Preface For This Page:

There are a couple of reasons I decided to create a page like this of less complex questions and answers from my point of view. It seems that despite all of the other pages I have constructed with descriptions and pictures from my life, there is eventually one more person that writes to me because they're doing a high school or college research paper on the subject of dwarfism and what they've found on my pages isn't specific enough for their needs. Then they send me a list of their questions to answer that is almost identical to those who have "interviewed" me before for this same purpose.

Sooo..., rather than compose a letter to each of these individuals that basically repeats itself in another few months for the next student researching dwarfism and dwarf people I have composed this page instead. This way I can avoid a time crunch their projects are confined by and refer them to this page for most of their needs. Another reason I have created this page is to address the idea that doing a paper about dwarfism and/or little people, hopefully to educate other students and hopefully other people as well, requires addressing the issue of treating people with dwarfism with the same dignity that one would treat any other individual or group.

Forgive my bluntness, but why do these questions always ask the same basic things of an individual when such basic information could be covered in generalized research or encyclopedic kinds of texts or internet search? Whereas, if you are asking an opinion based question, such as how anyone feels about steriotypes seen about us time after time in the popular media, just ask that one question to a larger group of little people, showing or proving that despite our similar stature we are all individuals with something different and unique to contribute to the world around us!

Finally, the second half of this page shows examples of how rude and ignorant people can be with us. Some of us, in turn, believe that it's our responsibility to educate the public by answering whatever is asked, just because we are not frequently seen around "every man's/woman's" neighborhoods. That then also further validates some people feeling that it is their right to satisfy their curiosity by approaching us spontaneously, asking their questions, (ie. often of very personal information, they would be angry about if a stranger asked them in turn). If they're being satisfied that they got what they wanted they can walk away content with their choices of self-education, or perhaps if children are present, their child's education as well.

However, what if that individual is answered by a less intimidated LP, who confronts them on their rudeness and/or the idea that little people aren't just coincidentally in front of them in the mall, at the zoo and/or pulling up to the drive-through window of their local Burger King� for their personal educational demonstration, entertainment for that moment, posing for a Kodak� or even a Barnum & Bailey� autograph moment? Now that LP is being interpreted as having "disappointed" that person and has not represented him/herself as a kind, generous ambassador for little people everywhere. As a strong individual, not just a LP who may appear similar to others my height, I do not feel duty bound to accomodate someone with an annoying curiousity fix. If anything, I am a person that when, confronted by someone who asks me personal questions, who then acts offended by my "reality check", (ie. my accusation about their rudeness), gathers her memories, sorts them by redundancy, stupidity and/or laughability for display here for the world to see!

Routine F.A.Q.s

1. How do you handle normal "everyday" activities?

First, that which are "everyday" activities for me, certainly might not be "everyday" activities for another LP, you or anyone of average height, so you really should have defined what "daily activities" means to you or an average person. Since you didn't however, I will try to guess a brief list of a person's daily activities, give my actions if they are different and hope that suffices for an adequate answer here!

This will be in order from early morning through late evening, or basically a diurnal schedule: *Wake up, anytime between 8am & noon+, (depending on day's appointments, if any); *Go to bathroom; Feed pets; *Take shower/bath (ie. especially if I have one or more appointments during day); Dress myself for day; *Eat Something (ie. not always breakfast food depending on apetite or energy I have to prepare it); Take my morning/day meds. if I remember to or (ie. if I'm feeling compliant); *Brush teeth; Check email (ie. if I'm not rushed to leave soon); Prepare my walker and/or knapsack, etc. for wherever I'm going (eg. if I'm bringing papers, books, etc.); Prepare my service dog (ie. "Nikki"), if she is travelling w/ me; Leave building with my walker, +/- my dog (ie. praying that older-manual elevator is working, so I don't have to yell for help walking, clutching hard to handrail to get downstairs and a few up to door outside.); Climb into my car or *City's Para-Transit van/car, if scheduled; Drive/ride to appointments and/or stores for shopping; If shopping w/o "p.a." (ie. hired personal assistant paid by state rehab. services), I stop by customer service to request shopping assistance -- if few, small items are needed, I attach small basket I have for my walker, instead of requesting person for help; When shopping/check-out is complete, I usually require help w/ packages to my car; Upon returning home, I usually require help carrying packages into my building and/or apartment, where I put them away in order of need for refrigeration or freezing, etc.

I have never greatly enjoyed cooking, even less now as my physical abilities have deteriorated these last few years (ie. decreased ability to climb, stand or walk without great pain and weakness in my joints, which increase my chances of falling, thus fear of further injury)! Besides washing dishes, cooking or preparing a meal for one, (ie. myself), has little appeal for me. Therefore, most of my meals consist of ready-made foods that quickly cook in a microwave or toaster-oven and/or require minimal preparation, like frozen entre's, pre-mixed salad and/or fresh/frozen pre-washed vegetables, etc. While I try to eat simple & healthy, with a variety of food to avoid boredom as well, I find ($) budgeting for my food/taste vs. lower calorie requirements for this single person to be quite a daily struggle!

The rest of MY DAY may consist of making some phone calls, watching television, (ie. since my dog is trained to eliminate or "go potty" in a lined plastic box), exercising my dog further by playing fetch (or training her to do a new task for me), etc.; going online to check email, participate in various discussion groups according to my interests and/or continue designing my assorted themed web pages, like this one! Often, these latter activities continue through the night into early morning hours, (ie. as late as 4am., thus my late waking schedule), since I feel better able to concentrate and/or be creative during that time. Occasionally however, I try to go out in the evening to meet friends and/or listen to live music, but again I feel limited due to increased pain, exhaustion of dealing with more physical obstacles and knowing that I may have to search and give up finding decent (ie. legal and close to my building's entrance) parking when I return later that night. Sometimes for those activities also, I will pre-schedule Chicago's para-transit to avoid those hassles of re-parking.

At the end of my day, my activities look much the same way as when I started, though in reverse order. You can see from this description, more lengthy than I intended, that this is how I handle my daily activities. As a LP with some greater & some lessor abilities/physical challenges than another LP or even an average-height person, there are many differences and some similarites to anyone's daily activities. Therefore, how anyone "handles one's normal life activities & schedules" is almost as unique or average as any human's personality combined with the environment they live in at any given time. Finally, unless this question of handling daily activities is confined to ONE very specific activity for living, such as one's personal intimate care (ie. toileting, bathing, getting dressed, etc.), or a particular job or field of employment, etc. and it's adjustment to one's stature and/or disabilities, the answers you receive for this inquiry are probably neither that interesting nor very useful for your project's objective!!

Next question please...

Footnote: *denotes common use of stepstool as an aid next to an object in use, eg. bed, sink, bathtub, toilet, etc.


2. Are things (such as furniture or sinks) in your home made for someone of short stature?
Not now; I cannot afford custom furniture, architecture or kitchen/bathroom design. Many LPs cannot afford or design such personalized detail to ease their daily tasks, especially if they can't detach those customizations and take them along when they move to another location or accomodate for resale. The only thing that may appear non-average in my home (ie. as other LPs), compared to an average person's place, would be in the total number (ie. probably 10+), types (ie. plastic, metal, and wood, with varying heights from 6" to 4', -- some cheap, but most durable for many years) and placement of various step-stools where they are needed most!

������ 3. Are you able to drive a car?

(Simple answer:) - Yes, I do, with the aide of extender-accelerator & brake pedals.
(Elaborated answer:) Even as a young child in the early 60's, I rarely doubted that I would be able to drive a car someday. For many years I was indoctrinated that I was no different than my siblings except for height, and that I would do whatever I set my sights to. These quotations and platitudes were repeated often, especially when my parents' friends or more distant relatives came to visit, so there would be no charge of inequality among my siblings.

As a physically challenged teenager, I matured through high school, and learned where to purchase the pedal extensions necessary for my physical ability to drive, I signed up & took the classroom portion of my drivers' education. Gradually also, I was learning that my parents said positive, encouragings things to others outside of my immediate family, despite the ambiguous predictions of my parents' promises, even contradictions were becoming more clear, as I continued long passed my 16th birthday without a driver's license. Just the start of the practical part of driver's ed. was becoming more lost from my hopes!

������ 4. Are your clothes custom made?

Well, not really. Most of time custom-made clothing pieces are at least 3 to 4 times more expensive than the ones I'm wearing now, even if I have "custom-made" alterations and take just as long to finish. Why would that make as much sense?

������ 5. How do you feel about the way dwarfs are viewed in movies such as "The Wizard of Oz," "Willow," and "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory", (a.k.a. "Willy Wonka")?

������ 6. What additional information would you like people to know about dwarves/dwarfs?

Now I Have A Few More Questions That Strangers Ask Me Even More Often, And Usually Without Any Introductions, Consideration To My Personal Feelings Or My Reactions In A Public Setting, Et Cetera!

7. How Tall Are You?

8. How Old Are You?

9. How Much Do You Weigh?

10. Are Your Parents/Siblings MIDGETS Like You?

11. Do You Have...Children, A Boyfriend, A Husband?

12. Are You A Virgin...?
This Is No Lie; A Woman With Two Very Young Children In Hand, Just Came Up To Me When I Was Street-Performing In The Park And Asked Me This After Asking Most Of The Questions Above! -- Full Story To Follow Soon.....

13. What Do You Do?

14. Now, Here Is The Question Strangers Should Ask Themselves Before Asking Anyone Else...!!
[BIG CLUE: Curiosity Is Not, By Itself, A Purposeful Necessity For The Last 6 Questions!]


My Coming Out!







� 2002-04+

[email protected]

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