That was a Joke!  This isn't the Joke Page!!

Yes it is Ha Ha!  That was a Joke!!  Ha Ha ha ha ha
All through out these pages are funny and stupid jokes.  you'll probably find some good ones though.  If you have Jokes the are really funny send them to Lavender Poodle

* The star means one Lavender Poodle or one of her friends made the joke up.
Why did the Traffic light turn red?

You would too if you if you had to change in the middle of the street.
Why does the ocean roar?

Wouldn't you if you had crabs on your bottom?
Why did the chicken cross the road?

To prove it was possible.*
Why did the gum cross the road?

It was stuck to the chickens foot.
Why did the fox cross the road?

He was chasing a chicken.*
Why did the beetle cross the road?

He was being chased by a chicken.*
Why did the monkey cross the road?

I don't know I was asking you.*
Why did the wolly mamoth cross the road?

What road?  they didn't have roads then.*
what do you call a Seagull you flys over a bay?

A bay-gull!
A blonde, brunnete and a red head stood in front of a magic mirror that would suck you up if you lied.  The brunnete went up and said "I am the most beautiful person in the world" and got sucked up.  the red head went up and said "I'm the smartest oerson in the world" and got sucked up.  The blonde said "I think..." and got sucked up.
A blonde, brunnete and a redhead were in a boat.  The boat started to sink.  the bbrunnete jummped over and swam for shore.  she made it 3/4 of the way and drowned.  the red head swam 1/5 of the way and then drowned.  the blonde swam half way, decided she couldn't make it and swam back to the boat.
how does a blonde kill a fish?

She drowns it.
there were tree blondes walking in the desert when they came upon some tracks.  "These are deer track," said one.  "No those are bear tracks" said another, "you are both wrong " said the third, "these are kangaroo track." and they were still arguing when the train hit them.
How do you keep a blonde busy?
Write please turn over on both sides of a piece of paper.
How do you make a blonde laugh on saturday?
Tell her a joke on wendesday.
What do you call a blonde with two brain cells?
There was a blonde who had naver had any experience  withhorses before and she decided to ride a horse.  She mounted it with out help and the horse started to move at a nice steady pace.  but then she began to slip off.  She grabbed for his mane, his neck, but she couldn't hold on and the horse was ignorant to the fact that she was falling off.  she fell further and her foot was caught in a sturrip and she was dragged along, her head pounding against the ground when, luckily for her, the merry-go-round stopped.
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