Birthday Surprise
A nice little bit of pwp . . .
Serena poked her head into Jack�s office for their 9AM meeting.  �Jack?�
He smiled and shook his head, still laughing about something.  �Good morning, Serena!�
�OK, that was enthusiastic.  What�s got you in such a good mood today?�  He�d been somewhat subdued since Kate left for San Francisco last weekend.
�Oh, nothing in particular.�
She gave him an �Oh yeah?� look, and spotted the envelope on his desk.  She reached for it, just barely missing as he snatched it away.  �Oh, is Lennie being naughty?�  The redness creeping up his neck gave her her answer.
�All right, if you have to know � it�s my birthday.  He must have slipped the card into my briefcase this morning while I was in the shower.�
Serena laughed, enjoying his discomfort.  �Well, happy birthday!�

They got down to work, and for the rest of the morning he managed to not think about the card.  At lunchtime, he went out to meet Abbie at their favorite restaurant.  She was waiting at a table, a smile on her face and a package on the table in front of his spot.
�Abbie, you didn�t!�
She laughed.  �Of course I did!  Happy birthday, Jack!�
He bent down to kiss her cheek before taking his seat opposite.  �So what have we got here?�
Before he could open the package, the waitress came for their order.  When she was gone, he reached for it.  Inside were two beautiful wood photo frames with 5x7 prints of the picture of him and Lennie she had taken at their picnic last month, and one of him with Kate.  �Abbie, it�s perfect!  Thank you!�
�Well, you said you wanted a print of that for your desk, so ��
He nodded.  �It�s about time I had one of him.  And Katie. This is really beautiful.�
�So how�s your day been so far?�
He chuckled.  �Started off good, Lennie slipped a card into my briefcase.  Warned me to save my strength for tonight.�
Her eyes twinkled as she grinned at him.  He suddenly realized � �You know, don�t you?  You know what he has planned.�
She laughed.  �I�ll never tell.�

When Jack got back to the office, there was a small package on his desk.  Given the card and the look on Abbie�s face at lunch, he had a feeling he should probably be alone when he opened it, so he shut the door and closed the blinds over his office windows. 

The package was a small padded envelope.  He carefully opened it and pulled out a scrap of black fabric, which he finally recognized as a pair of underwear.  Black, made of a silky, stretchy fabric, alternating thin lines of sheer and solid fabric.  Clearly intended for a man.  As he untangled them, a note fell out.  Lennie�s precise handwriting � �Put them on.  NOW!�
He could almost feel his lover�s domineering persona in the room.  �Yes, sir!�  he chuckled.

He glanced around, decided he was safe enough, although he did get up and lock the door.  He quickly took off his pants and the classic white cotton briefs he was wearing.  He had to give it to Lennie � doing this here, now, in the middle of the day in his office, was tremendously exciting.  He stepped into the new briefs, pulling them up over his hips.  The fabric felt good against his skin, different, exciting.  They were cut low, much lower than he was used to, just barely hugging his hips.  Seeing his cock straining against the sheer fabric was almost more than he could take.  He wished he had a mirror so he could see the full effect.  He stroked himself through the soft fabric and moaned.  �Damn you, Lennie!�

He didn�t quite have the nerve to jerk off then and there, so he decided to make a game of it, see just how long he could stay aroused this afternoon.  It was a slow Friday; this could make it interesting.  He sighed and reached for his pants, pulling them over the fancy underwear, smiling.  It was decidedly arousing knowing that under the conservative suit he was dressed for fun.  He suddenly understood why women did this � wearing sexy underwear really did make you feel sexy! 

He went over and unlocked the door, leaving it partially open, and went back to his desk just in time to answer the phone.  �McCoy.�

A deep baritone chuckle came across the line.  �You like the present, lover?�
He laughed, but kept his voice low.  �Yeah, I do.  Feels nice.�
�Mine are blue�
Picturing Lennie with the same silky fabric over his cock sent a jolt straight to Jack�s.  �Christ, Lennie, did you have to do that?�
The chuckle was back, long and low.  �Oh yeah.  Enjoy it, lover.  I�ll see you at home.�  The phone clicked as Lennie hung up. 
Jack laughed and hung up the now silent phone.  He had a feeling this was going to be his best birthday in a LONG time.

By the time Jack left the office that afternoon, he was severely in need of release.  The vibrations as he started the bike were almost enough to push him over the edge.  He moaned, hoping Lennie was waiting for him at home.  As he pulled into the garage beneath his building, he smiled seeing Lennie�s car in its space.  The elevator ride seemed to take forever.  Finally he pushed open the door, surprised to see an empty room.  �Back here,� Lennie called from the bedroom.  Jack grinned � this was EXACTLY what he wanted.  He was unbuttoning his shirt as he walked back, picturing Lennie in the blue briefs waiting for him on the bed, and stopped dead in his tracks at the bedroom door.

There was Lennie, exactly as Jack had pictured him, stretched out on the bed, cock straining against the silky blue fabric.  But he was leaning back against Mike, similarly dressed in green.  The two of them grinned at Jack�s astonished reaction. 

Lennie raised an eyebrow.  �Michael, I think JJ is a bit overdressed for this party, don�t you?�
�Yes, Mr. Leonard.  Quite overdressed.�
�Well, since he doesn�t seem to be able to do anything about it himself, why don�t you go help him?�
�Yes, sir!� Michael answered enthusiastically.  He let go of his boss and got off the bed, coming over to where JJ stood, enthralled.

Jack felt his knees getting weak as he realized Mike was now part of their favorite game.  He was practically trembling as he watch Michael approach, anticipating the still-not-quite-familiar touch.

Michael reached out to push the open shirt back off JJ�s shoulders, letting his hands slide over his chest and arms as he pushed the shirt off.  JJ sighed and tossed the shirt aside as Michael�s hands slid back down his chest to the top of his jeans.  Michael grinned at him and caressed him through the denim before undoing the belt and fly. 

JJ trembled at his touch, moaning.  Hands slid under the denim, pushing it down, sliding over the black silk below.  Michael knelt before him, reaching down to help him kick off the shoes and socks, and pulling the jeans aside.  Finally, JJ matched, the sheer black fabric stark against his pale skin.  Michael grinned at him, his face just level with the briefs.  �Mr. Leonard, sir?�

�Yes, Michael?�
�I think he�s a bit overexcited, sir.  Can I help him with that, too?�
�By all means, Michael.�

Warm hands slid up his legs, over his hips, cupping his ass through the soft fabric.  Michael pressed his face into JJ�s crotch, inhaling deeply, savoring the smell, rubbing his face along the hardness below the silk.  JJ whimpered at the contact, aroused beyond all belief.  He didn�t even notice as Mr. Leonard left the bed and came to stand behind him, wrapping his arms around JJ from behind. JJ gratefully leaned back against his boss, not sure his legs were going to support him much longer. 

Mr. Leonard smiled as his favorite assistant all but collapsed into his arms.  He leaned forward, sucking on an earlobe, then slowly working his way down the neck to that tender spot where neck and shoulder meet.  His hands found JJ�s nipples, already stiff and tender.  He watched with amusement as Michael slid the black fabric down, releasing JJ�s throbbing cock.

JJ moaned as Michael�s hand finally touched his leaking cock, spreading the liquid over the head and down the sides.  He could feel Mr. Leonard�s lips on his throat, and a hot hardness pressing into his backside that had to be his boss.  His breathing was already ragged by the time Michael finally took his aching cock into his mouth; his explosion was only moments away.

Mr. Leonard could feel JJ tensing in his arms, felt the tremors passing through his body as he cried out.  Then suddenly, the release of tension as JJ sagged in his arms.  Michael quickly stood, pinning JJ between them, the two of them holding him upright as he gasped for breath.

JJ hung there between them, his arms sliding around Michael�s shoulders as the other man stood.  Michael grinned at him, leaning in for a kiss, while Mr. Leonard returned his attention to JJ�s neck.  The three of them stood there for a few minutes until finally JJ could stand alone again.  Michael pulled away as Mr. Leonard turned JJ around in his arms, reaching out to gently caress the boy�s face.  �So, JJ, did you like my present?�
Their eyes met and for a moment time stood still.  �Oh, YES sir!  It was perfect!�

Leonard kissed him, passionately.  JJ could feel his boss� hardness through the silky fabric; he realized that they weren�t even close to finished here.  That point was reemphasized again as he felt Michael come up behind him, also still hard, pressing against JJ�s ass.  Even though he had just come, JJ knew what he wanted � one of them, inside him, as soon as possible.  He pushed back against Michael, trying to convey his need without words.  But finally Mr. Leonard released him, freeing his mouth.

�I want �� JJ started to say, but Mr. Leonard cut him off.  �You want?  You�ll get what you need, boy, not what you WANT.�
Leonard�s voice froze him in place.  Their brief moment of tenderness was gone; the boss was back in charge.  �Yes, sir.  I�m sorry, sir.� 

Michael had backed away, not wanting to get caught in the boss� wrath.  He smiled as Mr. Leonard left JJ and came to stand beside him, one hand trailing slowly down his chest.  The hand paused at the waistband, tracing it sideways instead of continuing down.  But finally the fingers slipped over the edge and traced the length of his hard-on, drawing a deep sigh from Michael.

JJ watched them, knowing that to look without touching was his punishment. He tried to stay absolutely quiet as he watched Mr. Leonard tease Michael through the silky briefs.  Michael�s mouth was open, panting softly as their master�s hands played over him, his other hand now caressing Michael�s ass.  Front and back, touches so light as to be maddening.  A whimper escaped Michael�s throat.

Mr. Leonard leaned in towards his ear.  �Shhhhh��  Michael�s eyes squeezed tight as he fought to keep absolutely silent.  Mr. Leonard�s hands resumed their play over Michael.  His face contorted with the effort to keep quiet.  Finally, the hands went away, leaving Michael panting with need.

Mr. Leonard turned his attention back to JJ.  Watching his treatment of Michael had brought him back to half-mast.  Leonard pointed to JJ�s briefs, abandoned on the floor.  �Put them back on.�
JJ eagerly complied, then stood still as his master proceeded to give him the same treatment Michael had just received.  It wasn�t long before he was fully hard again, straining against the silky fabric.  The gentle touches through that fabric were making him crazy.

Leonard judged that they were about even; Michael had had a few minutes to calm down.  �All right.  On the bed.  Both of you.  69.� Michael reached to remove his briefs.  �Oh, no, Michael, leave them on.  And don�t soil them.�

Michael�s eyes got wide as he realized what they were to do.  He looked at JJ and gestured at the bed.  JJ grinned and laid down, then Michael climbed on top of him as ordered, positioning himself so that his silk-clad cock was right over JJ�s face.  He turned his attention to the matching one in front of him, running his fingers over the soft fabric along the length of the erection trapped inside.  JJ twitched at his touch, still trying not to make a sound.  They caressed and teased each other mercilessly.  But finally Michael lost the contest; JJ�s �second round� status gave him enough of an endurance edge to hold out.

Mr. Leonard had been watching them, gently playing with himself and enjoying every moment of it.  When Michael came, he got up and came over to the bed.  �Michael.  I told you not to soil them�

Michael looked up at him.  �Yes, sir.  I�m sorry.  I couldn�t help it ��
Mr. Leonard nodded toward the chair, indicating that Michael should take it.  �You made the mess, leave them on while we finish this.�

Michael nodded and crawled off the bed.  Mr. Leonard smiled down at JJ.  �So, JJ.  What do you want for your prize?�
JJ looked up at him, realized it was a test.  �Whatever you think appropriate, sir.�
Mr. Leonard laughed.  �Good answer, boy.�  He knelt over JJ, inviting the boy to touch his silk-clad hardness. 
JJ�s hands slid over the fabric, thrilled that he was finally touching the master.  The deep blue silk looked so perfect over Mr. Leonard�s golden skin.  After a few minutes, Leonard got up.  �I know what you really want, boy.  Take them off and assume the positon.�

JJ eagerly obeyed, bent over the side of the bed, legs spread.  He smiled as he felt Mr. Leonard insert a well-lubed finger.  His eyes met Michael�s across the room; they locked gazes, both enjoying the view.  He gasped as he felt something soft land on his back. Leonard�s briefs?  The silky fabric was drawn down his spine, sliding over the curve of his ass, between his cheeks, then gone.  The finger was withdrawn, and JJ knew what was next.  He could feel Mr. Leonard�s cock head pressing against him.  He wanted it so badly, but he knew not to rush things.  Mr. Leonard didn�t like things rushed.  He waited, forcing himself to not push backward.  He heard his master�s chuckle.  �Good boy, JJ.  Now relax.�

Mr. Leonard pushed into him, enjoying the tightness around his cock.  He truly loved the rush he got from directing their play; it made it all the better when he finally got his in the end.  He slowly worked his way into JJ, then held still, letting him adjust.  His hands slipped around the boy�s hips, caressing the now naked cock. 

Michael watched them from across the room, feeling himself hardening again.  He looked up for a moment into their master�s eyes, and saw the permission he wanted.  His hands slipped into his lap, caressing himself through the silk as his eyes once again locked on JJ�s.  JJ grinned at him, knowing what effect he had on the other assistant, then closed his eyes as their master began moving inside him.  It felt SO good. 

Mr. Leonard kept it slow, wanting this to last as long as possible.  He pushed in as far as he could go, then bent over JJ, wrapping his arms around the boy from behind, sliding his hands up the chest, pinching the taut nipples.  JJ groaned with the pleasure.  Mr. Leonard chuckled in his ear.  �You like that, don�t you.�
�Oh, YES sir!�
He gave the nipples one last hard pinch then let go.  JJ almost fell to the bed, his arms catching him just in time.  Mr. Leonard kicked into high gear, slamming into JJ hard and fast.  As he felt his climax coming, he reached around to grab JJ�s cock, jerking him off so they could come together. 

From across the room, Michael watched intently, slipping his hand into the sticky mess inside his briefs as he added to it.   Damn that had been hot!  After a moment, he got up and came over to the bed.  JJ had flopped face down and Mr. Leonard stretched out beside him.  Michael smiled and crawled in on JJ�s other side, gently running his fingers down the other man�s back.

Jack sighed and opened his eyes, feeling completely sated and wonderfully content.  Lennie�s arm wrapped over his back, and Mike was laying on the other side, caressing him.  Mike gave him that lopsided grin that just looked too cute to resist.  Jack rolled onto his side, facing Mike, feeling Lennie spoon in behind him as Mike complete the sandwich from the front.  Mike kissed him, while Lennie nuzzled his neck.  When they let go, he heard in stereo, �Happy birthday, Jack!�

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Now That's Love"

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Disclaimer:  These characters belong to Dick Wolf and NBC.  I'm just borrowing them for fun, not profit.
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