Choices Chapter 5
Lennie and MIke share some interesting revelations
Lennie was getting his second cup of coffee when his cell phone rang.  It was still unusual enough an occurrence that he had to think for a second to identify it, then find the damned thing in his pocket, and open it.  Long enough for him to wonder if it was Jack � �Hello?�

�Hey, Lennie!�
�Mike!  Didn�t expect to hear from you so soon.�
�Yeah, well, like I said Saturday, we�ve got a LOT to catch up on, buddy.�
�Yeah, I kinda got that feeling too.  So?� 
�You want to get together after work tonight?�
Lennie felt something inside tighten.  Could he have been right? Could this lead to something?  He swore he had butterflies in his stomach.  He hadn�t been this nervous about a �date� since high school.  If that�s what this was �
�That sounds great, Mike.  When and where?�

Mike gave him the address of a bar �just around the corner from my new apartment.�  They agreed to meet there at 7PM.

Lennie walked into the bar and looked around.  Kinda dark for his taste; he preferred the cheery atmosphere of the neighborhood pubs Mike usually drank at.  Interesting clientel; Lennie couldn�t quite put his finger on it, although a suspicion was starting to form in his mind.  He looked around, trying to spot Mike, found him in a booth off to one side.  A beer and a club soda were already on the table, and Mike was grinning at him. 

�Interesting place, Mike.�
�Yeah, I know, not my usual.  But it�s convenient.  And it has other advantages.� 

Lennie raised an eyebrow.  �You trying to tell me something, Mike?�
Logan�s eyes met his.  �Well, the way I hear it, you�ve got the same message to deliver.�
Lennie couldn�t help grinning back at him.  �Yeah, it certainly seems so.  I guess you heard the latest round of rumors about me and Jack.�
Mike nodded.  �You had a lot of people worried, Lennie.�
�Yeah, well trust me, it wasn�t my intention to get mugged.�
�Story has it you two had a �lovers� quarrel�.  And Jack told them to look for you at places like this.� Mike�s face made it a question.
�Yeah.  He was wrong, but I could have been, if I�d been just a little madder. He made a nasty comment about how jealous I must be that he could get drunk, maybe I should just go to a gay bar and get both booze and company.  I just walked out, needing to think.  So busy thinking, I wasn�t paying attention to where I was walking.�
Mike winced, knowing how hurtful that comment had been.  �But you put it back together?�
Lennie nodded.  �Yeah.� 
Mike looked at him; something in the way Lennie said it made him wonder.  �But?�
�Well, let�s say life just got �interesting� again.�  He stopped to sip his soda.  �You gotta understand something, Mike.  This whole thing just started last November.  We�re both still figuring it out.  I realize now that I�ve probably always been gay, just never figured it out.  But Jack still thinks of himself as straight; maybe bi, but definitely preferring women.  And one of those women just rocked our boat.  We decided to sort of back off for a while until he figures out just what it is he wants.�
�But you still love him.�  It was a statement, not a question.
Lennie nodded.  �Yeah, I do.�
Mike reached out and took his hand.  �I�m sorry, Lennie.�

At the physical contact, Lennie felt his libido beginning to stir.  He had always been fond of Mike, their friendship had been something even more than that of cop partners.  He thought he understood now how Jack had felt when Danielle had made that pass.  His love for Jack was still there, but right here, right now, he wanted desperately to explore this possibility with Mike. 

He took a deep breath.  �Mike, I won�t lie to you.  I�m hoping we�ll still pull this thing back together.  I�m not looking for a relationship right now.  But the whole point of me moving out was so we both could explore what we wanted.  I got the impression Saturday that you weren�t just telling me, you were asking if I was interested.  I am.�

Mike grinned at him.  �I was hoping you�d say that.  And Lennie, when have you EVER known me to be serious about a relationship?  We�re friends � that�s all the relationship I need.�  His thumb had begun gently tracing circles over Lennie�s hand, and under the table his leg pressed against Lennie�s.

Lennie smiled back at him, suddenly feeling somewhat shy and nervous, and liking it.  There was an excitement to a new lover that he had forgotten about.  Things with Jack had been so �not normal.�  They really had skipped all this.  He looked away, then back into Mike�s eyes.  �I like the sound of that.�

Logan chuckled; he was finding Lennie�s sudden shyness quite appealing.  �Tell you what.  Why don�t we head back to my place and order some dinner and see what happens.�

Lennie couldn�t help either the grin or the blush that were fighting for control of his face.  �Sounds great.�

Mike dropped a couple of bills on the table for the drinks and they walked out of the bar.  Mike was right, it was just around the corner from his apartment.  But the short walk was more than enough time for Lennie�s shyness to evaporate.  As soon as the door closed behind them, Lennie pulled Mike into a kiss, his hands sliding under Mike�s suit coat, wrapping around his sides, pulling him closer so that he could feel that hot, hard package pressed against his own.  He wanted it so much it hurt.  Mike responded, pinning him against the door, lips pressed against his with a bruising pressure.  Lennie pushed back with equal force, tongues probing, deeper, moaning their need. 

Hands fumbled at buttons and zippers, their clothing left behind like a trail of breadcrumbs leading to the bedroom.  Finally they were naked in Mike�s bed, warm flesh against warm flesh, pure hunger driving them both.  Lennie barely had a chance to appreciate Mike�s beautiful body before it was crushed against his.  Hot breath against his ear.  �Lennie, can I fuck you?  I want to fuck you so bad � always have� 
�Oh, yeah, Mike.  Yeah.� 

Mike grinned and reached over to the nightstand for a bottle of lube.  He spread his legs, inviting, and gasped as Mike spread the cool gel onto his target.  For just a moment, a hand lingered on his aching cock, then Mike lifted his legs onto his shoulders and pushed against him.  �Oh, yeah.�  One good shove and Mike was in, filling him, thrusting slowly, savoring the first contact. 

Grunts and groans and moans filled the air as Mike picked up speed, finally consumed by his need.  Lennie grabbed his own cock, unable to resist any longer, desperately wanting to come; his explosion sent Mike over the edge as well.  Mike flopped down onto the bed beside him, breathing heavily.  �I have wanted to do that for the longest time.�
Lennie rolled over to look at him.  �Even back then?�
�Oh, yeah.�  He had to laugh at the look on Lennie�s face.  �That bother you?�
�I don�t know.  I�m still figuring out so much of this.�
Mike�s grin faded, replaced by a look of compassion.  �You really just figured this out?�
Lennie nodded.  �Last Thanksgiving, when Jack was attacked.  Took us both by surprise.�
�You want to talk about it?�

And they did.  For the next hour, Lennie talked about the current situation, how it had all started, the bumps along the way, and most especially how much his life had improved since he figured out he was gay.  Mike listened, understanding like no one else could.  Somewhere along the way the space between them had vanished and he was nestled safely in the crook of Mike�s arm as fingers gently feathered through his hair. 

At one point, Lennie actually had to stop talking as he realized how totally comfortable he was here with his former partner, naked in bed.  It was funny.  He didn�t feel the deep, almost aching love he felt for Jack.  But there was definitely something special here, building on years of friendship, and the ultimate trust that a cop has for his partner.  It was safe, comfortable, but not demanding. 
�Lennie?  Where�d you go?�
�Sorry, Mike.  It just struck me how odd it is to feel so comfortable here, like this.�
Mike smiled at him.  �Lennie, you and me, we�ll always have something special. We�ve been through too damned much together.�
�You can say that, Mikey.�  He rolled over a bit, wrapping his arm over Mike�s chest, trailing his fingers over the warm skin.  Mike sighed with contentment.

�So what about you?  All those women you told me about � was that just a cover?�
Mike shrugged.  �Some.  I guess it was around that time that I finally figured out that I like guys better; women can get so clingy, they want you to settle down.  I guess I�m just not the �relationship� type.�
�So you just sleep around?�  Lennie tried to keep the judgement out of his voice.
�Not really.  I mean, yes, I like playing the field.  But it�s not just random, Lennie.  I�ve got a nice circle of fuck-buddies, good friends, we kind of just switch off every now and then.  Nobody�s possessive, nobody wants commitment, we just have fun together.�
Mike leaned down and gently kissed his forehead.  �I�m really hoping you�ll be one of them.�

Lennie smiled, touched by the gesture.  �Me too, Mike.  At least for now.  I�m still hoping Jack will get over this thing with Danielle and we�ll put it back together.�
Mike�s face got uncharacteristically serious.  �You really do love him, don�t you?�
Lennie sighed.  �Yeah, I do, Mike.  It�s like we�re just so perfect together.  We understand each other, all the pain and loneliness we�ve both suffered for so long.  The loss, Claire, my daughter.  We just belong together.�
Mike nodded.  �I can see that.  You know, I kind of envy you for that.  For having someone you belong with.  I�m not sure I�ll ever have that.�
�I just hope I still have it when this is over.�
Mike hugged him.  �Either way, Lennie, you�re always welcome here.�

He rolled onto his side to face Lennie, and drew his friend in for a kiss.  Unlike the first time, when the heat of passion had made them rough, now Mike was gentle, affectionate.  Lennie felt himself responding, his own affection for the younger man growing into something new and exciting.  They laid together for a while, kissing, hands caressing, exploring.  This time Lennie took control, rolling them over so he was on top, his tongue searching Mike�s neck for just the right spot, focusing on it when he found it.  He straddled Mike, their growing cocks brushing together as his hands covered Mike�s chest, tweaking the stiffening nipples. 

�Damn, Lennie.  You�re pretty good for a beginner,� Mike panted, obviously enjoying Lennie�s attentions.  Lennie chuckled and moved downward, enjoying the feel of Mike�s body beneath him.  His hands found the stiff cock as his mouth latched on to a nipple, wringing a moan from Mike.  He moved again, leaving a trail of kisses down the abs, closer and closer, finally taking the cock into his mouth.  Mike sighed.  �Oh, yeah.  Suck me, Lennie.  Oh, that�s good.� 

Lennie couldn�t quite believe he had Mike�s cock in his mouth, and it amazed him just how much it turned him on.  He tasted different from Jack, saltier, but still so good.  He kept it slow, drawing out the pleasure.  But finally he knew he needed more.  He crawled back up to kiss Mike, then leaned over to the nightstand.  He looked down at Mike, grinning.  �My turn?�  Mike got the hint and grinned back at him.  �Go for it.�  He rolled over, getting onto his hands and knees, presenting that beautiful, tight ass.  A little lube, then he pushed into Mike with a grunt, feeling the warmth around him.  He grabbed ahold of Mike�s hips and began thrusting, slowly, then faster. 

�Oh, yeah, Lennie.  Ahh, that�s good.�  Mike pushed back against him, wanting more.  By the time Lennie started to feel his climax coming, they were both panting and sweating from the exertion. �Oh god!� he cried out as it finally took him.  When he could move again, he pulled out and flopped down on the bed, breathing hard.  Mike rolled over and laid his head on Lennie�s shoulder, one hand on his cock to finish himself off.  Lennie watched him, enjoying the look of absolute pleasure on his face.  He couldn�t help think how beautiful Jack looked when he came.  Mike had much the same effect.  He wondered if it was something in their shared Irish heritage.  Or maybe it was just something all guys got at that moment.  //
Do I look like that? // All he knew for sure right now was that he was amazingly content.  He�d think the serious thoughts later.

They laid there in the afterglow, catching their breaths, happy just to be together for a little while.  But ever the pragmatist, Lennie�s stomach finally protested the fact that they hadn�t gotten around to dinner.  Mike laughed.  �You always could eat anything, anytime, anywhere!�

Lennie finally got home around 10PM.  Ed was parked in his favorite chair, reading.  �So, enjoy catching up with your old partner?�
Lennie was having trouble keeping a �cat that ate the canary� grin off his face.  �Oh, yeah.�
Ed looked at him.  �OK, you�re looking altogether too pleased, man.  Give.�
�OK, you asked.  He�s gay.�
Ed raised an eyebrow.  �You knew this?�
Lennie shook his head.  �Suspected it on Saturday, but never a hint before that.�
�Oh.  So I�m guessing you two weren�t just talking ��
Lennie just grinned. 
�Uh huh.  So, you moving out again already?�
�Nah, not unless you throw me out.  Mike�s not exactly the �settling down� type.  Besides, I�m not looking for that now.  I still hope Jack and I can sort this out.�
�So that�s why you�re screwing somebody else?�
Lennie sighed.  �Different rules, Ed.  Different rules.�
Ed thought about it for a minute, and shook his head. �Whatever works, my friend.�

A little later, in bed, Lennie thought about Mike�s idea of a relationship; that �friends� was enough for sex.  He knew that he should be feeling at least a little guilty about Mike, but he just couldn�t.  Partly because they had agreed � Jack had all but insisted that he try to find somebody while Jack was exploring this thing with Danielle.  But mostly it was because he realized that whatever he did with Mike it would never compete with what he and Jack had.  It was fun, it was nice, it was special in its own way, but it wasn�t on the same level as the �real thing.�  He knew where his home was.  Now if Jack could just realize that �

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Chapter 6

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Disclaimer:  These characters belong to Dick Wolf and NBC.  I'm just borrowing them for fun, not profit.
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