at the Tower of Ricolan. She was thankful that the red moon of neutral magic blessed the tower because the moon of blessed the nearest tower was of dark magic. She noticed that something was moving towards her. When she came close she realized that the thing was a specter, an undead creature that protects every tower, just one touch means death. Krisanith gathered her courage and spoke "No need to be alarmed specter, I am here to take the test." "Follow." the specter said, it really did not move its mouth to speak for it had none. Krisanith followed it obediently into the tower itself and maybe to her own death.

* * * * *

Well this is my test Krisanith thought walking down a dimly lit corridor that has so many turns that the end could not be seen. When the end did come it led into a small room with three doors leading from it. One door had a white symbol, the next door had a red symbol, and the last door had a black symbol on it. "Which door should I choose first?" she said out loud. Opening the door with the white symbol on it, she walked though it into whatever it let to.

To Krisanith's astonishment she found herself in her own town, whaled down the dirt packed road to her house. Krisanith sensed that there was different about the town, but she could not put her finger on it. Only when she got home did she realize what it was. I must be in another time she concluded be cause my garden is gone. Aloud ringing of a bell broke her concentration. The town bell only rings at emergencies. What could be going on?

A tall slender woman with black hair and blue eyes with a man with brown hair and green eyes ran out of Krisanith's home. Mom? Dad? She though to herself Could this be when… "Mom, Dad! Where are you going?" shouted a small girl from the door. The woman stopped, turned around, and answered "Go back inside Krisanith, me and your father have to do something very important right now." The little Krisanith made a face, but went inside the house. Memories flooded to the older Krisanith about what was going on, she (older Krisanith) felt sorry for herself (younger Krisanith) because this was when her parents died in an ogre raid… again

* * * * *



It happened again…twice including the little me. The ogres that killed my parents paid for it…at least in this dream. Who was that person who, after the fight told me to come here, to my thinking spot? Krisanith thought pondering to herself over the question over and over and over again. Her senses told her that something was coming…something big

Getting up, Krisanith thought about what spell did she would use and the spell's condiments. Just then the creature stepped out into the clearing and the sight took Krisanith's breath away. It was a large white winged horse with a silvery mane and sky blue eyes. The winged horse continued walking until it was right in front Krisanith. In a musical voice it spoke "Do not be afraid mage, you have passed the first part of your test and are now permitted to rest." Puzzled Krisanith asked, "How am I supposed to get there?" "Why on my back of course human." Krisanith could hardly hold her excitement to get the honor to ride on the back of a winged horse. She climbed up onto its back and flew away into the sun

End of Part 1

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