About Buster the Cat
Full Name: Buster Jay Fuzzball
Gender: Male
Born 7-24-1995
Died 10-16-2006
Birthplace: Modesto, Ca
Original Name: Furrball
Weight: (7-23-1999) 15 lbs.
Appearence: long fur brown tabby with white paws and bell. Two distinct markings, a fist-sized tabby-mark on the chest and two round circles under the nose. His eyes were emerald green.
Attitude: Buster, unlike most cats didn't like to be picked up and petted. He was mainly an outdoors cat but he had to stay inside because he had feline leukemia. Buster had the most annoying meow in the world, but he did have good volume control with it. He liked to gaze out my window more than anyone else's because mine has the best view of the front house. He liked to be petted if you don't pick him up. In his older age, sometime around late 2004 Buster's mobility began to decrease more and more for some unknown reason. By the time of his death he only could move around by using his front claws to dig into surfaces and drag him to where he wanted to go, but he fought hard and hung onto everything he could do by himself until the very end. Let it never be said he was an easy-going cat.

Favorite food: Chicken or Turkey meat
Favorite toy: long piece of string
Favorite place to be petted: his head
Favorite person: Me (I give him his food)
Favorite thing to do but can't: go outside
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