My Hero
WARNING:  This fic deals with the events of 9//11/2001.  The Phoenix story line crosses that date, so we have to deal with it. 
He sat there alone in the dark.  The television had long ago run out of actual information to convey; now it was all speculation, so he had turned it off.  For hours this morning, he and Nora and Serena had sat in Nora�s office and stared at it, hoping to make some sense of what had happened. 

Half the communications lines in the city had gone down with the two towers.  Cell phones, landlines, it didn�t matter.  Gone.  There were already reports on the news of the heroic efforts of the police and firemen who had given everything that day.  There was a gaping hole in his heart, hoping that one particular member of New York�s Finest hadn�t been anywhere near there today, and he had no way of finding out.

Everybody felt the need to get back to their loved ones, and no work was being done.  The Mayor was encouraging people to evacuate public places that might be additional targets.  Traffic was a mess, but everyone still tried to get home.  His cycle gave him a bit of an advantage in the traffic; it only took him an hour to get over to the 27th precinct. 

Chaos greeted him there.  He managed to find Anita Van Buren, looking as stressed as he�d ever seen her.  She told him that no, Lennie had been here when it happened.  But he was out there on the streets now, trying to maintain order as people panicked.  It was likely going to be a very long day for them all; who knew when the next shift would actually make it in, with the mess out there?

So he had gone home, at least knowing his partner was alive.  But the hours weighed on him.  An essential element of safety had been lost today.  Something like this wasn�t supposed to be able to happen here.  Just like it wasn�t supposed to happen last year, in his own office.  Just like that night, now he longed for a pair of strong arms to hold him, a soft voice telling him everything would be all right, he was safe.  He sat there in the dark, hugging his knees, staring out the window at a changed skyline.  Wishing Lennie was here . . .


The city had gotten oddly quiet that night.  After the panic of the afternoon played itself out, everything was quiet.  Normally busy streets were nearly empty.  Restaurants, usually filled with patrons, were closed.  Broadway was silent.  All day, he�d barely had a minute to think.  Now, driving home in the dark, he had too much time to think.  About what had happened today.  He didn�t want to think about it.  Instead, he focused on the picnic last Sunday at Rey�s; Serena and Isabel playing in the back yard, Olivia trying to be the grown up hostess.  It had been so perfect, so all-American.  A family cookout.

The road before him was blocked.  He stopped the car and got out, suddenly realizing where he was.  He stared at the ruin, where just this morning had stood two mighty towers.  Rescue workers kept going; onlookers kept a candlelight vigil.  //
My god, was the picnic only 2 days ago? // he thought as he wiped a tear from his cheek.  // Might as well be a lifetime. //  Part of him wanted to join his brothers in blue in the rescue efforts, but he knew he couldn�t.  He was already bone-weary from the impossibly long day.  What he needed now was to get home.  To Jack.  To what remained of safety, in the arms of the one he loved most of all.

At last, he came to the door of their apartment.  It was unlocked, but everything was dark inside.  �Jack?�  he called out.

�Back here,� came a choked voice from the bedroom.  He quickly locked the door behind him and went to his lover.  He found Jack, sitting there in his underwear, in the middle of their bed, knees drawn up under his chin, staring out the window.  He already had his shirt off by the time he got there, quickly took off his pants, and climbed in beside him, wrapping his arms around the hunched shoulders. 

Jack sighed heavily as Lennie�s arms wrapped around him.  �You OK?� The soft voice whispered in his ear. 
�Oh, Lennie �� His breath caught, as the tears threatened.
A gentle kiss on his temple.  �Shh.  It�s OK, Jack.  We�re safe.  Together.  It�s all right.�
He let go of his knees and turned to take Lennie into his arms, pulling him down to lie together.  A long, shuddering breath.  �Just hold me.�

They laid together, holding on to each other as if for dear life.  After a while, Lennie began kissing him, gently at first, then more forcefully. Hands began moving, caressing, coaxing.  The remaining clothing was pulled off as they rolled over and over, almost fighting for control.  It was as if they were channeling all the suppressed emotions of that day into a white hot passion. Over and over they tumbled, using every inch of the king sized bed, almost falling off.  All conscious thought was lost as need replaced all else; need to feel alive, need to not be alone, need for release.   Hips ground together, pressing together cocks slick with pre-cum.  Gutteral groans and moans were all that crossed their lips until at last they found release. 

When it was over, they laid together again, still now, bellies covered with sticky goo.  Hands slid through hair, as conscious though returned.  Lennie sighed.  �God, I need a shower.� He leaned over and gently kissed his lover.  �You coming?�

Jack blinked.  �It�s midnight.  You�re going to shower now?�
Lennie looked down at their mutual mess and smirked.  �Yeah.�
Jack began to register the mess.  �Oh.�  He let Lennie pull him up from the bed, into his arms.  They stood for a moment, just holding each other.  Finally, Lennie let go and took his hand.  �Come on.�

They stumbled into the bathroom, and Lennie turned on the shower.  They stepped in and closed the door, shutting out the painful world outside.  Lennie sighed as the warm water soothed his aching body, and again as Jack�s arms wrapped around him.  A long, slow kiss pushed the world farther away.  Jack let go and reached for the soap, working up a lather and rubbing it across Lennie�s chest, down his arms, across his stomach.  He smiled and pulled Jack close, transferring some of the suds to him, then turned them to let the water wash the suds away.  Jack gently turned him around, massaging the tight shoulders, working up the neck, reaching for shampoo, untangling the hair matted by sweat in the heat of the day.  Another rinse, then soapy hands working slowly down his spine, and finally sliding over his ass, slipping between the cheeks, drawing a soft moan from him.  He spread his legs as hands slid between them, cupping him from behind as he started to grow again.  A soapy finger pressed into him as warm lips found his neck, triggering another moan.  The other hand slipped around to the front, caressing him, coaxing him back to life.  �Oh yeah,� he managed to sigh.  Lips left his neck; he could feel the hot breath by his ear.  �Shall I?� He could feel Jack�s erection pressing against his cheeks.  �Do it.�

The finger slipped out and more soap was added as lubricant.  He braced himself against the shower wall as Jack grabbed his hips and pressed into him.  Once embedded, Jack�s hands slid up his sides and around his chest, holding him tight.  Lennie leaned back into the embrace, wrapping his arms over Jack�s, sighing.  They stood still for a while, joined, content in the closeness.  But finally Jack couldn�t stand it anymore and began moving, slowly, as his lips again found Lennie�s neck.  For a while, slow was enough.  Lennie was beginning to wonder if they could stay here like this forever, when a hand slid down to begin gently caressing him.  Oh, it just felt so good.  Slow became less slow as need grew again.  He began actively pushing back against Jack with each thrust, taking him as far as possible.  The only problem with this was that he couldn�t kiss his lover, so he caught the free hand and brought it to his mouth, kissing the fingertips, then slowly sucking each finger into his mouth.  Jack groaned and picked up the pace even more, and soon was slamming into his lover at full force.  At long last, Lennie felt the climax coming over him, taking his breath away, squeezing down on the cock buried inside him, feeling the answering explosion.

Even after it was over, they stood there, not wanting to separate.  Finally they had no choice; Jack stepped away, letting the shower wash away the second mess of the night, then shutting it off.  Lennie turned to face him, drawing him back into those strong arms, needing the kiss.  �Thank you.� 
Jack smiled and caressed his face, now concerned from seeing the exhaustion in his partner�s eyes.  �Are you OK, Lennie?�
�Hell of a long day, Jack.�
He nodded.  �Did you get anything to eat out there?�  Even when he had made his way home in the afternoon, nothing had looked open.
�Not really.�
�You want something now?  What can I get you?�
Lennie felt the post-coital lassitude setting in on top of the exhaustion.  //
Sleep, or food? // He shook his head.  �I think I�m too tired to think, Jack.�
A gentle kiss.  �I�ve got just the thing.  Come on, let�s get dried off.�

Jack quickly dried himself and ducked out to get munchies, while Lennie took his time.  He came out to the living room, finding Jack curled up on the couch with a jar of peanut butter, a sleeve of crackers, and a big glass of milk.  Lennie smiled and settled in beside him.  Comfort food � perfect for one o�clock in the morning.  It also gave them a chance to talk; now it was Lennie�s turn to be worried.
�Why were you sitting here in the dark, Jack?�
A sigh.  �Not sure.  Sick of the TV.  All I wanted was for you to hold me, make it go away.� He looked into Lennie�s eyes.  �Like last November.�
Lennie�s arms wrapped around him again.  �Sorry I couldn�t be here for you.�
He shook his head.  �No, you did what you had to do.�
Lennie�s turn to sigh.  �Not as much as some did.  I saw it, Jack.  Stopped by the � the site.  Saw the wreckage.  The rescue crews.  Part of me wanted to join them, but I knew I couldn�t.�
Arms held him tighter. �You did your part, Lennie.  You could have come home, hidden from the world like the rest of us, but instead you stayed out there, trying to maintain order.  Doing your job, just like the ones who won�t be coming home tonight.  You�re all heroes, Lennie.�
Lennie held him close.  �Doesn�t feel like it.�
A gentle kiss.  �You are.�

They sat there for a while longer, not saying anything, until he could feel Lennie drifting off to sleep.  �Come on, love.  You need your rest.�

They crawled back into bed, snuggled close.  Jack fell asleep safe in the arms of his hero.

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Daughters Ch 1

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Disclaimer:  These characters belong to Dick Wolf and NBC.  I'm just borrowing them for fun, not profit.
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