<BGSOUND SRC="http://www.geocities.com/laurenp1984/elmorap.wav" LOOP=INFINITE>
It's official! you are a very luverly person and are defenitely not evil. As you are not an evil person and are so luverly I would like to point out that like you, Iam also luverly and therefore you should be luverly to me as you, like me, are luverly. I have therefore formed a list of things for you to do for me, you being luverly and all, so here goes-
- as yet I still have no duck, so I will let you have the privilage of getting me a duck!
- Send me many many sweets and sugary goodness!
-I would like a tickle me Elmo please :) if they still exist!
- Arrange AFI to play in my bedroom!
after this.. please report back for more missions! thankyou luverly person!
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