Onyx's Info Page

Gender: Female
Birthplace: Campbell, Ca
Birthdate: 5-25-98
Original Name: Onyx
Weight: 3 lbs.
Appearance: Onyx is a charcoal colored Netherland drawf rabbit. When I first got her she was the size of my hand. Her fur has gotten lighter the first winter she went though.
Attitude: Onyx is friendlier than most pet bunnies, but she will always come to me when something scares her. She, like most animals likes the person who spent the most time with her when she first came here...me! She loves to nibble and everything her can get. Scotty just saw her yawn today (7-25-99) for the first time and is hopping around her cage.


Favorite food: seeds like sunflower and bird
Favorite thing to do: nibble on her box
Favorite person: Me (I'm her owner and I've never done anything to her that she hasn't liked.)
Favorite pet other than her: Daphne, she can jump on Daphne and the cat doesn't do anything.
Favorite position: bunched together so she looks like a blob of fur with eyes.

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