Choices Chapter 9
Their first date
Lennie was floating in the most beautiful erotic dream.  Jack sat behind him, arms wrapped around him, holding him close, nuzzling his neck.  He could feel the hardness of Jack�s erection pressed into his back.  At the same time, a warm mouth was sucking his own cock, hands caressing his legs, slow and languid, the sort of thing you could keep up for hours.  He smiled, knowing that Mike didn�t have that kind of patience � yet.  He�d learn. 

His eyes fluttered open and he realized that it wasn�t entirely a dream � Mike was sucking him.  He reached out a hand to touch the dark hair.  �Hey you.�
Mike let go and sat up to smile at him.  �Mornin�, Lennie.�
Lennie reached out with both hands.  Mike took the hint and moved up to kiss him, all but lying on top of him.  The kiss was long and slow, passionate but relaxed. 
�Damn, that�s a nice way to wake up.�
Mike smiled down at him.  �Thought you�d like it.�
Lennie�s fingers brushed the hair away from his face.  �Am I the only one who knows how to sleep in anymore?  Jack likes to wake me up too, since he�s always up so damned early.�
Mike bent down to kiss his nose.  �You�re just irresistible, Lennie.  Get used to it.�
Lennie laughed and pulled him down for another kiss. 
Finally, Mike rolled off to lay beside him, gently caressing his face.  �So how do you want it?� 

Lennie sighed.  It would be their last time together � maybe ever, depending on if Jack could come to terms with an open relationship.  They both knew that if he couldn�t, then there was no contest; Jack owned Lennie�s heart, lock, stock and barrel. 
�I want you inside me.�
Mike smiled and gently kissed him.  �You got it.�  He reached over to the nightstand and grabbed the lube.  If this was their last time together, it was going to be special.  �Roll over.  Let�s take this nice and slow.�  He grabbed a pillow and stuffed it under Lennie�s hips as the older man rolled over.  �You comfy?�  �Mmph.� Came the muffled response.  Mike chuckled and positioned himself between Lennie�s legs, running his hands over his friend�s ass.  Lennie purred at the touch.  Finally, he took some lube and spread it over that perfect pink rosebud, gently pushing in one finger.  Lennie sighed happily as Mike probed around, thrusting, gently stretching him, lips coming in to kiss his cheeks.  A second finger slipped in, then a third. �Oh, yeah, Mike. Oohhhh! God, you keep that up much longer, I won�t be able to wait for you.�  The fingers slipped out, and Mike whispered �I�ll be right back,� as he ducked into the bathroom to wash his hand.

Lennie sighed and rolled back onto his back, keeping the pillow under his hips.  His cock was so hard it ached, but he forced himself to keep his hands away; he was far too close as it was.
Mike came back in and crawled on top of him, kissing him deeply, then tracing a line of kisses all down his body before finally taking position.  He lubed himself, then lifted Lennie�s legs onto his shoulders.  �You ready?�
�Oh, yeah.�  He pressed in, holding still with just the head buried.  �Go ahead, Mike. You got me good and ready.�  He nodded and began thrusting, ever so slowly, but gradually picking up the pace.  Alternating fast then slow, not letting Lennie find the rhythm that would push him over the edge.  He loved watching Lennie�s face; he was so far gone in his pleasure that every little thing showed.  It was like a living work of art.  But finally, they reached a point of no return.  Mike kicked into high gear and watched with delight as Lennie exploded beneath him, thankful that he was just far enough behind to be able to appreciate it before his own explosion took him.

He sank back, sliding out, letting Lennie�s legs gently down, then crawled up to the nightstand where he�d left a washcloth.  With a sigh, he flopped down next to Lennie and snuggled into the offered shoulder. 
�Damn, Mike.  You trying to kill me?�
Mike laughed.  �Hell no, Lennie.  Besides, it would take a LOT more that that to take you out!�
�I�m not as young as I used to be, Mike.�
Mike reached out to caress that much-loved face.  �But you�re not as old as you sometimes let yourself think you are, either.�
�Oh, Mike.�  He pulled the young man closer.  �I�m so glad we found each other again.�
�Me too, Lennie.�  He gently kissed his friend.  �And I mean this � even if Jack can�t deal with an open relationship, nothing�s changed in our friendship.  I�ll always be here for you, no matter what.�
�Me too, Mikey.  Me too.�

They cuddled together for a little longer, then reluctantly crawled out of bed and dressed. 
�So you gonna call him?�  Mike grinned at him, egging him on.
�When I get home.  Which won�t be until I find my shirt.�
�Uh uh.  Now.  You�re not getting the shirt till you do.�  Mike dangled the shirt in front of him and snatched it away as Lennie grabbed for it.
Lennie sighed and fished the phone out of his jeans pocket.  Just in time for it to start ringing.
They looked at each other in surprise.  �So answer it already.�

Jack�s heart nearly burst at the sound of Lennie�s voice.  He hadn�t dared hope he�d catch him; in any event, he was probably with Mike anyhow, but at least maybe they could talk � �Hey, Lennie.  It�s me.  Jack.�

Lennie looked at Mike and nodded, smiling.  �Hey yourself.  How�re you doing?�
�OK, I guess.  Listen, Lennie, I�ve been thinking.�
After a short silence, Lennie filled it with �Oh?�
�We agreed that we weren�t breaking up, right?  Just stepping back to the dating phase.  So I was wondering if you wanted to do something this weekend?�  There.  It was out.
Lennie couldn�t believe what he was hearing.  He wasn�t spending the weekend with her?  Who cared, just say yes before he changes his mind.  �Sure.  What did you have in mind?�
�There�s a ballgame this afternoon.  I think there are still tickets available.�
�Sounds perfect.�
�Great.  I�ll pick you up around 2.  Uh, where exactly is Ed�s apartment?�
�Uh, to tell you the truth, I don�t know the address.  It�s on a street called Wellington, but I can�t remember the cross.  I�m out running errands right now, so I can�t really check.�
Jack laughed.  �That�s ok, I�ll just call directory assistance.  See you around 2, then?�

Lennie hung up the phone with a sigh and collapsed back onto the bed.  Mike was grinning ear to ear.  �Come on, Lennie, you gotta get home and get ready for your big date!�  He dragged Lennie back up, handed him the missing shirt and the overnight bag he hadn�t had a chance to use, and dragged him to the front door.  Lennie laughed and stopped Mike before he could open the door.  He reached out to run his fingers through that uruly mane of dark hair.  �Thanks, Mike.� 
Mike laid his hand on Lennie�s shoulder.  �Just keep me posted.  I gotta hear how this turns out!  Now get outa here!� A brief squeeze, then he was gone.


Lennie tried to sit calmly in Ed�s living room, waiting for Jack to arrive.  It wasn�t working very well.  He finally gave up and started pacing, and ended up just feet away from the door when the doorbell chimed.  He took a deep breath and forced himself to be calm, opened the door.

�Hi, Lennie.�  Jack stood there, looking hopeful but uncomfortable, wearing a light denim jacket despite the mid-summer heat.  //
Oh, good.  The bike! //

Lennie waved him in.  �Jack.� 

They stood there for a few moments, awkward, not sure what to do.  Finally Jack broke.  �Oh, god, Lennie, I�ve missed you.�  Their eyes met, and a moment later they were holding each other tight, as if they would never let go again.  �You too, Jack,� Lennie whispered in his ear, not wanting to let go.  But finally they did, looking at each other almost shyly.  �Where�s Ed?�

Lennie jumped on the excuse for simple conversation.  �Went to AC for the weekend.�  He sighed.  �You know, now that I�ve got you into AA, I need to figure out how to get him into GA.  The boy�s got a BAD habit.�

Jack was touched by Lennie�s concern for his friend.  �I didn�t think it bothered you that much.� 
Lennie shrugged.  �I guess after this week, maybe I just care a little more.�
Jack smiled and laid his hand on Lennie�s arm.  �If there is one word that describes you, Lennie, it�s loyal.  He�s lucky to have such a good friend.� Lennie smiled, embarrassed.

Jack decided to move things along before it got awkwardly quiet again.  �You ready?�
�Yeah.  Uh, but I didn�t pack my jacket, didn�t think I�d need it in this weather.�
Jack grinned. �Would I let you out without proper gear?  It�s with your helmet.�
Lennie laughed and followed him out.

Lennie got on the bike behind Jack, biting back a sigh as he wrapped his arms around the driver.  It felt so good to be back here.  He squeezed Jack to let him know he was ready, and they took off.  It wasn�t that far to Yankee Stadium, but of course in the height of summer tourist season even the weekend traffic was a mess.  Luckily, the cycle could get around some of the worst backups. 

The game started at 3:30; it was the first half of a twi-night double header.  They had plenty of time to grab some hot dogs and sodas and find their seats WAY up in the peanut gallery.  But the nosebleed seats suited them; giving them a little more privacy.

It had turned out to be a perfect afternoon for a game; it was hot, but there was a nice stiff breeze blowing.  They settled in and ate their lunch, talking about trivialities.  But finally, the important questions couldn�t be avoided any longer. 

�So, Jack, I thought you�d be with Danielle this weekend?�
Jack sighed.  �No.  I broke it off, Lennie.  I�ve been either the biggest fool in the world or the biggest ass, or maybe both.�  His entire posture screamed �dejection,� elbows on knees, head in hands.  He ran his hands through his hair and looked up at Lennie.  �Can you ever forgive me?�

Lennie looked at him in disbelief and laughed.  �And here I was looking forward to a good knock-down, drag-out fight to win you back!�
Jack looked up, his turn for disbelief.  �But what about Mike?�
Lennie sighed.  �How many times do I have to tell you that�s not serious?�

It finally sunk in.  �Oh.�  A smile finally broke through. 
�That�s better.  Did you really think I�d choose Mike over you even if it WAS serious?�
Jack shrugged.  �He was your partner, Lennie.  That�s the one place I can never go with you.�
Lennie looked at him.  �That bother you?�
�I�m the son of a cop.  I know how special that relationship is.  I guess when I thought about combining it with being lovers, it just seemed unbeatable.�
�Jack, Mike and I are friends.  Just like always.  We just found one more hobby in common.�
Jack�s eyebrows went up.  �Hobby?�
Lennie laughed.  �For him, yeah.�

Just then the announcer cut in and the pre-game festivities started.  They settled back and enjoyed the afternoon, watching the game, screaming at the umpires, eating more junk food, and just being together.

Around the bottom of the 8th inning, they decided to beat the crowd and head out.  Lennie settled back to enjoy the ride, smiling when he realized Jack was heading straight home.  He hadn�t intended to go back to the apartment just yet, but he really couldn�t think of a better alternative at the moment, so he decided to go along for the ride.

Even so, he hesitated for a moment when Jack opened the door.  It would be so easy to just �go home,� back into the old routine, not hash any of this out.  He�d have to be strong to make this go right this time. 

They stashed their jackets and helmets in the hall closet.  �Damn, it�s hot out there. You want something cold?� 
Lennie flopped on the couch.  �Hell, yes.�
He came back with a couple of sodas and sat beside Lennie, who opened the cola and downed half of it in one gulp.  �Oh, that�s better.  Have I mentioned that I hate summer?�
Jack laughed.  �Well, it�s almost half over.  Before you know it, it�ll be fall, and we can plan a real road trip.�
Lennie sighed.  �That sounds perfect.  Where do you want to go?�
�Haven�t really thought about it.  We should stay in one weekend and do some research.�
�Sounds like a plan.�

Lennie�s hand had begun lazily tracing circles on Jack�s thigh, sending a shiver down his spine.   Lennie chuckled.  �I thought you were too hot, Jack.�
�Oh, I am.  All hot and bothered.�  He spread his legs a bit to give Lennie better access.
As his hand found its mark, he leaned in for a kiss; gentle, tentative.  Jack responded, opening his mouth, pulling Lennie in.  Arms wrapped around, holding closer, tongues probing deeper, throats groaning with desire.  �Ohhhhh, Lennie.�  His hands unbuttoning a shirt, sliding down the chest below it, pulling it out of the jeans.  Lennie�s legs, straddling over him as arms pulled his shirt off over his head.  Lennie�s mouth, sucking his neck, jaw, earlobe as hands found his nipples.  His hands undoing belt, zipper in front of him, sliding inside, hot, hard.  Lennie arching above him to cast off the jeans, pushing them aside, settling back down over him.  Hands reaching for his belt, pushing things down, lifting his hips to help, colliding, grinding together, mouths again locked, his hands holding them together.  Hot breath on his ear:  �I want you, Jack.  I need you.�
Arms laying him back, kisses down his throat, chest, abs, cock.  �Yessssss�  His cock engulfed, held, worshipped.  Lennie�s body above him now, 69, his lips eager, sucking him in, holding, worshipping in return. Rhythm found, grunts, groans, sweat making bodies even slicker.  Need intensifying, faster, harder, tension mounting, breathing ragged, release!

Lennie rolled off him onto the floor, sitting up to lean against the couch, finishing himself off with a few quick pulls.  They rested there, Jack�s arm coming around him from the side, until they could breathe again.  �Mmmmm� was all he could manage for quite a while.

Finally, Jack sat up and put his arms around Lennie�s shoulders.  �I don�t know about you, but I need a shower.�
Lennie chuckled.  �What, not enough?�
Jack touseled his hair.  �I mean a REAL shower.  Not that you can�t come along ��
He got up and offered Lennie a hand up from the floor.

They turned the water on and waited for it to warm up, then got in.  Lennie had to admit that he had missed this shower.  Jack had done an excellent job remodeling the bathroom � plenty of room for two.  They just stood there under the water for a few minutes, enjoying the feel of it and of each other, then took turns lathering each other up and rinsing away the mess.  Jack�s fingers lingered at Lennie�s crotch, which was getting fuzzy again.  �You want me to take care of this, Lennie?�
Lennie thought about it for a minute.  �Nah, I think I�ll let it grow back.�
Jack was confused.  �But I thought you liked it like this?�
�Oh, I do.  But it�s getting kind of old hat.  Don�t want to get stuck in a rut.�
�Are you saying we were in a rut?�  Jack looked vaguely troubled.
Lennie caressed his face.  �Maybe a little.  But if there�s one thing I�ve learned from this experience it�s that I like new experiences.�
�Such as?� 
His eyes twinkled.  �Going to a kink club last night with Mike.�
The expression on Jack�s face made it all worth it.  Lennie laughed.  �Close your mouth before you drown, Jack.�
Just in case, he hit the water control, shutting off the shower. 

Jack couldn�t figure out what to say, so he just got out of the shower and grabbed a towel.  They dried off and got dressed � Lennie was glad he hadn�t packed everything!  Jack stayed quiet until they settled back down in the living room.
They sat on the couch, Lennie�s arm around Jack�s shoulders.
�You went to a kink club.  With Mike.  Last night.�
�Is that really so hard to believe?�
Jack shook his head.  �I don�t know if I can keep up with you anymore, Lennie.  Maybe you need somebody younger, more, I don�t know, open minded?�
Lennie sighed.  �More open-minded than they guy who turned his back on 50 years of conditioning to love me in the first place?  I don�t think that�s possible.�
Jack bit his lip.  �Well, if you put it that way ��
�Jack, you can do this.  You fight against things, then you turn out to love them.  How about we just skip the first part?�
A deep breath.  �I�ll try.�
The arm squeezed.  �That�s all I can ask.�
A few moments of silence, then Jack asked, �So what were you doing at this club?�
�Mike decided that if I was going to try to win you back, I should at least get out and check out �the scene� once first.  So he loaned me this mesh tank top so I at least wouldn�t stand out, and we went.�
Jack turned sideways to look at him.  �Tank top.�
�Mesh.  Electric blue, to match my eyes.�  He laughed.  �Jack, if you�re having trouble picturing that, maybe I shouldn�t tell you who we ran into there ��
�Well, now you have to, or I�ll die of curiosity.�
�Abbie.  She did tell us she�s into some �interesting� things.�
Horror and intrigue warred for Jack�s response.  Intrigue won.  �What was she wearing?�
Lennie described her bitch dominatrix gear, and bit back a laugh as he saw Jack�s eyes get wide as if seeing her for real.  �Looked damned good in it, too.�
Jack glared at him.  �I thought you swore off girls.�
�Hey, I can still enjoy the view!�
�Oh, all right.�

They sat quietly for a few minutes.  Lennie wanted to give Jack all the time he needed to process this.  Finally:  �Lennie, can I ask you a question.�
He bent down and gently kissed Jack�s head.  �Of course.�
�Did you sleep with Mike last night?�
�Even knowing you wanted to get back with me.�
�And Mike knows you wanted me back.�
�Yes.  In fact, he�s been very supportive.  Actually this morning when you called, he was nagging me to call you.  Had the phone in my hand when it started ringing.�
�I had a feeling you were there.  And you don�t see any problem with any of this?�
Lennie wrapped his arms tightly around Jack.  �No, I don�t.  Mike and I have something special, Jack.  But it has nothing to do with how I feel about you.  To me, Mike is like dessert.  You don�t have dessert every day, but some times you just need that little something extra to fill in the cracks.   Or even just because you like it.  But you�re the main course, the meat and potatoes that you need to survive, can�t live without. I can�t live without you Jack.�

Jack sat up and turned to look into Lennie�s eyes.  �I can�t live without you either.  Will you come home now, Lennie?�

Lennie sighed.  �Not just yet, Jack.�  He could see the disappointment take hold and reached out to caress the face, take the sting out of the blow.  �Soon.  I promise.  But we�ve still got some ground to cover.  I don�t just want to go back to the way it was.  I want us to build a strong foundation to build the rest of our lives on.  No assumptions to crumble beneath us this time.�  He gently kissed Jack�s forehead.  �OK?�
Jack nodded.  He had to try one last thing.  �Will you stay with me tonight?�
Lennie smiled.  He hadn�t intended to, but knew they both needed it.  �Yeah.  I�ll stay tonight.�

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Chapter 10

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Disclaimer:  These characters belong to Dick Wolf and NBC.  I'm just borrowing them for fun, not profit.
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