Info About Me
Gender: Female (Duh!)
Birthdate: 4-10-84
Birthplace: Santa Clara, Ca
Full Name: Suzanne Michelle Renshaw
Weight: (7-23-99) 130 lbs. (honestly)
Appearance: About 5'6". My skin has a light tan because I was outside alot when I was growing up. My hair is brown with alot of blond in it and a little red mixed in. My hair goes a hand span pass my shoulder. My eyes are a beautiful shade of blue (so everyone tells me) which is a common trait for my family.
Attitude: I may be the oldest but I don't really act or look like it. I act like the average middle child: moody, quite, and meek. My brother looks like he is one or two years older than me but he is 1 1/2 years younger. I love to read alot and some of my english teachers thought that I couldn't read alot of the larger books (around 1000 pages.). It took me about 5 months (not reading everyday) to finish the Shannara books out right now. (8 books) Mine and my brother's music taste is many our fathers (rock & classical). I like the lighter side of our dad's music and Tom has the darker side. We like the other's music, but we like our own more. (We have no idea what happened to our little sister but she likes ...rap.) The thing that makes me unique in our group is the fact that I am the only human female in it

Favorite pet: Daphne!
Favorite food: Strawberries
Favorite type of music: classic rock
Favorite band: YES
Favorite color: blue and purple
Favorite animal: cat
Favorite outfit: hair down, t-shirt, jeans, and a long necklace.(look at my picture on this page.)
Favorite subjects: Math (because I'm good at it), English (I like writing), and History (some of it is interesting)
Favorite Song: Owner of a Lonely Heart
Favorite Movie: the Star Wars Trilogy
Favorite Story: The Chronicles of Dragonlance
Favortie Cute thing: Onyx
Favorite thing to collect: gemstones like- onyx and quatz
Favorite first cousin: Chris (I only one first cousin, but he's cool anyway.)
Favorite place to visit: Yosemite National Park
Favorite female name: Diane (hense the name of my daughter in the story)
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