
Hi, and welcome to my guestbook! If you haven't signed it already, please do so! Thanx! :)

..... - 12/08/00 23:11:36


LeighAnn - 11/23/00 15:52:09
My Email:[email protected]
From: lexington, ky USA
Favorite Movie: city of angels, stigmata
Favorite Song: barcelona, painters, angel standing by (anything jewel, basically), stellar, kissing you
Favorite Saying: loving someone else is always so much easier, but i hold myself hostage in the mirror- but if you could hear the voice in my heart it would tell you- i'm tired of feeling this way

~~i just dropped by, you said you were interested in starting a band, and i thought i'd have a little listen of your music~~ ~*~LA~*~

Cameron - 11/14/00 08:58:03
My URL:http://photos.yahoo.com/bc/toronto17_98
My Email:[email protected]
From: Scarborough
Favorite Movie: blah
Favorite Song: BLAH
Favorite Saying: blah

I was looking in RMF, and say you pic, and dicided to come visit your site. I was looking through the "Friends Pics" part and saw what you wrote about Carrie and Theresa. I thought that was SOO sweet and if I were one of them I would feel sooooooo special to have a friend like you. Someone who would take the time to do something like that for me in my memory. I just wanted to tell you that I thought that was a great way to remember them.

Nik - 11/09/00 23:02:11
My URL:http://meincollege.8k.com
From: Rockford
Favorite Movie: all
Favorite Song: all
Favorite Saying: all

I think your page is cool and you are beutiful.

Drue Boulet - 10/31/00 17:04:07
My Email:[email protected]
From: Manitouwadge, Ontario
Favorite Movie: Happy Gilmore
Favorite Song: Violent By Design
Favorite Saying: O'Doyle rules!!

comments eh.... Hey, Hi, Nice page, cool layout, ummm, I don't know, it just says your comments... =) Well, I got suspended from school today for allegedly pushing a teacher, she walked infront of me and i wasnt looking, so blah, first time ever, vice principal was like I havent seen an OAC student get suspended in over 13 years, woohoo, at least he made e feel like I accomplished something =) were these the type of comments you were looking for or... neato, cool site and everything, i like it i like it =) heheh, sorry I'm hyper,I've never been suspended before and its so cool, I got to come home and have the day off, and sleep =) well i have many more comments but i do believe this is getting rather long for a guestbook signing =) hmm.... what to do now, sleep sounds good, bye =�

vera crane - 10/30/00 16:40:19
My Email:[email protected]


webmasterivan - 10/30/00 08:33:50
My URL:http://www.animatie.homepage.com
My Email:[email protected]
From: gouda holland
Favorite Movie: the rock
Favorite Song: ks'choice
Favorite Saying: en wat zeggen we dan opdonderen

its a nice cite and the games are a bit loony COME AL TO MY SITE HTTP://WWW.ANIMATIE.HOMEPAGE.COM

Brandon Sky - 10/25/00 05:27:17
My URL:http://www.brandonsky.com
My Email:[email protected]
From: Toronto
Favorite Movie: Titanic
Favorite Song: Right Here Waiting
Favorite Saying: The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams!

I dropped by your site hoping to get some inspiration since I happened to be a singer/songwriter. And even from what I know about you so far, I could easily turn someone like you into a love song anytime!

chiamattt - 10/24/00 23:07:07
My URL:http://www.chiamattt.com
My Email:[email protected]
From: ottawa
Favorite Movie: nothing
Favorite Song: none
Favorite Saying: none

ok the midi has to go. like. how can you expect people who hate midi to goto yer page?

Brian...aka -Quicherbichin- - 10/23/00 01:31:34
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/fatalko_69
My Email:[email protected]
From: tha koolest person in da world =b
Favorite Movie: 6th Sense =b
Favorite Song: Rollin by Limp Bizkit/MethodMan/DMX/Redman =b
Favorite Saying: Da MaDD SkwirL DiZeeZ is Commin to GeT Ya!! =b

Well i see that u have everyone from RMF messagin u =b....talk about no lifes huh he he j/k =b Ur page is perty kool =) Mines better tho =b j/k Both of r pages both load at the same rate...slow =b he he to many pics...but its all good Ne ways talk to u laters ok Ill still try to keep u at #1 in RMF =)

Alex - 10/20/00 10:25:26
From: Australia

What the hell is this "rate my face" thing???? wtf?

Asasn Nader - 10/19/00 13:15:00
My URL:http://www.govt-cheese.com
My Email:[email protected]
From: Govt Cheese
Favorite Movie: Blackbelt Jones
Favorite Song: This song playin, GAWD its fuckin full on MIDI rockin!
Favorite Saying: Piss off you fucker

Laurens my new girlfriend so go check out how cute she is @ http://www.ratemyface.com/protected/10.cfm?vote=LaurenEve and shes so smart too! Im really glad we are together.

Adam M - 10/19/00 06:27:45
My Email:[email protected]
From: Mississauga
Favorite Movie: Seven
Favorite Song: U2- With or Without You
Favorite Saying: want what u have.

Hey, i just stumbled on your page when i was on ratemyface. You have a pretty impressive page. Do you use html coding yourself or do you use drag and drops life Frontpage and HotDog. I dunno, its just nice to see interesting girls out there with decent ho bies. I love music too. Been writing for 6 years. But anyways i just wanted to give you props for a wikkkkid page. Byes.

Daniel - 10/19/00 06:00:50
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/sk/warheads
My Email:[email protected]
From: Melbourne, Australia
Favorite Movie: Star Wars Trilogy, Braveheart
Favorite Song: The Swing my Mourning Widows
Favorite Saying: Lauren Eve!

I there gorgeous. How are you. You site kicks ass over mine! Mines plain and simple! But you good lookin anyway so that beats me hands down! Luv ya Daniel

Mad - 10/14/00 21:05:22
My URL:http://www.envy.nu/retrogenesis
My Email:[email protected]
Favorite Movie: Austin Powers
Favorite Song: Beatles - Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds
Favorite Saying: A thousand spanks to you!

Love your site! It's super spiff! :D TTYL! ~Mad~

WarDog - 09/29/00 03:52:24
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/wa2/wardog/index.html
My Email:[email protected]
From: Alberta, Canada

Really nice page ... glad I stopped by.

De Priester - 09/26/00 18:57:56
My URL:http://sacrede.bizland.com/sacredemulation.htm
My Email:Check my homepage for details
From: The Netherlands
Favorite Movie: The Hurricane, Star Wars, Forrest Gump and loads more
Favorite Song: Queen, Who wants to live forever.
Favorite Saying: I did all my homework !

Nice page, please check out http://sacrede.bizland.com/sacredemulation.htm for all your Emulation needs !

De Priester - 09/26/00 18:55:57
My URL:http://sacrede.bizland.com/sacredemulation.htm
My Email:Check my homepage for details
From: The Netherlands
Favorite Movie: The Hurricane, Star Wars, Forrest Gump and loads more
Favorite Song: Queen, Who wants to live forever.
Favorite Saying: I did all my homework !

Nice page, please check out http://sacrede.bizland.com/sacredemulation.htm for all your Emulation needs !

Mark - 09/07/00 21:55:54
My Email:[email protected]
From: England
Favorite Movie: Bladerunner
Favorite Song: (Today it's..) Dreaming Of Injured Pop Stars

Saw your page on Napster but couldn't find any music on your site. (And just who does that asshole who signed a bit below me think he is, commenting on your looks. Take no notice....) Nice site....

phybur - 09/07/00 02:33:41
My URL:http://www.virtue.nu/phybur
My Email:[email protected]
From: canada
Favorite Movie: usual suspects
Favorite Song: lornetka
Favorite Saying: the world's so full of sh*t, why bother wiping your ass

wow, this is a really great page. i like the layout, it's easy to navigate. i like easy navigation for web pages!

2 hot 4 u - 08/30/00 02:18:51

cool page but u still need to loose a little, if you know what i mean...baby got back!!!

Mary - 08/28/00 02:51:52
My URL:http://angelfire.lycos.com/tn2/ButterflyFlirt/
My Email:[email protected]
From: TN
Favorite Movie: I have a lot of fav movies.
Favorite Song: I have a lot of fav songs.
Favorite Saying: "Do what?"

I love the website- it's awesome!

Greg - 08/17/00 05:34:47

If that bastard wants to talk more shit, ill fuckin kill him, u know who u are sorry for the bad words

Greg Thompson - 08/17/00 05:33:15
My Email:[email protected]
From: T Dot
Favorite Movie: Fight Club
Favorite Song: The one that is playing
Favorite Saying: Hmmm

Hey baby, so im here and ur in PQ if you dont get back soon i think i i will go crazy! ok my head is going in circles so i will go now! but ya wicked page, but you need more about Greg!:) Ill talk to you soon!!

- 08/06/00 23:36:34

it is a cool webpage but u need 2 lose a little.... if u know what I mean

Kate - 07/18/00 03:07:29
My URL:http://fly.to/KatiesLife
My Email:[email protected]
From: Chicago Suburbs, IL, USA
Favorite Movie: Interview With The Vampire
Favorite Song: The Real Slim Shady
Favorite Saying: "If all the world is a stage, I want better lighting."

Great webpage you've got going here! You clearly worked really hard on it, and it shows! Good job :-)

Krystal di Fiore - 07/13/00 00:59:56
My URL:http://tuolles.cjb.net
My Email:[email protected]
From: southern cali
Favorite Movie: the nightmare before christmas
Favorite Song: sellout ~ reel big fish
Favorite Saying: "mop the flore with a nice angry feeling" ~pulley

hey girl.. man i like your site!! i like how you make everything really colorfull. and wow.. haha i like this song!!! i want to musica on my site, but i'm only learning all this. my site's just a baby, but i like it. (= well, later chick!! ~krystal (=

Andrew Ainscow - 07/02/00 15:22:09
My URL:http://www.hedghogz.co.uk
My Email:use my website to contact me
From: UK
Favorite Movie: James Bond - The World is Not Enough
Favorite Song: Daphne & Celeste - Ugly

Hey - cool site! Tell me what you think of mine please!

jennifer - 06/04/00 14:25:01
My Email:[email protected]
From: ireland
Favorite Movie: armaggedon

hey lauren cool pages

Naomi - 05/27/00 18:39:33
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/hi/fuzzypie
My Email:[email protected]
From: Canada (B.C)
Favorite Movie: Titanic, Man in the Iron mask, Armagetton,
Favorite Song: Creed- Higher, Vertical Horizn-Everything you want, Enigma-Return to Innocence
Favorite Saying: Everything thats happening is soppesed to happen and whatever isn't wasn't meant to be.

Great Page, I am very sorry about your friends deaths. A friend of mine was killed. I know it hurts. Please visit my page and sign the guestbook. Love Nomes

Miracle K. - 05/22/00 01:45:25
My URL:http://www.netcolony.com/entertainment/ilikemonkeys/monkeypage.html
My Email:[email protected]
From: GWN
Favorite Movie: Stigmata
Favorite Song: The Bad Touch
Favorite Saying: Hell makes the world go 'round

Awesome page!please come see my site! thnx!

Odins Erbe - 05/16/00 23:00:08
My Email:[email protected]
From: Germany
Favorite Movie: American Pie
Favorite Song: Supergirl

Hi Great Homepage

Kim - 05/07/00 05:08:07
My URL:http://clik.to/kimbo
My Email:[email protected]
From: Louisiana
Favorite Movie: 6th Sense
Favorite Song: ummm...I have so many!
Favorite Saying: "Ask a stupid question...get a stupid answer!"

Great page! I really like the layout and the colors! Awesome job Lauren! If ya have the time to, check out my homepage sometime. Maybe you can give me some suggestions! See Ya!

Brian - 04/13/00 22:20:59
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/clifford_2002/Chick.html
My Email:[email protected]
From: Atlanta Georgia
Favorite Movie: A Walk in the Clouds..... Even for a guy I gotta admit it was good
Favorite Song: Shes So High by Tal Bachman
Favorite Saying: It takes a minute to have a crush on someone it takes an hour to like someone it takes a day to love someone it takes a lifetime to forget someone

Cool webapage I like it Write back

Chessie - 04/08/00 11:06:51
My URL:http://www.gurlpages.com/other/mschessie
My Email:[email protected]
From: Philippines
Favorite Movie: Entrapment
Favorite Song: Still by 98 degrees
Favorite Saying: Dont Live in the Past, Live the Present, Look Forward to the Future

Hi there! Just wanna say that your site is really cool! Hope you visit my site too!. Please sign the Guest Book. Anyway, Good Luck on your Site :)

Kathleen - 04/05/00 17:20:49
My Email:[email protected]
From: Kathleen
Favorite Song: anything jungle!

hey lauren! What's up? I don't know if you know who this is...we say hi in the hall, Landon's girlfriend? Anyhoo, just came across your website and thought I'd say hello! It is so cute and colourful! bye!!:) Kathleen

AoD - 03/27/00 21:25:57
My URL:http://www.aod.webprovider.com
My Email:[email protected]
From: Me
Favorite Movie: StarShip Troopers
Favorite Song: Bad habit
Favorite Saying: Watch it !!!

Lovely site ( just like you ):)

MISLED - ED - 03/16/00 21:02:43
My URL:http://www.misleded.cjb.net/
My Email:[email protected]
From: UpState New York
Favorite Movie: RazerBack
Favorite Song: any good rock song
Favorite Saying: eat me!

Nice work on your web page ***CHECK OUT THE BAND**

penicuik ventures - 03/08/00 09:46:14
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/penicuik_venture_unit
My Email:[email protected]
From: Penicuik, near Edinburgh

Very fabby site!!!!

Greg - 03/01/00 03:33:12
My URL:http://geocities.com/martyswild_99
From: T. Dot
Favorite Movie: Fight Club
Favorite Song: Bitter-Sweet Sympathny

Hey lauren, smoking homepage, it works on my computer now!! keep it up

Mark - 02/29/00 22:55:13
My Email:[email protected]
From: Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Favorite Movie: Saving Private Ryan
Favorite Song: All-Star
Favorite Saying: a phrase with "quan"- which means, love,respect,community,and the dollars too, the entire package, the quan. It's more like my word.

Awesome web page Lauren! You look great! Man, i'd give anything to get to know you!

Dieha MJ - 02/28/00 07:42:48
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/diehamj/
My Email:[email protected]
From: Malaysia
Favorite Movie: Stuart Lil'
Favorite Song: Dejavu by KRU
Favorite Saying: To be or not to be...

Cool site... keep up the good work

Julia(jewels) - 02/28/00 02:27:59
My Email:[email protected]
From: Leaside krew
Favorite Movie: anything with mark wahlburg

lauren, i can't believe that i'm in your webpage. you're so awesome. thank you for the extremly wonderful comment. thanks honey baby - Jewels

ron - 02/20/00 17:38:30
My Email:[email protected]
From: toronto
Favorite Movie: commitments
Favorite Song: take on me- aha

just passing by

Erin - 02/15/00 07:43:30
My URL:http://www.gurlpages.com/celebs/escw/index.html
My Email:[email protected]
From: Australia
Favorite Movie: Titanic
Favorite Song: Got The Feelin' by 5ive
Favorite Saying: Shut Up

I love your site!

Ang - 02/05/00 17:38:56
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/Lobby/1158/mypage.html
My Email:[email protected]
From: Oregon
Favorite Movie: Message in a Bottle or Grease
Favorite Song: I have tons
Favorite Saying: "an eye for an eye will only end up making the world blind" from gandhi

your site is really really awesome, I wish my site could be 1/4 as good. I'm sorry about your friends, I know what its like to lose a friend. Well, I wish you the best in life..keep doing whatever your doing to your site, cause it is looking great! -Ang
coeus - 02/03/00 17:50:59
My Email:[email protected]
From: HFX
Favorite Movie: Pulp Fiction
Favorite Song: Criminal Minded
Favorite Saying: I'm Not Crazy

Hello I just dropped in to say hey, there that's all!:-%

Danny - 01/28/00 00:47:29
My URL:http://http://www4.50megs.com/nomar/index.html
My Email:[email protected]
From: USA
Favorite Movie: Any movie with Bredon Fraser in it
Favorite Song: Blue, Eiffel65

Please give my site your award, thx.

Jenny Eskew - 01/27/00 22:05:53
My URL:http://www.homestead.com/eskew
My Email:[email protected]
From: Austin Texas
Favorite Movie: Titanic
Favorite Song: Hotel California
Favorite Saying: Be happy, life is wonderful

Your site is pretty cool. Love the music. Please visit mine when you get a chance. Jenny

Cole - 01/23/00 19:21:06
My URL:http://cole.allhere.com
My Email:[email protected]
From: Caledonia, Ontario
Favorite Movie: 007: The World Is Not Enough
Favorite Song: "U Drive Me Crazy" by Waldo's People

Awesome page Lauren! Keep it up!

Liz - 01/22/00 02:39:55
My URL:http://tiggernme.homestead.com/TiggerLover22.html
My Email:[email protected]
From: California
Favorite Movie: 10 Things I hate about you
Favorite Song: Christina A," What a Girl wants" and LFO, "Girl on TV"
Favorite Saying: Dude and Shut Up!

Love your page! I always wanted to play guitar. I play Piano and Clarinet. That's cool that you know, Brooke. Well, thanx! -Liz/Erica

Carla - 01/19/00 23:35:15
My URL:http://sugarykiss.url4life.com
My Email:[email protected]
From: Winnipeg, Mb. Canada
Favorite Movie: Interview With The Vampire
Favorite Song: "Breathe & Stop" Q-Tip
Favorite Saying: Do onto others like you would like to be treated

Your site is very interesting! I think that you did really well on your site and I hope that you continue to do a good job! Its so colorful and its different then some of the really bland & sad sites out there. Good job. Visit my site if ya have time, I'd appreciate it a lot... Cyaz...!

Ricky Freeze - 01/12/00 10:56:30
My Email:[email protected]
From: Monterrey,Mexico
Favorite Movie: Braveheart
Favorite Song: bryan adams everything i do i doit for you
Favorite Saying: dont worry , be happy

I like your page , is very very interesting , u look like a very nice person ; ) u are probably asking yourself "who is this guy?" , lol i dont know how i got here but i saw everything in your page and i would really like to get to know u. Ricky ICQ-29448407

Fred Kardel - 01/08/00 22:06:13
My Email:[email protected]
From: Edmonton
Favorite Movie: Dr. Zhivago
Favorite Song: Rearranged
Favorite Saying: ......later

Really cool web page. May all your dreams come true. Unky Funky

jay - 01/04/00 15:32:51
My Email:[email protected]
From: Indiana
Favorite Movie: The Stand
Favorite Song: summer of 69'
Favorite Saying: bite me

Hi. I loved your page. You have alot of pictures on it and info to. You are really nice looking also. Maybe i can catch you on icq sometime.

Rune Torvestad - 12/23/99 01:01:39
My Email:[email protected]
From: Norway
Favorite Movie: The modern Romeo&Juliet
Favorite Song: Pink Floyd !...say no more...
Favorite Saying: if you can't beat them, join'em...

Hi there Lauren-Eve!...must edmit that your site is awesome....keep up that nice worke and "I'll be back"....lol...Greetings from Norway and happy hollidays !! :o)

brittney - 12/21/99 19:21:58
My Email:[email protected]
From: new york
Favorite Movie: insinct
Favorite Song: i knew i loved you by savage garden
Favorite Saying: i love ryan !!!

please could you help my lauren i really love your page could you email me and help me get ststarted i would so be greatful !!! how do you get sound and so many other great graphics and your so creative !! please email back thanks~ britt

Stacey - 12/17/99 01:16:58
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/southbeach/lights/3356
My Email:[email protected]
From: Australia
Favorite Movie: Ever After
Favorite Song: Blue

Your site is cool

Sirjump - 12/16/99 09:25:36
From: Australia
Favorite Movie: Don't get me started - too many :)
Favorite Song: Fur Elise ~ Beethoven [yeah]
Favorite Saying: "Ahhhh..Shark Boy"

Hey Lauren, still a wonderful page. Thought it was about time I signed the guestbook, so here I am, signing your guestbook. What a suprise. hehe. Actually, don't have much constructive to say - check your email :) See ya later - Alex :)

Ali McNicol - 12/10/99 17:54:58
My URL:http://www.eng.usf.edu/~aesenbog
My Email:[email protected]
From: Depends, lived in 14 countries..no win Tampa
Favorite Movie: The Crow
Favorite Song: Hotel California
Favorite Saying: If your strong enough, there are no precedents..

Nicely organized website, easy to navigate...you did a good job. You seem like a nice person too...wouldnt mind if u wixit mine and tell me what u think of my site...and turn about is fair play so dont forget to sign my book ;-) thanks Ali

Fernando - 12/10/99 17:53:16
My URL:http://coming soon
My Email:[email protected]
From: Toronto, ON
Favorite Movie: American History X, Schindler's list, the Green Mile
Favorite Song: Lot's of goodies, but i'd have to say "Tears in Heaven" Eric Clapton
Favorite Saying: "It ain't over, til it's over."


John (uncle/cousin) - 12/09/99 07:06:51
My URL:http://soon
My Email:[email protected]
From: Los Angeles, Ca.(18yrs)
Favorite Movie: American-X,Philadelphia,Mrs Doubtfire,Misery,Raging Bull,Schindler's List,& many more
Favorite Song: all types:Miles Davis(jazz),Queen(Bohemian Rhapsody),U-2(Still haven't found...),Madona since the mid 80's,& many more!
Favorite Saying: "Should have done it myself"&"GOOD,now get over it

I'm amazed & very impressed.Wish you were closer to help me set one up. This computer technology is all very new to me,(just ask your mother).Just set up my new PC scanner & digital camera today,so expect to hear from me soon. I have many interests & find it too difficult to have "1" Fav. Keep up the Great Work and you're correct to say that your Friends will always be with you!

Magnus lance - 11/19/99 01:05:29
My URL:www.not yet
My Email:[email protected]
From: lance
Favorite Movie: saving private ryan
Favorite Song: all
Favorite Saying: nice....

hi...a wery good site...i'm just hoping u will talk to me on icq. i'm a 21 y/o guy living in sweden....drop me a line

Lil Bit - 11/07/99 13:10:16
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ab2/wierdpeopleschamber
My Email:[email protected]
From: Texas
Favorite Movie: Drop Dead Fred
Favorite Song: "Jumper" Third Eye Blind
Favorite Saying: *giggle giggle*

Your site and web-ring are real cool...keep up the interesting work!

Jim Domiano - 11/02/99 01:11:56
My URL:http://www.jimandbarb.com
My Email:[email protected]
From: Chicago, IL, USA
Favorite Movie: The Good, The Bad, The Ugly
Favorite Song: "Dancing Queen" by Abba
Favorite Saying: Eagles may soar, but weasels do not get sucked into jet engines.

Very nice pages. I guess I have to learn how to do frames now.

DJ,. - 10/14/99 10:03:37
My URL:http://www.hsv.com.au
My Email:[email protected]
From: Australia
Favorite Movie: the wedding singer, Train spotter
Favorite Song: uhmmm, hmmm cant think of it
Favorite Saying: damned if you do and damned if ya dont

Hey, Cool page's, ill come back often. anyway the my homepage is the place i work for. cya DJ icq 25514698

Dan - 10/13/99 03:38:32
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/mn/hoodlum/main.html
My Email:[email protected]
Favorite Movie: FRIDAY
Favorite Song: be quiet and drive
Favorite Saying: .........hype....................

hi i dont know you, but ya yur page is hype and so are you, um, ya find me on icq 30304579 yea yea, toronto peeps are coo, so ya kech ya later homegirl

Dave Brett - 10/10/99 02:20:49
My URL:http://www.argonet.co.uk/d.brett
My Email:[email protected]
From: Welwyn, Herts, UK
Favorite Movie: Aliens
Favorite Song: 'Summerland' by King's X
Favorite Saying: I wish I had my camera

Love your website Lauren! Please visit mine soon.

10/08/99 09:10:53
Name: Girls of ICQ My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Website de Nizza. Ringraziamenti per lasciarlo firmare il vostro guestbook

greg - 10/07/99 23:39:41
From: greg
Favorite Movie: anything with u in it
Favorite Song: fuck me baby
Favorite Saying: I am god

Honestly your page sucks ass. The only thing good in it is your sexy ass baby. God

greg - 10/07/99 23:36:12
From: the beer man
Favorite Movie: any with u in it
Favorite Song: fuck me lauren
Favorite Saying: yum baby

I think your page sucks ass. The only thing that I like is your hot body baby.

Allissia - 09/27/99 13:50:42
My Email:[email protected]
From: N.C
Favorite Movie: woo and city of angels
Favorite Song: babys daddy
Favorite Saying: hows it kicking?

hi,i'm new to this web page.i like how you have everything set up,it looks nice.i'm going to check out your games..and chat bye Allissia

Kuulei - 09/16/99 20:38:59
My URL:http://www.hi.net/kuulei
My Email:[email protected]
From: Another Guest Book
Favorite Movie: A few good men
Favorite Song: All kinds
Favorite Saying: What's Up

Cool web site, still looking around - like the graphis

Gordon Peck - 09/13/99 18:09:31

techies do it better in the dark

Caitlin - 09/13/99 01:21:20
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ga2/girlzofdanet/index.html
My Email:[email protected]
From: Atlanta
Favorite Movie: Indiana Jones
Favorite Song: hmm...probably "Genie in a Bottle"
Favorite Saying: If you want to see a rainbow, you've gotta stand a little rain:)

Awesome site! You'ev put a lot of work into it...and it shows! I'm bookmarking it so I can keep coming back!!

Lauren - 09/12/99 19:20:36
My URL:http://www.lauren.lookscute.com
My Email:glittergr;[email protected]
From: Florida
Favorite Movie: My Girl II
Favorite Song: Genie In A Bottle
Favorite Saying: Southern Born, Southern Bred, When I Die, I'll Be Southern Dead

This is an awesome website!

Christine R. - 09/04/99 06:53:41
My URL:http://homepages.go.com/~trout_and_warthog/thewebpage.html
My Email:[email protected]
Favorite Movie: Simply Irrisistable
Favorite Song: LFO, Summer Girls
Favorite Saying: Its not a problem, its a solution waiting to happen. But this one has to happen really fast!

This is a really cool and colorful website, I love it!!!!

Ree! - 08/26/99 02:11:53
My URL:Ain't got one
My Email:[email protected]
From: Dammit, you know where I'm from... ^_^
Favorite Movie: I dunno.
Favorite Song: The Lion Sleeps Tonight (long story...)
Favorite Saying: "I'm sorry: the brain you are trying to reach is no longer in service..."

Yipe! Lauren, the colours on this page sorta jumped out and assaulted my eyes. But it's really cool once everything comes back into focus. I'm WAY too lazy to even start something like this, so I gotta give you props. And where's MY pic, missy? Cool ribute to C and T. BTW, did you get into your mail okay? Keep squeegin'. ^_^

Phebe - 08/23/99 14:15:50
My URL:http://pages.bolt.com/me/dutchgirl15/index.html
My Email:[email protected]
From: Netherlands,The Hague
Favorite Movie: 10 things i hate about you,She's all that
Favorite Song: Blue; Eiffel65, To close ;NEXT
Favorite Saying: duhhhh,whatever

Very nice page Lauren, come and visit my page if you write in my guestbook you get a link! Ceya

MEGHAN - 08/16/99 05:17:02
Favorite Saying: I KNEW THAT


MEGHAN - 08/16/99 05:16:19
Favorite Saying: I KNEW THAT


Nick - 08/06/99 04:37:20
My Email:[email protected]
From: Toronto
Favorite Movie: the matrix
Favorite Song: bailamos
Favorite Saying: god damn it..

HEy, i like your site. I wish i knew how to make this cool stuff. Also i love the songs you put in. They sound really cool especially Material Girl(i love that song). anyways...take it easy. and one more thing...leaside sucks East York Collegiate RUles.

Christopher - 08/05/99 00:34:48
My URL:http://roads.to/silverwarrior
My Email:[email protected]
From: Florida
Favorite Movie: Titanic
Favorite Song: Unchained Melody
Favorite Saying: Cool

I wanted to tell you that I thoroughly enjoyed my Visit through your wonderful Realm, your site is so beautiful and serene, will definetly have to come back again to check out more of your Wonderful Realm. I would also like to Welcome you Aboard Foxee's 4 verFriend's Webring Group, where you will meet alot of New Friend's, very helpful, a little zany, loving, and caring people. Christopher aka SilverWarrior/Eagle aka DragonShadows aka Drago_VI aka MysticKnightII

Christopher - 08/05/99 00:22:55
My URL:http://onward.to/DragonWarrior
My Email:[email protected]
From: Florida
Favorite Movie: Titanic
Favorite Song: Unchained Melody
Favorite Saying: Cool

I wanted to tell you that I thoroughly enjoyed my Visit through your wonderful Realm, your site is so beautiful and serene, will definetly have to come back again to check out more of your Wonderful Realm. I would also like to Welcome you Aboard Foxee's 4 verFriend's Webring Group, where you will meet alot of New Friend's, very helpful, a little zany, loving, and caring people. Christopher aka SilverWarrior/Eagle aka DragonShadows aka Drago_VI aka MysticKnightII

Rob - 08/03/99 07:10:44
My URL:http://IgwanaRob.home.att.net
My Email:[email protected]
From: unknown
Favorite Movie: Chasing Amy/Clerks/MallRats
Favorite Song: Something to Believe In (the RAMONES--out long before Poison)
Favorite Saying: If a Man speaks in the woods, and there is no women around to hear him--is he still wrong?!?

Cool job, loved the pics. I hope you stop by my site (I love putting up those award thingee's!). P.S.--That's my real e-mail address

mandy - 08/02/99 17:49:04
My Email:[email protected]
From: columbus,ohio
Favorite Movie: any night of the living dead
Favorite Song: godsmack "keep away"
Favorite Saying: sweatin' like a pig in heat


mandy - 08/02/99 17:47:34
My Email:[email protected]
Favorite Movie: Night of the Living Dead(any)
Favorite Song: Godsmack "Keep Away"
Favorite Saying: sweatin like a pig in heat


Jeff - 07/25/99 20:21:29
My Email:[email protected]
From: Washington, DC
Favorite Movie: American History X
Favorite Song: "Just"-Radiohead
Favorite Saying: "Rad"

Hey. Just ran across your page. You are beautiful! I play guitar as well...My band is just getting off the ground...Write me if you get a chance, I'd love to hear from you. [email protected] Jeff

Brandon - 07/23/99 03:05:10
My URL:http://pages.prodigy.net/ultimoastros/brandon.html
My Email:[email protected]
From: Mt. Holly, NJ
Favorite Movie: Armageddon and The Empire Strikes Back
Favorite Song: Live-Iris

Nice little webpage you have here..happened across it while checking out the list of homepages at Counted..keep up the good work :)

Natalie - 07/23/99 02:51:47
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/fl2/SMilE
My Email:[email protected]
From: indiana
Favorite Movie: x-files
Favorite Song: iris, lovin the day, hold me Jesus
Favorite Saying: act like a duck: above the water, look calm & unruffled, below the water, swim like heck

you have an awesome page :) like the colors.

Holly - 07/19/99 01:04:22
My Email:[email protected]
From: Deltona, Florida
Favorite Movie: Goonies
Favorite Song: American Pie
Favorite Saying: oh mylanta

Wow! your page is th best thing i have ever seen! you are doing so good on it...keep up the good work!!!! I am so sorry to hear about your two friends. I know it must be hard for you and i think it is great that you made pages for them. I also like he music on here too!!! thats a very good idea!!! Oh yeah and i like how you did all of the pictures for all of your friends :) that is very creative. once again...KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lindsay deGruchy - 07/17/99 00:44:24
My Email:[email protected]
From: Ottawa
Favorite Movie: Ever After
Favorite Song: I Need You Tonight
Favorite Saying: " It's All Good"

Hey Lauren! Hehehe. I'm your crazy cousin from Ottawa. Promise not to lose me next time we come down? Hehehe. I'm such a freak. Well your sitting right here so I'm going to submit this stupid little letter that I wrote. Bye Love LinzC

Kym deGruchy - 07/17/99 00:42:17
My Email:[email protected]
From: Ottawa
Favorite Movie: Don't have one
Favorite Song: don't have one
Favorite Saying: dude


Mike - 07/13/99 04:59:11
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Channel/7897/
My Email:[email protected]
From: Irondale, Missouri
Favorite Movie: Anything with Adam Sandler in it.
Favorite Song: Hmm... this is too hard! How could you do this to me? Oh no! I'm getting a mental hernia! AHHHHH!
Favorite Saying: One that I made up: "Cursed is he whose nose hairs get split ends."

Hey! I've been exploring your page and it's really cool! Keep up the good work. Once again, my sympathy goes out for your two friends. I can't imagine losing any of mine. You'll be in my prayers.

Queen Pretty and Princess Beautiful - 07/10/99 04:50:14
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/in2/icewater
My Email:[email protected]
From: Somewhere over the Rainbow
Favorite Movie: Rocky Horror Picture Show
Favorite Song: Allstar by Smashmouth
Favorite Saying: "Be flamboyant, life is too short to worry about what other people think." - Rose McGowan

I love your site! Also, I entered my site in your awards thing, but I'm not sure it went through b/c my computer got messed up. Couldja check? Or should I enter again? Anyway, the site looks great...very colorful, and I like that! Hugs & Sunshine, US

andrrew cole - 07/01/99 06:08:29
My URL:http://www.cgocable.net/~cole/
My Email:[email protected]
From: ontario canada
Favorite Movie: What's Eating Gilbert Grape...i love that movie so much
Favorite Song: "Disenchanted" by For Squirrels
Favorite Saying: Why do you keep SAYING that?!?

um i haven't looked around much yet but it looks cool so far...come by my site, i'm not sure if this guestbook will open up a new window for my link or not, but it's best if you open it in a new window, cuz it's full of frames and will look totally bad if u don't anyways i'll look around sorry for being an overtalking loser

Dru - 07/01/99 03:41:56
My URL:http://www.augi.simplenet.com/cr/index.html
My Email:[email protected]
From: New York

Nice Page!!!! Thanks for the Brooke pic!!

Matthew Broszkowski - 06/29/99 03:12:17
My URL:http://members.home.net/kittridge/
My Email:[email protected]
From: Toronto, Canada
Favorite Movie: Eight and a half, Gummo, Un Chien Andaleau
Favorite Song: beyond the barbwire by sebadoh, subbacultcha py the pixies, I'm dying by belle and sebastian
Favorite Saying: will you marry me?

hey Lauren, like I told you on icq you have a really cool page, huge props for using frames. You're cool 'cause you make fun of my brother, and you beat him up, ha ha.... If I could add one suggestion for your site it would be to add more pornography, y u can never go wrong with pornography, it is the only money making thing on the net, it will get you more hits for your site and It's a realy cool way to piss your parents off..ha ha pornography....

Kat - 06/24/99 04:27:42
My Email:[email protected]
From: South Korea
Favorite Movie: I really don't care.
Favorite Song: I want it that way(BSB) If you had my love(Jennifer Lopez)
Favorite Saying: Boyz Suck!

Hi Laurel! I like your page!

Jason - 06/23/99 21:23:38
My Email:[email protected]
From: Richmond, IN USA
Favorite Movie: Star Wars Trilogy
Favorite Song: Any Van Halen

Lauren, I found your homepage in my family homepage, so I thought I would visit it real quick. Just one BIG thing, you are a gorgeous young lady!!! Don't be so down on yourself. Your school pic looks GREAT!

Kelsey - 06/22/99 02:01:40
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/bc/silverskye
My Email:[email protected]
From: Vancouver Island
Favorite Movie: Billy Madison
Favorite Song: Don't Stop
Favorite Saying: Just Kiddin

Hi U gota REAL good page!U probably don't remember me but I think we met in Mexico...Well atleast u hung around with my brother Well just wanted to say ur page is awesome!

Vir�ue - 06/17/99 14:25:36
My URL:http://virtuehome.cjb.net
My Email:[email protected]
From: America
Favorite Movie: Armageddon,The Philadephia Story,etc
Favorite Song: Nonereallyatthemoment

Hi! Thanks for signing my guestbook and giving me your award, I really appriciate it. Especially thanks for visiting my homepage with your often busy schedule. Thanks again,

Stop by my site for fun things to do!

Urban - 06/03/99 16:27:54
My URL:http://urban00.cjb.net
My Email:[email protected]
Favorite Movie: don't know
Favorite Song: No Scrubs!
Favorite Saying: don't be negative

I reall like ya Page Lauren! stay true! peace i'm outty!

Kimberly G. - 05/30/99 03:53:44
My Email:kg_sportygirl
Favorite Movie: Clueless
Favorite Song: God must have spent a little more time on you
Favorite Saying: You big baby batutie

I love Dayton D. And I love playing my flute! KG

Sirjump - 05/26/99 11:06:41
From: Australia
Favorite Movie: Austin Powers - International Man of Mystery
Favorite Song: Estranged, GNR
Favorite Saying: Yeah baby...yeah

Hey Lauren - well as usual the page is getting more and more hits :) HOw are you? what's been going on :) Email me :)) Love, Alex

Les Broszkowski - 05/21/99 01:35:30
My Email:[email protected]
From: Toronto
Favorite Movie: Clearks and Episode 1, 4, 5, and 6
Favorite Song: Enter Sandman by the best band Matalica
Favorite Saying: Hiyo

Great site.....Thats all I have to say about that.

Freezing - 05/20/99 12:07:21
My Email:[email protected]
From: Cape Town, South-Africa
Favorite Movie: Message in a bottle
Favorite Song: Sexy eyes
Favorite Saying: You look lovely!

Hi Lauren, you are so beautiful!! Btw, your mouth looks much more inviting when it's open. I simply luv the b&w pic and also your current school photo. You are gorgeous. Mail me for more compliments; I'd luv to share them with you Luv - Freezing

Lacey Cordes - 05/16/99 00:10:23
My Email:[email protected]
From: Santa Rosa, CA
Favorite Movie: don't have one
Favorite Song: "Fake Plastic Trees" by Radiohead
Favorite Saying: dont have one


gary - 05/15/99 10:37:30
My Email:[email protected]
From: Toronto
Favorite Movie: water boy
Favorite Song: does it matter
Favorite Saying: sucks to be u


Adam Durr - 05/12/99 22:43:29
My URL:http://www.pcis.net/durrs
My Email:[email protected]
From: Missouri
Favorite Movie: Matrix
Favorite Song: Father of Mine by Everclear
Favorite Saying: "If you want something done do ti yourself"

Cool Site!! I like your pic :)

Jeana - 05/10/99 21:49:46
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Farm/9579
My Email:[email protected]
From: Virginia

You have a very nice page...keep up the good work

Brian L. - 05/09/99 04:03:48
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/Pavilion/9969
My Email:[email protected]
From: Chicago
Favorite Movie: ANY Star Wars movie and Clerks
Favorite Song: pretty by the Kidney Thieves
Favorite Saying: lets cyber

Hmmmmmmmm, what to say. Well, you site rules, I love your games. I wish I had that many hits on my webpage. Could you visit my site, ohhhh, about 300 times a night and bump up the counter a little :-)

Bon Master () - 05/08/99 03:07:46
My URL:http://www.pcis.net/mlb
My Email:[email protected]
From: Southwest Missouri, USA
Favorite Movie: Too broad! :) The Matrix kicked some major ass though.
Favorite Song: Too broad again! But...Fuel: "Shimmer" is a fav.
Favorite Saying: What time is it?

Just surfed on in, kewl page you got here-looks like ya put a lot of work into it! Drop me a line sometime... (btw-to put it bluntly-you look pretty hot, to me)

Jamie - 05/08/99 00:53:44
My Email:[email protected]
Favorite Movie: WaterBoy
Favorite Song: TLC's "No Scrubs"
Favorite Saying: Hey Dude!

Hey i have no idea who you are but i am bored so that is why i am doing this. =)

Ali - 05/07/99 00:11:46
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Terrace/6099
My Email:[email protected]
From: FL.
Favorite Movie: 10 Things I Hate About You
Favorite Song: "Pretty Fly For A White Guy" by The Offspring
Favorite Saying: I'm pms'n....be afraid....be VERY afraid!

This is a really cool site! I was just surfing along one day, and here I am! I'm really sorry about your two friends though! :-(

jane agosta - 05/05/99 03:20:34
My URL:http://members.home.net/ragosta
My Email:[email protected]
From: Toronto

Great page Lauren! Check out some pics of baby Noah - they're not too recent - but hey! :)

~Nessie~ - 05/05/99 02:52:23
My URL:http://hey.to/vibrations
My Email:[email protected]
From: Virgin-i-a
Favorite Movie: hmmm...."Dirty Dancing" I love Patrick Swazye!
Favorite Song: "Stairway to Heaven"
Favorite Saying: groovular

This is a pretty groovular� site ya got here. Keep up ze good work. Visit mine if you wish! :)


Callz me DAISY!! - 05/03/99 22:26:41
My Email:[email protected]
From: Louisiana
Favorite Movie: Running Wild
Favorite Song: No Scrubs, My Name Is
Favorite Saying: "That/it/he/she/they is/are sooo UGH!"

Lauren your page ROCKS! I love the colors and design and everything! It is so well made. It's also cool how you have so much different things on it, ranging from about you, your friends and life, games, chat, etc. I love it!!!!!!!!! Keep up the great work And also--- PLEEEEEEEEEEEEASE respond to my e-mail....and do me those favors! (only if ya want- but I'd be sooo freakin happy if ya did!) To anyone else reading: Mind your own business about the favors! LoL! :o) <3, ~*~"Daisy"~*~

GirlieHawke - 05/03/99 04:53:47
From: Calif
Favorite Movie: Star Trek: The Voyage Home (Monterey Bay Aquarium!)
Favorite Song: NO SCRUBS, I DRIVE MYSELF CRAZY, and that new BSB song that's title escapes me.
Favorite Saying: "A room without books is as a body without a soul" (Cicero) and "Writing is a gift; never lose it."

You have an okay site. Need more stuff! ;~)

Keeks - 05/02/99 20:18:19
My URL:http://zap.to/interactive_animorphs
My Email:[email protected]
From: Massachusetts
Favorite Movie: Lost in Space
Favorite Song: "I'm here...another planet" by Juno Reactor & The Creatures

Hey Lauren! Kewl page! You know Brooke Nevin? I watch her all the time on Animorphs! Please tell her I said "hi"! ;) So, you learn like all your subjects in French? Wow, that must be hard! Is it? Please e-mail me!! Thanx and great site! Really cute!

Renee - 05/02/99 20:14:18
My Email:[email protected]
From: Jupiter
Favorite Movie: I dunno
Favorite Song: Livin' La Vida Loca by Ricky Martin
Favorite Saying: Anything that makes fun of my twin bro = )

Bonjour! Awesome page!

redhead_60 - 05/02/99 04:24:52
My Email:[email protected]
From: Jennifer Joelson
Favorite Movie: Grease
Favorite Song: scrub
Favorite Saying: this shits got pop

You are too cool !!!!!!!! From your pal jenn

jennifer and stephanie jeolson - 05/01/99 23:05:34
My Email:[email protected]
From: steph and jen
Favorite Movie: we both like anything that has good looking guys in it
Favorite Song: love song by sky
Favorite Saying: i don't know

hey how are u doing. well jen and i were on the net and we came over to visit. well, its a really good websit. we are both really sorry that we didn't visit sooner. have to go but if u see this email us. stephanie and jennifer

Scott - 04/28/99 15:10:33
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/southbeach/cabana/1802
My Email:[email protected]
From: England
Favorite Movie: Armageddon
Favorite Song: The funk-soul-brother by Fatboyslim
Favorite Saying: Today its Because


Cool Site! After i realsed that there ws more stuff then just the games, award and guestbook! **~Scott~**

Keon Lee - 04/26/99 21:19:43
My URL:http://www.members.tripod.com/keonnie
My Email:[email protected]
From: Keon
Favorite Movie: Saving Pte. Ryan
Favorite Song: Everybody's Free 2 wear sunscreen
Favorite Saying: What? Huh?

Very interesting! Well, you were right! This site does exist! I guess I gotta tell nick and matt about it! The only problem is that this site is very complicated and takes a while to load, but whan it does! WOW! My webpage is at: Keonnie

Al - 04/19/99 12:03:22
My URL:I can't remember it
From: Australia
Favorite Movie: T2?
Favorite Song: Estranged - Guns n' Roses

Hey Lauren - got the postcard. thanks ;) once again, your site still kicks a lot of a$$ - especially over any web page I ever made...hehe. seeya :) Love, Alex

Tony - 04/14/99 20:34:29
My URL:http://gonzo.icestorm.com
My Email:[email protected]
From: Whitehorse, YT, Canada
Favorite Movie: Apocalypse Now
Favorite Song: Street Spirit (Radiohead)

Howdy... Nice site you've got here, although I would suggest making the main frame a little bigger, it's kind of a pain to have to scroll so much. Having lived in Toronto and SW Ontario, I don't know how you can do it and keep your sanity. The West is Best. :) Later...

The infamous Al - 04/11/99 10:57:13

Sorry to use your guestbook as a bulletin board here Lauren - but I announce now that Mike and Sal - see below, are zany guys - and I know they'll see this because they're here all the time. So "ahh comeon" or something. How are you going Lauren? The page is still marvellous, I see. Send me an email some time? Alex

Mike - 04/10/99 23:50:51
My Email:[email protected]
From: Australia
Favorite Movie: Perhaps Monty Python's search for the Holy Grail
Favorite Song: Anything without Brittany Spears
Favorite Saying: Ahh c'mon!!!!!!!

Very, very nice homepage. I'm another friend of Al Dunlops and I know Sal. On the topic of Sal, now there's a zany guy, he was responsible for the discovery of fire, inventing the wheel, and the theory of relativity. I leave you with a quote(s): "Behind every great man, there is an even greater Sal"- some guy "I like icecream"- Plato Who was it that said "a humble man wears no pants"- I did Au revoir

Bill - 04/06/99 12:50:16
My Email:[email protected]
From: Gaspe
Favorite Movie: Jeramiah Johnson
Favorite Song: Sultans of Swing

Nice Going Lauren, you'll have to teach me HTML eventually so I can make a page of my own.

Sal - 04/05/99 13:12:31
From: Aussie
Favorite Movie: too many to tell
Favorite Song: same deal with the "favourite movie" thing.
Favorite Saying: which one ? or "Ah, c'mon"

Great homepage, very colourfull um...ah... actually I'm a friend of Alex Dunlop, we go to the same school. He probably mentioned me and my wacky life in his e-mail, if not don't worry about it. He told me about your page and i just droped in to see. The " h, c'mon" thing is not my actuall favourite saying but Michael (another friend) makes it a big deal. For more info ask Alex and if your wondering about the spelling of "favourite" it's just our spelling system. Well, good bye now, your page is very nice.< r>
Amanda DuPre - 04/03/99 23:05:23
My URL:http://tinpan.fortunecity.com/swing/156/AmandaDuPre.html
My Email:[email protected]
From: Minnesota
Favorite Movie: Titanic
Favorite Song: "The Shake" Neal McCoy
Favorite Saying: People don't grow up, they just learn how to act in public.

I luv the graphics on your site! :)

Jeff - 04/02/99 03:02:46
My Email:[email protected]
From: goort??
Favorite Movie: amphlit??
Favorite Song: FADE TO BLACK
Favorite Saying: snarfengobbler

if cows were pigs bacon would taste like beef, and hamburgers would really be HAMburgers

Brian - 03/31/99 15:25:39
My Email:[email protected]
From: BRian
Favorite Movie: Blade
Favorite Song: any DMX busta rymes
Favorite Saying: what ever comes to mind

Hi lauren im at schooll and im not suppose to be doin this talk later brian

Alex - 03/28/99 10:47:26
My Email:you know it
From: Australia
Favorite Song: Don't Cry ~ Guns'n'roses
Favorite Saying: "I ated the purple berries" ~ Ralph Wiggum

Lauren!!!! I just got to 1000th hit on your page, so I thought that was definitely worth a guestbook signing. I'm sure you are back by now - how was it? - send me an email some time :) Love, Alex

Kirsten Wynn - 03/25/99 23:50:16
My Email:[email protected]
From: Toronto
Favorite Movie: Shawshank redemption
Favorite Song: Bitter sweet syphony
Favorite Saying: Wicked cool & Huhh

Hey Lauren hows it going? This page is wicked cool dude! Huhh lauren huhh!

Mark - 03/24/99 03:48:09
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/sk/thewholenine
My Email:[email protected]
From: Rhode Island
Favorite Movie: ah...Evil Dead 2
Favorite Song: Eat-it by Weird AL
Favorite Saying: really?

Because I play guitar and sing and rhyme I am also I DJ. I am starting my own record Company. I have lots of insight. I work hard on my web page, I think You might like it

Steve - 03/24/99 00:25:41
My URL:http://www.expage.com/page/gfunkshomepage
My Email:[email protected]
From: my anal hole
Favorite Movie: Billy Madison
Favorite Song: What its like
Favorite Saying: what dick??


Matt Long - 03/23/99 23:10:57
My Email:[email protected]
From: Rug
Favorite Movie: You NAKED
Favorite Song: NIN - Hurt
Favorite Saying: "Cool cool"

it is 23 hope your home tonite because i will be on icq hopefully tonite so be there please from rug.

matt long - 03/23/99 23:08:58
My Email:[email protected]


Jeremy - 03/21/99 06:56:53
My Email:[email protected]
From: Vancouver Island
Favorite Movie: Heat
Favorite Song: Today

hey lauren, you page is so cool, hope your having fun in mexico without me...i hated leaving, hehe sometime, somehow we'll have to have another ping pong game :) i hope you remember to bring the paddles back...and say hi to your sis, lol, her...okay cya
(nickname)Virtue - 03/18/99 03:43:26
My URL:http://come.to/virtue316
My Email:[email protected]
From: Mars...I mean America
Favorite Movie: Hmmm....I'll have to get back to you.Enemy of the State?
Favorite Song: Tupac:Changes. Trin-i-tee57:Sunshine, I can't decide! *L*
Favorite Saying: "I didn't do it"

I really like your page and think it's well designed. It's really sweet of you to make a page for your friends that passed away and the really touching message you left in your friend's guestbook after she passed away. Sincerely tired, See ya' Virtue

hhop - 03/16/99 09:11:13
Favorite Song: baby one more time
Favorite Saying: hehehhe

cool page :)))

ryan - 03/10/99 20:45:35
My URL:that's for me to know...:)
My Email:[email protected]
From: downtown
Favorite Movie: cabin boy, fargo
Favorite Song: everything by tool

hey there lauren. it's your mystery man here, as ordered. just so ya know, i be thinkin' that you kick ass, and so does your page. gotta get you off geocities though (f^%$ing popup windows!). anyhoo, stay sweet, and be good...or bad. just not mediocr :)

Alex - 03/10/99 10:52:20
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Palms/3318
From: Australia
Favorite Saying: "Chance favours the prepared mind"

Hey Lauren - seeing as I was the 800th person to go to your page, I thought that was worthy of a guestbook signing :))) Seeya later, Alex

Anna - 03/09/99 20:21:49
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/pq/annan/index.html
From: USA
Favorite Movie: She's All That

Cool page! I like the whole layout and design and stuff, nice job!

barb bower - 03/09/99 03:49:51
My Email:[email protected]
Favorite Movie: cool hand luke


Alex - 03/08/99 10:11:18
My Email:you know it
From: Australia

Thanks for the section in your friends page, that was sweet of you :) Alex :)

John Regal - 03/04/99 18:06:28
My URL:http://come.to/JohnsHomePage
My Email:[email protected]
From: Carbondale, PA
Favorite Movie: Varsity Blues
Favorite Song: Freak On a Leash



- 03/04/99 15:45:01

I really like your page!!!

lauren - 03/01/99 09:22:14
My Email:lauri84
From: wellington,NZ
Favorite Movie: trainspotting
Favorite Song: love rollercoaster
Favorite Saying: i didn`t do it

sorry about your friend. love ya site. and i think u`ve got a cool name!

Adam - 03/01/99 05:31:46
My Email:[email protected]
From: Adam
Favorite Movie: The usual suspects
Favorite Song: Fully Completly Live
Favorite Saying: classy

hey lauren, nice site. thanks for the link to RTSC. you do good work keep it up

Lauren - 02/24/99 19:20:23
My Email:laurenjones8@gte,net
From: Florida
Favorite Movie: Dirty Dancing
Favorite Song: Ex-Factor
Favorite Saying: Thanks


Julie** - 02/21/99 06:22:59
My URL:http://surf.to/shroomworld
My Email:[email protected]
From: SacRamEnt0,KaliF0rniA
Favorite Movie: trainspotting,seven,half-baked
Favorite Song: um...??
Favorite Saying: "Mother fucker said ICE CREAM!!"

HeLl000...very nice page, you are good at this stuff....thats very sad about your friends,,,i hope html werks in this g/b..later JuLiE*

Yea, thats me..well..a pic i drew of me

Mom ! - 02/21/99 02:05:55
From: Toronto
Favorite Movie: Life is Beautiful
Favorite Song: Don't Be Stupid
Favorite Saying: " Cool "

I have the great honour of signing this guestbook on Feb. 20th 1999. My next invitation may not be until Feb. 2000! Who knows? Live each day as it unfolds. Noone knows what the future holds but the possibilities are endless!

Mariana Huesca - 02/18/99 01:08:52
My Email:[email protected]
From: Toronto
Favorite Movie: Moll Flanders
Favorite Song: I'd go anywhere for you (BSB) and Looking in (Mariah Carey)
Favorite Saying: The more you know, the less you want to know!

Hey Laur!!! You are the coolest greatest person I know! =) You're the greatest best friend I could ever have and this is honestly the best webpage I've ever seen. I saw how much time you put into it. Geez, you put a lot of yearbook people in one by one. My page c nsists of one picture and my name or something like that. I don't even know because I started it once and never finished it. I'd like to say:


Love you lots and I'm going to stop now because you're sitting next to me waiting for me to finish.

Love always: Mariana Huesca

This must come to and end just like everything else will one day meet it's end.

P.S: At least pesimistic people aren't disapointed when something bad happens!!! ;)

P.P.S: For those of you who don't know me I'm not usually this weird. Just thought I'd leave a creative message!!! ;)

Michelle lazar - 02/12/99 04:43:00
My Email:[email protected]
From: Toronto
Favorite Movie: Don't be a menace 2 south central while drinking your juice in the hood
Favorite Song: breakups2makeups
Favorite Saying: whatev:)

Matt - 02/10/99 02:48:25
My URL:http://unavailable.com
My Email:[email protected]
From: Seattle Washington
Favorite Movie: Brazil
Favorite Song: "Uppers and Downers" by Soular Plexus
Favorite Saying: "Keep the change, and don't forget to wipe."

I can't remember how I managed to find this page (you know how surfing is), but I like it, it's not boring and you're a very beautiful girl to look upon. Chau, Matt

Kristine - 02/03/99 15:33:51
My Email:[email protected]
From: Toronto
Favorite Movie: Usual Suspects, Reality Bites, Dirty Dancing, Empire Records...
Favorite Song: Betterman by Pearl Jam
Favorite Saying: "Melrose Place is a really good show"... - Winona Ryder in Reality Bites...cause it is

~***LAUREN***~ This site is looking sooooo cool! I really love it. Your pictures are really cool...I am also glad to see I have yet to appear in any of them! Well I must say we all miss ya at school but Thursday's comming soon - so get off your ass and get back to sc ool! I know how incredibly unoriginal this is but...keep up the good work babe! Love ya...later

Jordan - 01/31/99 22:46:14
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~bimm/heaven.htm
My Email:[email protected]
From: Toronto
Favorite Movie: The Right Stuff
Favorite Song: Mekong
Favorite Saying: hehehe you said.... (XYZ)

Hey Lauren, of course I remember you! How could I forget a fellow showtime employee. Your page looks good, nice job! Thanks for signing my guestbook!-- Jordo

Lindsay Sheppard - 01/31/99 06:25:03
My URL:http://www.wehate.ourfamily.com
My Email:[email protected]
From: my mommy
Favorite Movie: oh damn...uhhh...Monty Python's Life of Brian
Favorite Song: Let It Be (Beatles)
Favorite Saying: "Bruff!" (with energy)

Hey Lauren.....nice page! I really like your site, 'tis muy coolios. (that's the extent of my Spanish) So I hope you're having a peachy life, and lots of huggs from us weird freaky people!

deLirioUs - 01/31/99 04:06:24
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/al/lastcloud
My Email:[email protected]
From: darksideofHELL(g'ville Alabama)
Favorite Movie: Beatle's Yellow Submarine
Favorite Song: do the evolution/Sample In a Jar
Favorite Saying: make sure the pickles are all out of the jar before you drink the juice.

la la la... ok=).. here i am.. how did i get here?... i dunno.. i think i just typed in some random numbers and got to the guestbook.. so now ill sign it.. what they hey.. i liked your page.... but i figured out the code you have hidden in it... yes... i now... but ha ha! too late!... i already knew about the Canadian's plan to attack the US.. ever since Celine Dion... but we're ready for you.. and Alabama wont go withoput a fight! ok.. anyways.. i still like your page.. its the best page ive seen since i looked at that really funny page awhile ago.. (i think it was about a monkey.. anf monkies are funny..) but anyways... thanks for talkin to me.. cheers.=)

Alana - 01/31/99 02:08:39
My Email:[email protected]
From: Toronto
Favorite Movie: Armageddon
Favorite Song: On Top of Spagetti
Favorite Saying: Spiffie:)

This is a totally spiffie site. It rocks! Have a snazzy time and enjoy cheese:) Lana:) xox

Stephanie - 01/31/99 01:45:42
My URL:haven't got one!!
My Email:[email protected]
From: Toronto
Favorite Movie: The Breakfast Club
Favorite Song: The Rockafellar Skank
Favorite Saying: everything is everything, what is meant to be will be - Lauryn Hill

fabulous page, love the colours!!!

jessica - 01/30/99 23:46:38
My URL:http://members.wbs.net/homepages/f/o/x/foxlair/welcome.html
My Email:[email protected]
From: AZ
Favorite Movie: Apollo 13
Favorite Song: Bye Bye Baby
Favorite Saying: Forgive Like You Wish to be forgiven

hi there...i'm currently in your "teen webring" and just wanted to drop by your site and see what it was like. *s* good job on it and keep up the good work with your webrings!

harris - 01/28/99 19:10:21
My URL:http://angelfire.com/ak2/harris366
My Email:[email protected]
From: Lakeside, Ca
Favorite Movie: PCU
Favorite Song: "Joker" Steve Miller
Favorite Saying: Do that which is good, and no harm shall come to thee

write me

Sirjump - 01/28/99 10:45:35
From: The land of Oz

Well done Lauren, this page has turned out really well - plus you've gotten so many hits in such a short time :) seeya :) Al

The Greatest Net guru - 01/26/99 07:53:15
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ne/neekeri
My Email:[email protected]
From: Finland
Favorite Movie: Starship Troopers
Favorite Song: Scooter: Fire

Your site RULE !!! Go to see mine !

Hulda - 01/25/99 20:31:26
My URL:http://www.centrum.is/~sih
From: Iceland
Favorite Movie: Dirty Dancing, Titanic.....
Favorite Song: Miss you like crazy
Favorite Saying: Never treat people like you don't wanna be treated yourself

Nice webring....joined it :D i still haven't learned how to make imagemaps....sure need to do that soon... keep up the good work, hope you join some of my webrings also...

lalalallala - 01/24/99 08:11:22
Favorite Movie: umm titanic
Favorite Song: umm goodbye by spice gals
Favorite Saying: bleh

hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee al's sis

will - 01/24/99 03:35:08
My URL:http://home.talkcity.com/LetsDoLunchLn/will3477
My Email:will3477
From: WV
Favorite Movie: Armagedon
Favorite Song: Battery by metallica
Favorite Saying: don't have one

Cool page. I like the menu. You seem really really cool, and this a a kewl site, so i guess it fits you uh? ttyl will

Lauren Bansemer - 01/23/99 00:56:59
My Email:[email protected]
From: Florida
Favorite Movie: Lost World Jurrasic Park and Godzilla
Favorite Song: anything by the Beatles
Favorite Saying: Just do it.

I really don't have any comments, but I found this page by typing my name and it was the coolest one to show up. I am 14 and I want to be a virologist when I get older. Thanx : )

Catherine Beattie - 01/22/99 23:40:40
My Email:[email protected]
From: Canada
Favorite Movie: Brain Candy
Favorite Song: Hearts Filthy Lesson
Favorite Saying: Have you ever seen a 20 dollar bill... on weed???

Heya Lauren!! :) I'm at such a loss of things to say... But... er... yeah... Stay in school! Yeah, there's my gem of knowledge for ya... treasure it with your life!! See ya soon... I hope! :) -Cat :)

Pekka Mustonen - 01/22/99 11:10:21
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/pe/finlandese
From: Finland
Favorite Movie: Rocky 3
Favorite Song: V�rttin� : Riiulla

Everyone should go my pages they are best

Sirjump - 01/21/99 10:22:09
From: Australia
Favorite Movie: terminator 2

Hey Lauren, good to see you've got this going. It's great :) The colours are funky, and if you keep on working on it, it's gonna kick some ass, so this is a good start. seeya, Al

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