Here Are Some More Recent Photo-Treasures of Friends & Family!

I Hope You Like Them!

(Left=Meet my dad, Thomas R. Benz;
Right=The late and much beloved Dr. Steven Kopits)

his photo and the following four are from the LPA's Annual National Conference in Minneapolis, MN, early July 2000. These are just a few of my Friends!

(Left=Monica P. & I;
Right=Kris L., Hillary M. & I)

(Left=Beth T. & me;
Right=Betty A., Peter V., Tekki L. & me)

Here, I'm Just A "Cute Ltl' Butch"!

For A One-Act Theatre Production:
(In July-Aug. 2000)

(Left=With My CoStar, Liz for "Starman";
Right=I am "Starman"!!)
Because the director couldn't find a male LP to play this part.

The Theatre Group I Performed With.

(Left=This video-captured photo of my dad is one of my favorites of him;
Right=Toni A.'s mom, Toni Sr. is like a wonderful, surrogate mom for me, although in this photo she doesn't appear as a great role model. Really though, Vampire Slammers are mostly a lot of fun, because I always try to avoid getting drunk, as well as I seldom drink alcohol at all. I think Toni Jr. took this photo, with my camera, of her mother & me.)

(Another One Of My Favorite People!
Alix Dobkin's Annual MMCH Performance 7-02)

(Left=Nikki & Me_w/Alix D.;
Right=Just hanging out w/ Alix at Kathy M.'s annual next day brunch - Potluck nourishment, always great for the body, mind & soul!)

Chatting With Another Favorite Performer, Lucie Blue Tremblay!

Here Are Spaces For Future Photos!

Scroll Down Further For My Links.

(Left= Toni Sr. & I, Capricorn Party 2001;
Right= The Two Tonis, Sr. & Jr.)

(Left=Nikki admiring her distant cousins;
Right=Buddy watching over his family.)

(Left=This past summer I was able to get a digital camera. This photo of Buddy was one of my rewards.; Right=Here are Nikki & I participating at the Disability Pride Parade in July, 2004; Nikki is my service dog.)

(Left=; Right=)


Very Abundent


Hopefully Coming Soon!

This is Nikki inviting you to see more of her photos, along with those of her step-brother Buddy!

LPA Online

Another Link Specifically About Dwarfism

� 2004+
All Photos Are Property Of LBenz.
Written Permission Must Be Attained
Before These Photos May Be Used Elsewhere!

[email protected]

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