My First Lesson

Here are the first set of questions
that were given to me to begin my journey into Wicca!
I have also included my answers to them as well, so you can follow me
along the way to see how I grow & develop on my new path.
Enjoy! :-)

What is Religion?
       Religion, to me, is what you believe to be, generally. More specifically, how you think about things, how you view things, what you live by, the way you feel about things. Not to confuse this in any way with your emotions, while I know that without emotion it would be rather hard to have religion, or faith, but rather your personal perspective on life, and almost everything!
       For example, I believe in Magik. Ritual magik, spell casting, healing powers, etc. Now in some religions, a magikal event is viewed as a "miracle of God", in others it is considered "the work of the devil", and there are many more views is many different religions.
       I, personally, don't think that religion is learned as much as what is believed by each individual person! Whether it be in your head, your heart, or your subconscious, your religion can only come from "within you". Another point relating to this question is this, I do NOT believe that you must agree with EVERY part of your religion, only what feels real, or natural, to you, not just believing in everything because your religion tells you it is so!

What is Spirituality?.............Is it the same as Religion?..............How so?
       Spirituality is what is inside of you, sort of like your "inner-self".
   I don't think it is the same as religion because you don't have to be of any particular religion to be spiritual. You can be in touch with your spiritual side at any time, with any or no religion at all. Your spirituality is just that, your spirit. Your spirit could have lived a thousand lives, and been of many different religions in the past, but it has always remained "your spirit". I think we carry our spirituality from each existance, and bring knowledge and faith from each one!

Religion VS Science...........How do you think each coincide with the other?
       I'm not really sure as to how to answer this, or even if I could? I think, personally, that in some way, somehow, somewhere, of course they do. Could I explain how or where or why? Not at all!
    The stars can tell a person alot of things. Things about the world, the past, the present, the future, all depending on the person looking at them and whether or not that person is open minded! There is also a scientific view on the stars and the world and the way of life! Either way the Universe is entwined into everything that we see, and everything that we are, and there is a very scientifical approach to the same. Some just look from one point, while others look from the opposite point, either way, the outcome would be the same, it all begins and ends with the Universe, and (depending on your religion) your God, or Goddess, or both!

Please remember that the above views are those that are to me personally and are not meant to offend anyone, nor are they meant to tell anyone that these are the views they should share. They are simply my opinions on the religion that I choose to be a part of!
---Thank You
Lavender Flame © 2002

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