Arkenstone : The great jewel discovered beneath the roots of Erebor by Thr�in I soon after the establishment of the Dwarf-kingdom there and prized by his descendants as the Heart of the Mountain.The Dwarves used all their skill to work the gem into a shimmering multi-faceted jewel that not only shone by its own pale light but when light fell upon it,the stone changed it into ten thousand sparks of white radiance shot with glints of the rainbow.It was a heavy gem,small enough for Bilbo to hold in one hand, yet not so small that he could close his own small hand around it.In the centuries after its discovery,the Arkenstone became an heirloom of the Kings of Durin's Folk.It was carried away into the Grey Mountains by Thr�in's son and in time brought back to the Great Hall of Thr�in under the Mountain by his descendant Thr�r.When Smaug sacked Erebor,the Arkenstone was lost to the Dwarves of Durin's Folk - it lay among Smaug's booty in the halls of Erebor.Many years later,when Thorin led a band of Dwarves to recover their ancient city,their companion Bilbo Baggins discovered the Arkenstone and kept it for himself.Later,when the Lake-men and Wood-elves came to demand their own shares of Smaug's treasure from Thorin,Bilbo delivered the Arkenstone to them to bargain with.In the ensuing Battle of Five Armies,though, all enmities were forgotten and Bard of Dale placed the Heart of the Mountain on the breast of Thorin in his tomb beneath Erebor.So,nearly a thousand years after its discovery by Thr�in I,the Arkenstone was buried once more in the depths beneath the Lonely Mountain.It was discovered in the Third Age 1999 or shortly thereafter.The name Arkenstone means 'Holy Stone'.

Elendilmir : A symbol of royalty among the Kings of Arnor and their descendants: a radiant white gem set on a silver fillet.The first Elendilmir was lost with Isildur at the Disaster of the Gladden Fields but another was made and borne by Isildur's descendants until the time of Aragorn and almost certainly beyond.

Elfstone : The green stone given to Aragorn II by Galadriel in L�rien and the origin of his surname,Elessar.

Great Jewel : A name for the Silmaril recovered by Beren from Morgoth's Iron Crown and afterwards borne by L�thien in Dor Firn-i-Guinar.

Great Jewels : A name for the Silmarils,the three Jewels of F�anor.

Jewels of F�anor : A name for the Silmarils,from F�anor their maker.

Leaf Brooch : The leaf brooches that were given to each of the members of the Fellowship in Lothlorien

Nauglam�r : The Necklace of the Dwarves;originally made for Finrod Felagund,in which Thingol had set the Silmaril recovered by L�thien and Beren.

Necklace of the Dwarves : The bejewelled golden necklace made for Finrod by the Dwarves of the Blue Mountains.After the destruction of Nargothrond,it was recovered from that citadel's treasuries by H�rin,who passed it to Thingol in Menegroth.Thingol mounted a Silmaril on the Necklace,an event that was to have historic consequences.

Silmarils :
The three great jewels made by F�anor in Valinor,in which he locked the light of the Two Trees, Laurelin and Telperion,before their destruction.Melkor stole the jewels from F�anor's stronghold at Formenos, slaying his father Finw� and fled with them back to his fortress of Angband in the north of Middle-earth.F�anor swore an oath to recover the Silmarils and many of the Noldor followed him into exile in pursuit of the jewels.So began their hopeless war against the forces of Morgoth,of which the Quenta Silmarillion (the 'Tale of the Silmarils') tells the story.During the First Age,one Silmaril alone was recovered from Morgoth's Iron Crown by Beren and L�thien and was borne by E�rendil when he sailed into the West to seek the aid of the Valar.By virtue of the Silmaril,it is said,E�rendil reached Aman and was heard by the Valar,who sent a mighty force into Middle-earth.Morgoth was utterly defeated and the Silmarils recovered.Maedhros and Maglor,the only two of F�anor's seven sons to survive until that War of Wrath,stole the jewels from the camp of the Valar.Their evil deeds in pursuance of the jewels,however,drove them to madness;Maedhros cast himself into a fiery chasm with one of the Silmarils and Maglor threw the other into the depths of the sea.So only one Silmaril remains visible in the World,bound to E�rendil's brow as he sails the heavens; the Morning and Evening Star.
Items Page 1 : Helmets and Crowns.
Page 2 : Magical Items and Objects.
Page 3 : Rings.
Page 4 : Ships.
Page 5 : Weapons and Armour.
Page 6 : Weapons and Armour 2.
Page 7 : Other Items.
Helmets and Crowns
All information is thanks to the Encyclopedia of Arda and the Annals of Arda.
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