The Battle of Bastet and
Disclamer: J. K. Rowling deserves the most credit here because she made this wonderful world. Wizards of the Coast gave some many little things to this (the one you're reading) they deserve some credit too. I also deserve credit since I wrote this.
     All over Hogwarts the atmosphere was of relief and joy, the school year was over and the much
loved Dumbledore was back at his seat of Headmaster. But somehow there was a dark cloud over
the festivites of the feast, a faint trace but one that all the student could feel. Perhap sit was because the Headmaster wasn't wearing as elaborate of robe as they would have expected and that the Madame Scott, who in all the time they knew her would wear her hair up and a lovely gown that would rival the Headmaster's, was wear harsh undyed cotton with her hair down.

      Susannah lowered her head to look at the only piece of jewerly she wore, her wedding ring was
is the only reason that she didn't take it off. Her gold hair fell in front of her face,forming a metallic curtain from the world as she shared some private thoughts. "I've dressed like this the last few days and none of the other student stopped to ask what happed, do none of them know mourning garb when they see it?" she chuckled once, "probably not, most of these wizards don't know much about anything really, not even magic!" She huffled at her comment,remembering her eariler conversation with the Head of the Secrets Department, "It's not their fault for their ignorance but one would think that wizard would know a little more about what's going on around them."

She grabbed her goblet in front of her and raised it and her eyes up to the magiced ceiling, and thought, "Father, please lead Sirrus on the right path. Mother, please protect he from harm . . . whether if he's on the road of death or continuing the road of time, be with him." As she was about to take a drink something moving caught her eye, she lowered the cup and saw Harry walk through the door to the Great Hall. She sighed as she set what was in her hand down and stood up, "Well, even if the term is over I still have a job to do," she thought while she followed Potter.
     All groups of people living together have some form of a government though some might have less
rules binding it together it's still there. In a world hidden just behind any normal person's eyes lives things of faerie tales, dragons and elves and wizards. In the British's wizard government, located under London of course, sat the right hand to the Minsiter of Magic in heroffice. Dolores Umbridge was a bitter old woman who looked like a fat little frog. She tries,note tries, to lighten up her image by wearing pink and lace and surrounding herself withplates with cute little moving kittens on them. Under it still was a irratible racist ladythat people only tolerate because of a position that she only got because once she's convicedof something is will never fail to believe in it. "Excuse me sir, I was the one who contacted you earlier about seeing Ms. Umbridge," a familar voice carried through the door that on the
other side was Dolores's secretary, "Of course Ma'am, she has no appointment for another half an hour."

      The woman offered her thanks and opened the door and slipped in, somehow figuring that Umbridge new she was coming. Dolores almost gasped at the sight! The woman wore a silken crimson dress with a velvet trenchcoat and a silver Ankh around her neck. With the clothes and her black hair and lipstick she looked just like one of those Muggle, which is what wizards call normal people, wizard-wannabes Goth, "how DARE this woman come dressed to be like this?" she thought in her head but outloud she just said "who are you?" making little attempt to hide her loathing. The woman just giggled and moved towards Dolores slowly probably, Umbridge figure, because of the small black bag she was carrying. It wasn't until Dolores saw the woman's blue eyes did she realize that it was Susannah Scott, an assistant teacher to Hogwart, the school for wizards in the country.
To farther press the point home Umbridge looked down at the woman's hand and sure enought there
were two rings, one a silvery band with an emerald, a diamond and a sapphire on it and the other
a wooden band with an intricate pattern craved into it. "What do you want here Mrs. Scott?" Dolores
asked, purposely not using the title the woman got from being a teacher.

      Susannah giggled again and began to straighten up what could only be a wig since the woman's hair was shorter and a strange metallic gold color, "She must have put it on so the Muggles' did say anything," Dolores figured. Susannah began "As you know, I am working with the Department of Secrets to discover what is held behind a curtain there," she continued on after Umbridge nodded, "And we've hit a road block because there is no record of anything having to do with this curtain. So we need a diviner to look over the curtain and try to find out what's it's about."

      Dolores nodded again and said, "What does any of this have to do with me Susannah?" She smiled and continued, "Well. . . I know you had a divination teacher lined up last year. . . I want you to
contact her, or him, and tell them that I have a business proclamation for them." Dolores was about
to deny the woman her wish but Susannah cut her off with a finger before reaching into the bag, "I
know better than asking for favors from one who doesn't like me, so I bargain with them, I offer you
this as payment for your help." And with that pulled the thing out.

      This time Umbridge did realese a gasp, it was a little white kitten. That in and of itself would not
have created that reaction but it was the most beautiful cat she had ever seen, it made the painted
picture of kittens that were perfected anyway look like mangy alley cats. "This is an axeortic house
cat, this was made from the original mold of the cat and is therefore perfect in any and everyway.
Did I hit the right button? Will you except my offer and help me?" Dolores only nodded in reply.
Susannah smiled, "Than you shall get this little girl when she's ready to live away from her mother,
which is in three weeks time, until then Dolores"

      Susannah put the kitten back into the bag and bow to Umbridge before leaving the office, the misitry, and the city. Dolores sat back into her chair, excited about getting the little kitten.
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