A Cure for Boredom
A little pwp piece set in the Phoenix universe, shortly after "Taming the Wild Logan".

Written on just such a cold, rainy May day when I was at home and my hubby at work ...
Jack hated days like this.  Being a prosecutor in the DA�s office was pretty much a nine to five sort of job.  OK, so maybe it was more like nine to nine most days.  But the important thing was that it was very rare for the job to intrude on his weekends.  Oh, once in a great while, a high-profile case might demand his attention, and he often brought work home, but usually he could ignore it if he had better things to do.

Unfortunately, Lennie didn�t have that luxury.  His partner, his lover, his life.  Despite the fact that detectives wore suits and ties, their job was rooted in the world of the blue collar.  Paid hourly, and working variable schedules.  Lennie and Ed usually pulled weekend duty about once a month.  Of course, Lennie lorded it over him when he had a weekday off; sleeping in while Jack had to get out of their warm bed and go in to the office.  But somehow when Jack was the one alone at home on weekends, it just didn�t feel right.

And it was worse when it was a rainy late-spring Saturday.  The weather had been so nice during the week, but Friday night a line of intense storms had blown through, sending temperatures back to the late-winter range.  OK, maybe not quite, but after the 70�s of the last week, 54 felt awfully cold.  Maybe it had something to do with the fact that he refused to turn the heat back on.  He just knew that if he did, he�d forget to turn it back to A/C and Monday evening he�d come home to a hothouse.  So instead, he�d dug out his warmest sweatshirt and huddled on the couch with the beautiful knitted afghan Lennie�s daughter had given him for Christmas.

He sighed.  It was one of those days where he just couldn�t settle on anything.  The book he was reading had lost all interest for him.  Nothing on TV looked any good.  One look out the window told him the Mets game this afternoon would be rained out, and the Cubs weren�t playing today.  To make matters worse, his shoulder ached.  It had been a year and a half since it had been injured, and it was still, and probably would always be, sensitive to the weather, especially rain.

No matter what he did, he just couldn�t get comfortable, or focused on anything.  After lunch, he finally decided that maybe a change of venue would be appropriate.  It looked like the worst of the rain was over.  Grabbing his briefcase, he headed down to the garage and got on his bike, heading in to the office.  Maybe the familiar surroundings of work would help him concentrate.

Not surprisingly, nobody else was around.  Nora had mentioned that she was going out of town for her niece�s graduation this weekend.  Serena hadn�t said anything, but Jack seriously doubted that she�d show up since they didn�t really have anything pressing at the moment.  And of course none of the admin staff worked weekends.  So he had the whole place to himself.

He tossed the briefcase onto his desk and was surprised to hear a solid �thunk.�  Now that he thought about it, it had felt unusually heavy as he carried it to the office.  Curious, he sat down at his desk and opened it, digging around until he found something heavy at the bottom.

He pulled out a medium-sized velvet pouch, about 4 inches by 5, and very heavy.  An amused expression crept over his face as he realized that Lennie had left him a little surprise.  His eyes got wide as he opened the pouch and realized what was inside.  He reached in and drew out the note Lennie had left.

�Jack love,

I know how bored you get on weekends when I have to work, so here�s something to keep you distracted.  I�ll be over after work to finish you off �


Glancing around one more time to make absolutely sure he was alone, Jack reached in and pulled out the contents of the pouch.  He felt his cock coming to life as he lifted the solid chrome butt plug out of its nest.  The thing had to weigh half a pound.  It was three inches in diameter at its widest, and about five inches long.  There was also a small tube of lube in the pouch, as well as a soft leather cock strap.

Jack glanced at his watch � 2PM.  It would be at least a couple of hours before Lennie got off work.  They�d played with toys before, but when they were together it often seemed superfluous.  But now, knowing Lennie wouldn�t be here for several hours, he was intrigued at what it would feel like.  And especially here, in his office.  That just made it so kinky he couldn�t resist.

Before starting, he ducked into the men�s room and laid in a supply of paper towels, just in case, also making sure nobody else was around.  Back in his office, Jack stripped off his jeans and underwear, revealing his already hard dick.  Standing there in his office, half naked, was surprisingly arousing.  He reached down and gently stroked himself, reveling in the feeling of naughtiness.

He forced himself to stop, knowing he wanted to be fully primed when Lennie got there later.  Besides, he was curious about how that plug was going to feel.  IF he could even get it in by himself � it was awfully big.  He gave it a good coat of lube and decided that the best approach was probably just to set it on something stable and sit on it.  His chair had wheels; not a good plan.  The couch was too soft and too low. But the arm of the couch � that should do.  Just about the right height, too.  He set the plug down and stood over it, reaching behind to spread his cheeks.  He fumbled a couple of times, but finally got positioned correctly, feeling the pointed tip of the plug penetrate him.  He eased down over it, feeling its triangular shape stretching him.  He bounced up and down a few times, each time taking a little more until finally he reached the base of the plug where it narrowed.  His sphincter snapped shut around it with a sensation he could only describe as like a small explosion, making him gasp.  It had hurt a little going in; he had a feeling removing it later was going to be an � interesting experience.

As the stinging subsided, he eased down more until he was actually sitting on the arm of the sofa.  The increased pressure pushed the plug deeper into him, angling right into his prostate.  He gave a soft gasp of pleasure.  There was no doubt, he�d be very much aware of it all afternoon.  Wiggling around a bit, he could feel it moving with him.  Yes, very much aware of that heavy weight.  He got up and reached for the paper towels, wiping away the excess lube from his body and the arm of the sofa.  Even just the few steps to cross his office brought another interesting variation on sensation.  He reached for the cock strap, snapping it snugly in place, then carefully positioned himself as he dressed.

He walked around the office a little more, enjoying the feelings the plug sent through his body as he moved.  But finally he decided that maybe he needed to calm down a little if he was going to last until Lennie arrived.  So he collected a couple of law books and returned to his desk.  Sitting down in his chair very gingerly, he sighed as the plug pressed deep into him again.  He had to squirm around a bit to find the best position, both for the pressure from the plug, and to keep from pinching his very hard cock.  Finally, he settled in and took a deep breath, willing himself to be calm.  It took a while, but eventually the words in the book started to make sense. 

Almost an hour passed before he shifted, stretching, and was reminded quite intensely of his situation.  He realized that although he had been immersed in the article, his body had remained aroused, if not quite as intensely as before.  Unable to resist, he began squirming in the chair, his hips beginning to thrust almost involuntarily.  His right hand crept into his lap, caressing his still hard cock.  He moaned happily, knowing that if he wanted to, he could bring himself off here and now.  But the thought of taking Lennie here in his office was enough to give him the willpower to calm himself again. 

He got up and wandered around the office suite for a while.  The sensations while walking were pleasant, but not quite so intense as his chair gymnastics.  Again, he was surprised at how much it turned him on to be playing these games in the office.  Laughing, he realized that Lennie probably wouldn�t be surprised at all.  His lover was definitely the more adventurous of the two of them, although Jack had learned that he could do a lot worse than following Lennie wherever his playful instincts took them.

Finally, he went back to his desk and settled in for what he hoped would be the last time until Lennie got there.  The pressure from the plug as he sat down sent a pleasant jolt through his system.  He reached for his book and started another article, absently stroking his erection through his jeans.

He was still sitting like that an hour later when a noise at the door brought him back to the present.

�Hey, lover.  Is that a pickle in your pocket or are you glad to see me?� The rich baritone voice was laced with laughter.

Jack looked up with a leer.  �Lennie!  About damned time you got here!�  He got up and pulled Lennie into a very passionate kiss.

Lennie�s hands slid down Jack�s back, coming to rest on his ass, squeezing and pulling him close.  Jack moaned.

�You liked my present?�

�Oh, yes.�  He took a deep breath as Lennie squeezed him again, pushing the plug into him.  �Oh, HELL yes!�

Lennie chuckled.  He could feel Jack�s erection pressed tight against his own.  He brought one hand to the front, stroking the length of it.  �How long you been like this?�

�Since about 2 o�clock.�

�You must be good and ready then�.�

�I�ll show you ready ��

Jack attacked him, kissing him hungrily, one hand seeking out Lennie�s hot, hard package.  He began undressing his lover, ripping open his necktie and clawing at the buttons of his shirt.  Lennie was pushed back against Jack�s desk as the attorney�s hands and mouth ravaged his neck and chest, tormenting his already stiff nipples. Jack was nearly wild with the pent-up desire.

�I wanna fuck you, Lennie.  Right here in my office.  Right now.�  His hands fumbled at Lennie�s belt, tangling in their frenzy.

Lennie laughed, enjoying this new aggressive streak in his lover.  �Anything you say, Jack.�  He tended to take the dominant role in their bedroom games; this was a nice change of pace.  Before he knew it, his pants were around his ankles, and Jack had his cock in his mouth, sucking eagerly.

Having Lennie here after his afternoon of anticipation was one of the biggest turn-ons Jack had ever felt.  His own cock throbbed with need as he sucked Lennie.  But he knew he was so ready he�d burst at first contact.  So Lennie had to play catch-up first.  He loved the feel of his lover�s cock in his mouth, down his throat.  Somehow, Lennie had hopped up to sit on the desk, his legs dangling over the side.  Jack had ended up kneeling in one of the �guest� chairs as he went down on his lover.  Lennie�s long fingers burrowed in his hair, holding him as his pleasure grew.

Finally he gasped.  �That�s enough, Jack!  Now!  Fuck me now!�

Jack didn�t need to be told twice.  He let go of Lennie and realized he was still mostly dressed.  Almost angrily, he threw off his jeans and briefs, leaving his sweatshirt on.  He glanced around the office, his eyes finally finding the tube of lube he�d abandoned earlier.  As he greased himself up, Lennie hopped down from the desk and turned around, �assuming the position.�  Knowing they were both wound pretty tight, Jack didn�t waste time with preparation.  He knew Lennie could take him whole.  Standing behind his lover, he pushed in, hearing Lennie�s gasp of pleasure as the head of his cock disappeared inside his lover.  Felling Lennie relax, he began thrusting, slowly at first, then faster.  With every thrust, the heavy plug inside him brushed against his prostate.  He could feel its weight moving deep inside his body.  Only the cock strap kept him from coming on the first thrust.  Finally he couldn�t stand it anymore and reached down and unsnapped the strap, coming hard with a scream, sending his hot fluid deep into his lover.  His entire body reverberated with the spasms.

Lennie could feel the power of Jack�s orgasm, and it was all he needed to push him over the edge.  His come sprayed all over the front of Jack�s desk.  He could feel Jack�s weight against him as his lover collapsed over him.  After a few moments to catch his breath, he managed to stand up, turning around to take his exhausted lover into his arms.  Somehow they both managed to fall together onto the couch, where they laid, breathing hard, for quite a while.

Lennie recovered first, shifting around to hold Jack close in a more comfortable position.  He gently ran his fingers through the thick silver hair.  Finally, Jack spoke.

�Shit, Lennie!  You ok?�

Lennie chuckled.  �Fine.  You?�

Jack took a deep breath.  �Wow.�

�I�ll take that as a yes,� Lennie laughed.

Jack just smiled; he didn�t think he had the energy just yet to laugh.  They just lay together on the couch, content in the afterglow, neither one really wanting to move.  Finally it hit Jack that they were laying together on his office couch, mostly naked, and the front of his desk was covered with Lennie�s come.  He groaned.

�What?�  Lennie asked, concerned.

Jack pointed to the desk.  �Gotta clean up your mess ��

Lennie hugged him.  �Don�t worry, I�ll take care of it.�

Jack hugged back.  �Thanks.  I don�t believe we did this.�

�What, here?  In the office?�

Jack nodded.

Lennie just grinned.  �Been wanting to for a long time, just had to come up with the right opportunity.�

Jack laughed and shook his head.  �How did you know I'd come in to the office?"

That just got him 'the look.'  "Jack, what do you EVER do when you're bored?  You work."

A pained expression crossed Jack's face.  "Not always �"

One cocked eyebrow was all Lennie had to say about that.  Jack gave in and shrugged. 

"Well, at least you�re always full of surprises, aren�t you?�

Lennie chuckled.  �Hey, if you can�t have fun, why bother with life?�

Jack squirmed and realized the plug was still in place.  �Um, Lennie � I think I�m gonna need your help getting it OUT ��

The evil grin was back.  �Actually, I was kinda thinking that if it�s not too uncomfortable, you might want to wait until we get home.  Easier to clean up there.  And besides, might be fun riding your bike home with it in place � get you ready for round two!�

At the moment, round two was the furthest thing from Jack�s mind.  He felt limp as a piece of spaghetti cooked way past al dente.  But on the other hand, Lennie had a point about riding the bike with this thing in place � might just work out at that. 

He looked up at Lennie.  �Ed pick you up today?�

Lennie nodded.  �Yup.  Dropped me here.  So I need a ride home too � you, me, it, and one vibrating monster motorcycle between our legs.  Whaddaya say?�

�I say let�s get this place cleaned up and get going!�

send me some

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Disclaimer:  These characters belong to Dick Wolf and NBC.  I'm just borrowing them for fun, not profit.
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