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Medea Moonfire
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~All About Me~

Well, you asked for it, so here you go!
This page will tell you a little bit about who I am and why this site is here!

I am a 24 yr old, stay-at-home Mommy of two wonderful girls (age 7 & 4). I am married, 3 1/2 years with lots more to come! I have never really had a faith of my own, my family was Methodist, my husband is Baptist, we have all been Baptised as babies, but no personal religion! I have always been fascinated with Wicca in many, many ways! I have studied it, though not too thoroughly, for many years. I have the books, know the Rede, and the 13 Goals, etc., but nothing in depth. My sister in law is an Eclectic Sole Practitioner, and has been for a many number of years. I have recently turned to her for help in finding my path of life. She is a wonderful person, an absolute joy that is always there through good and bad. I have never really thought of her as a "sister in law" but rather a sister! You see, we were friends long before we were even old enough to marry, lol, and I am certain that we will stay that way. I have considered her my sister for a long time. She is in many ways my sister, with or without matching DNA! LOL ! Her name is Medea Moonfire, you will find links at the bottom of this page to visit her site, (oh and I couldn't resist throwing in "Medea the Doll") there you will find many interesting things reguarding much more on Spirituality, Wicca, Crafts, and more!
Okay, now back to the topic at hand. Medea is now guiding me along in my journey to finding my faith. In the pages you will find here, you can follow me through my journey as I gain knowledge, experience, and most importantly, ME! So check back as often as you like, as I will be updating almost daily while I learn!
I hope you enjoy your stay here. If you find that you have something interesting to add, or something that you just want to share, you can post it in the GuestBook, or fill out the Twilight Survey, I would be happy to start a "Visitor's Input" page up! And now, since I can't wait any longer, "Medea the Doll" :

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