Arcane Magic in the Priestess Quintet
Since the all the divine magic used in the series are prayers in English and you can tell what the effect of the spell is going to be I will not talk about it here. The types of arcane magic are listed here and what spells in that type do
Dragon Magic
"Power of water, air and earth, bring this fire back to it's birth!"
While living with dragons near the Enchanted Forest Susannah and several of her friends came across this spell that makes the caster's body immune of even the hotest of fire. The spell is activated by tossing some feverfew into the air and reciting the rhyme above. Please note that I say the caster's body, because clothes and hair and shinged or burned more and more the more time passes from when the initial casting took place. This is why Susannah will redo the spell ever couple of years or so.
Patryn Runes
Six years of living around a race of spellcasters kind of causes you to pick up some of the more common spell casted by the people. These circular runes are either drawn and/or spoken to cause aid to physical things like people, rocks and what not. Patryn runes boast people's strength, agility, or health, can heal but they can also do the opposite. Susannah rarely used Patryn runes because she sees little need or their used or could do it by other means. One of the two runes on Susannah's wooden ring is a Patryn rune and all the runes on her bracers are Patryn as well.
Sartan Runes
Sartan runes are the predecesor of the Patryn ones and are pentangular (having five sides) and usually sung, hummed or drawn. These runes either help or hinder ones thinking doing anything from expanding ones mind, healing one's wound or illness, remove other thing that could disrupt concentration or throwing it in to harm their enemies. The runes on Susannah's cloak and the other rune of her wooden ring are Sartan runes. Since Susannah sings whenever she's bored, tired, stressed, scared, etc there is a chance that the song she chooses to sing turns out of be a Sartan rune, if she is humming or singing and something all of a sudden happens, chances are Susannah was humming a rune unknowing.
Ceremonies and Rituals
Susannah will do religious ceremonies or rituals on certain occasions, these are based on real magickal ritual of either ceremonial magic or pagan, depending on why she's doing it
Although Susannah is most powerful as a Priestess of the Lord and Lady she does practice sorcery. Similar to the wizardy of Hogwarts she relies on her innate magical power and words to bring forth and cast spells, the follow are the spells she knows how to cast organized by the level of energy is needed to be used to cast the spell. The spell's incantation is also included with the name and describtion to aid you when reading to figure out what she's casting. (Note all these spells and effects are of a Sixth level 3.0 edition D&D sorceror with 16 in charisma so you can even check)
Cantrips (Plane 0)
"Tulol Samqu"
Detect Magic: Allow Susannah to sense magical items, creatures and spells with 20m (60 ft.)
"Sheheshal Naut Elghinyrr"
Disrupt Undead: Mildy harms on undead creature
Light: Similar to the wizard spell "Lumos" except Susannah can make anything, be it herself, her staff, someone's eyeballs, light up instead of just a wand
"Peshakem Di"
Mage Hand: Allows Susannah the ability to telekinetically move small things (under 5 pounds) about.
Mending: Makes minor repairs on an object.
"Sareh Lash Lavaqul"
Ray of Frost: shots out a shard of ice.
"Avalaquk Samqu"
Read Magic: Allows Susannah the ability to read magical writing, duh
Plane One
"Tulol Naut Elghinyrr"
Detect Undead: Allows Susannah to sense undead with 20m.
"Hob Azabeck"
Feather Fall: Slows the target's decent to less than one meter per second (2 ft.), a opposed to ten meters per second per second
Identify: used on a magical item to find out it's enchantments.
"Samqu Lit"
Magic Missile: Sends forth three crossbow bolts, arrows, or sling bullets of magical energy. A very popular spell for wizards and sorcerors like Susannah.
Plane Two
Knock: Unlocks various types of locks or can temporarily disband an arcane lock. Susannah's version of "Alohamora."
"Chezat Orem Lash Melf"
Melf's Acid Arrow: Fires an acid arrow that if it hits corrodes the target for 18 seconds. (Ow!)
Plane Three
"Revasir Hetatz"
Fireball: a ball of fire that explodes into a 7m (20 ft.) area. Another common spell choosen.
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