Lavender Joy is proud to present Flower's    Claim in Cyberspace!

This fine feline specimen is Flower, the    world's most beautiful cat!  She litterally   demanded her own page on my site! 

And so, here is her web page, dedicated to   all the wonderful (and not so wonderful)  things she does.  This is truly the mark of a totally spoiled feline!

Here, you will find 'Flower New's' to keep you up to date on what Flower has been up to.  Trust me, living with her is a daily saga!!! 
Flower and Lavender Joy
Cat Fancy Magazine
Flower is excited because on 3/19/01 she gave birth to five tiny kittens!  I have to admit...I'm excited too!  The birth itself went very well; Flower did an excellent job.  I'm sure she will be a wonderful mother!

Today, 4/3/01 - I found Flower sleeping in the dryer!!

On 4/16/01 - All of her kittens drank milk from a dish for the first time.  I was so proud!  Won't be long before we find homes for them.

Today, April 27, 2001 was a traumatic day for us all.  Today, all 5 of Flower's kittens are going to their new homes.  The excitement and love they brought to our home will be missed by each member of our family.  Flower is doing well with the adjustment; she even seems relieved.  I'm confident that the kittens will be happy and well taken care of in their new homes.

One of Flower's kittens has returned to live with us!  We are glad to have Lily as part of the family once again.
7/13/01 - Flower gave birth to yet another litter of beautiful kittens! One black and three light colored!
Lily (top) has returned home, and Vincent (bottom) now belongs to my boss.
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