The Knight of Cups
Disclamer: J. K. Rowling deserves the most credit here because she made this wonderful world. The creators of Myth deserve attention because they created the world I'm in and gave so much more. Jimmy Page deserves credit for creating "The Battle of Evermore" and J. R. R. Tolkien deserves credit for creating the world that the song's about. I also deserve credit since I wrote this.
     Something that looked and felt like sunlight came down upon the ground from no obvious source, giving warmth and light enough that many of the flowers in this expansive garden had spread their petals open and their scents drifted across the small world. Laying on the grass was someone resting, or perhaps, taking a nap in the late Afternoon. The person was a woman who could have been as young as 16 and as old as 30 for her face had both youth and age in it. If most normal people walked by her they would have thought her human like them until they notice her hair was an unnatural metallic gold color and than they would think her some sort of faerie and would try to catch her for various, selfish reasons. Luckily for her though, most normal people wouldn't be walking around her home, let alone find the book that's the enterance to the world, so she was quite safe that way.

      The tall flowers just above the woman's head began to sway back and forth and the noise of something coming toward her stirred her out of the dreamlike trance she was in. Her eyes fluttered open to reveal light blue eyes that never fails to recieve complements, she turned her head to look at the coming creature, not fast out of fear but slow out curiousity. Nothing on this world was dangerous, at least, the ones that live there, when the woman got this world it was only inhabited by small rodent-like animals and she herself added some similar animals and birds to the world as well as making it into a garden paradise. The creature that created the distrubance came out into the open, it was a little bigger and had the coloring of a possum, but it's ear flaps that would normaly stick out was plastered to the sides of the thing's head. "Hey there little thing," the woman said, reaching out her hand to pet it. Unlike running like most prey it stayed put long enough to stroke it a couple of times before going back into the foliage, she was the owner of the world after all.

      The woman watched the squee animal go under brush and out of sight before sitting up and streching. As she gazed around and notice a little bag near her, as she picked it up she said out loud to herself, "I probably should do what I came here to do." She opened up the bag and turned it upside down so the contents slid out, it was a deck of large cards. She set the bag back down on the ground and held the card in both her hands as she moved her legs around to sit cross-legged. "What does this next school year hold," she says softly, clearly as she starts to shuffle the deck.

      She shuffled the cards for a while before setting out 15 cards face down in five sets of three with the sets positioned like an "X." The woman flipped over the first card, the center card in the center set, it depicked a skeleton wearing a helmet and wielding a scythe. She smirked and chuckled, most people would have panicked at the sight of the death card. She reached into the bag and pulled out a notepad whose sprial bounds with a pencil inside them had kept the pad from falling out with the cards. She wrote down "Death" in the center of an empty page, than flipped over the cards on either side the trump and recorded what they were. "There's going to change ahead, disruptive change," she added before she reached and flipped over all three cards of the upper right set. "We'll want to work away from THIS future, the suffering, the oppresion, the hatred. . . not this one."

     With those cards recorded she moved to the upper left and revealed them, "This is the future we want," she said at once, "But there will be loses." She wrote them down, "The pain of war cannot exced the woe of aftermath," she said out loud, "
the drums will shake the castle walls the ringwraiths ride in black," she thought, finishing the "Battle of Evermore" quote before revealing the lower left set. "The Knight of Cups, the High Priestess, and The Reversed Devil plays the major roles in this. . ." she recorded them, "The Priestess could be me, that is one of the representations I have in this deck, but it could be anyone with wisdom that guides, I guess, the Knight of Cups. I wonder who the other two people or peoples are." She said as she turn over the last three cards, "What advice we have is to never remember the values we learned and the wisdom we have gained."

      ~Susannah! Susannah!~ the woman, Susannah apparently, hear the words spoken in her mind. She turned her head and saw a small reddish-brown thing flying towards her, it was a dragon-like thing with a long barbed tail, when the thing was close enough to hear the woman's voice she said, "What is it Andriel?"

     Andriel, a psuedodragon as her type was called mindspoke again ~Dumbledore sent you some mail, he wants to to come to Hogwarts ASAP!~ Susannah rolled her eyes as she reorganized the cards to put them away, it was early July and school wasn't for two more months and she was told at the end of last year that even the teachers don't started doing anything until August unless circumstances require it earlier. ~I wonder what's going on?~

      "I'll find out while you put this away," Susannah said sharply, handing Andriel the bag. ~But! I wanted to come to!~

     "You would be a distraction and I don't think your presence is needed Andrel,"
     ~But Dumbledore has so many cool things in his office~
     "Things that are fragile and breaking the Headmaster's stuff would no help the face that you're still not really legal to be there."
     ~Awww. . . you're not fun!~ The psuedodragon said and flew disjectively the away she came, Susannah rolled her eyes again and followed.
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