disclamer:pleeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaseeeeeeee don't sue us! If you all did imagine how much money we would have to pay! All of us are of age but we're college students that means that we're broke and because we're not making money off of this it means that the Fair Use act works for us!
Nevermind takes place the summer of 2001 and combines whatever we happened to like the 1998-1999 year (so some stuff is a little off). The mainish characters are Suzanne, Renshaw (Scott), Jonathan Scott, Thomas Renshaw,  Josef Ferria-Garcia, Dennis Sullivan, Buster/Kitty, Daphne, Samson, Onyx, Diana  and Lloyd Scott. All except Diana and Lloyd exist in real life as who they are (except Dennis is NOT a sock)
Nevermind is being updated currently, the prologue is being written by me (I lost what I had before), the book itself is being rearranged so the readers don't reread anything, and I am currently bugging Tom to find where the hell he put book 2 (and if he lost it, he rewrites it)
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