The Legend of Bob page 2
    Then one day a fairy came and blassed them all with wonderful hearing and... wait a minute, this isn't a fairy tail!  Oh well.  It is said that they could hear a pin drop a mile away when there were car horns honking all around them.  Because of this, Bob (formally reffered to as Stu formally refferd to as Bob) had to stop yodeling.  This pleased the towns' people a lot. 
    Because they couldn't stand all the noise from everythingbecause of their sensitive ears Bob (formally reffered to as Stu formally reffered to as Bob) became to kind of monk that doesn't takl and spent the rest of his life listening to quiet drum beats.  Bertha and Martha became the kind of nu  that doesn't talk and spent the rest of their lives bowing their heads. 
    They lived that way until Bob (formally reffered to as Stu formally reffered to as Bob) was 115, Martha was 114 and Bertha was 80.  bob's parents woke up feeling very young even though they were 145. 

     They took back their Time
and painted it bright pink and played the song "Think Pink" over and over again forever and they died up there and then there was a big party and "Think "Pink was always played on their Time on weekends because every one decided that they loved that song and every one painted their times pink even though they were all supposed to be brown. 

     And that is how Tiny Town became Pink.... wait what was I supposed to be talking about?  Oh well... Um ......... Okay!  So they moral of the story is... um......... Wipe your feet before you come inside!!
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