Susannah/Suzanne D&D char sheet:

Stats: Strength 8: even though she's lived a life camping and climbing are she is very weak and it doesn't really hurt when she punches; Dexterity 14: she has trained herself to be quasi-ambidexterice but isn't totally, she's very good at balancing on stuff and dancing; Consitution 7; she gets sick REALLY easily and suffers from a mental illness of the same family as depression. It would be lower except she can put up with things a long time until things gang up on her; Intelligence 14:  she is a whiz at math and science and has always been complimented on her skills; Wisdom 14: she is also gifted in understanding how the world works, she watches and understands often and is alway helpful when giving advice; Charisma 15:  she has a sweet, innocent attitude that people take comfort in but she acts a little odd somethings are can be so sweet, it's sickening. She is also very shy and prefers to watch than participate.
Attitude: besides being sweet and innocent she can have two very different personalities and switch between at any time. She can be bright, happy and ditzy dressed in colorful clothes or she can be dark, depressive, and earthy wearing all black. Cute, fuzzy things will almost always take her out of her dark mood, especially cats which she's always had a strong bond with.
Religion: She is a earth sprituality practicer (buddist, wicca, druidism, pagan...) she wears a homemade pentacle (5-pointed star surrounded by a circle) around her neck. She used to be Christain and still practices it's type of magick, she quotes from the Bible and has a deep sense of morals and values and is willing to argue her beliefs to those who misjudge her.
Family: She's the oldest of 3; Her mother is the oldest of 3 and her father is the oldest of 4, she only has 2-1st cousins though, one 9 years younger and the other 18 year younger. Her parents actually are married and live together (a rarity in these times). She has one younger brother, Thomas and a younger sister, Carolyn. Her father practices Christain magick and began to teach her when she was 13, but she alway felt the call of the earth and turned to green magick.
Classes: Thief: she is good at sneaking around not getting caught, not problem with fighting dirty and walks very quitely, she also lies rather convincingly; Ranger: she's an outdoors person and likes animals and fights for nature. She might not be a very effective warrior but she can handle all the legal trouble; Sorceror: magick comes to her naturally, like everyone on this earth, she studies just to farther her understanding of it all, she prefers elemental and divination spell; Cleric: she is a follower of the gods magick and prays during many of her spells.
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