Holiday Games
Around Thanksgiving 2004 I was home recovering from knee surgery when the self-appointed gods of L&O Slash deemed me unworthy.  Rather than waste my time arguing the very validity of a Jack/Lennie pairing, I bailed from the LnOSlash group.  Stefano, my beta, my white knight, started a new yahoo group for the Jade Palace, which while small is becoming a happy, friendly haven for new writers and all those who value creativity.  I issued a Christmas challenge to the list, and several new writers gave us their first fics ever.  I have been truly blessed this Christmas.  Here is my entry.

Timeline:  Phoenix Universe, Christmas 2001
Jack leaned his seat back, glad he'd spent the extra money to make this trip first class.  Lennie sat beside him in the aisle seat, snoring softly.  It had been a wonderful week.  Good thing he'd taken matters into his own hands �


Two weeks before Christmas, Jack had been over at the 2-7 for a meeting with Lt. Anita Van Buren.  After discussing the case, Lennie and Ed had been dispatched to track down the newly identified ex-wife of their suspect.  Jack had hung around after they left.

"Anita?  How's your holiday coverage look this year?"

Van Buren raised an eyebrow, suspecting she knew what was coming.  "Jack, you know how it goes.  I need him here."

"Not this year.  Anita, he has a family now."

She sighed.  "Jack, as much as I disagree, policy says you don't count."

"I'm not talking about me, Anita.  I'm talking about his daughter and grandson in Florida.  Who have invited us down, although he doesn't know that.  The trip down there is my Christmas present to him."

Van Buren's jaw dropped.  "Grandson?  When did that happen?"

"Six years ago.  He's never even seen the boy.  But with everything that happened in September, Julia got back in touch with him."   He got out his trump card � he'd absconded this morning with a photo of little Tommy.  Handing it to Van Buren, he just waited.

An adorable tow-headed child grinned up at her from the photo.  Like all mothers, she visibly melted at the sight.  "Oh, he's so cute!"

Jack grinned.  "I'm not taking no for an answer this year, Anita.  Julia thought about coming up here, but decided that relocating US was a lot easier than relocating everything associated with a young child at Christmas."

Anita sighed.  "All right, you win. 


Jack smiled, remembering the look on Lennie's face that night when he told him they were going to Miami for Christmas.  And then again when they got to the airport the Saturday before the big day and Jack jumped them right to the first-class check-in.  Security was still a hassle, but at least they didn't have to wait in line 2 hours for the privilege. 

They'd had a wonderful week getting to know Julia and her family.  Lennie hadn't even tried to hide his tears when Tommy crawled into his lap.  Even Jack had gotten a little misty-eyed when the child had looked at him so seriously and said, "Mommy says I can call you Grandpa Jack."   Christmas morning held all the joy and wonder of a young child, and even the appearance of Lennie's ex hadn't clouded the occasion. 

The only thing that didn't feel right was the fact that afternoon temperatures were still in the 70's.  It was just too warm to feel like Christmas.  And the decorated palm trees they saw just looked WRONG.  But even Lennie admitted that it was nice to be warm, since the New York winter had been unusually cold so far.

But after a week of being on their best behavior, Jack was seriously looking forward to getting home and getting some quality time with his lover.  He'd been vastly amused when Lennie suffered the same inhibitions at Julia's house that he'd felt when his Katie had stayed with them in September.  They were seriously overdue. 

Finally, the plane landed at JFK Airport and they collected their luggage.  Stepping outside the baggage claim to hail a cab was like walking into a concrete wall of cold.

"Damn, it's freezing!"  Lennie muttered as they dove into the relative warmth of the cab.

Jack laughed.  "Just yesterday you were complaining that it was too warm to feel like Christmas!"

"Well, Christmas is over.  I don't need it to be cold and snowy anymore.  Can we go back to Florida?"

"I don't think either of our bosses would like that."


Of course, what the cabbie couldn't see as they sniped at each other was that Lennie's hand had sought out the warmth of Jack's crotch.  Lennie loved playing this game with cabbies, seeing how much they could get away with without the drivers noticing.  They kept up the verbal sparring, although Jack's voice almost cracked a couple of times as Lennie teased him mercilessly.

After what seemed like an eternity, the cab dropped them at the entrance to their apartment building.  The cabbie gave them an odd look as he traded their suitcases for the money Jack handed him.  Quickly, they darted inside and called the elevator.  When the elevator doors closed on them, Lennie broke up laughing. 

"Did you see that look?  He knew something was going on!"
Jack growled at him.  "You're gonna pay for that �"
"That's the idea, lover!"

Just then the elevator door opened on their floor, and they hurried down the hall and into their apartment.  Lennie dragged the suitcases into the room and abandoned them in his rush to get out of his overcoat.  Even Jack didn't bother hanging up his coat, just tossed it over a chair.  Moments later, they were locked in a passionate kiss and stumbling toward the bedroom.  No slow seduction today; clothes were all but ripped off in their eagerness to feel skin.

Jack had Lennie pinned down on the bed and was tickling him mercilessly in payback for Lennie's teasing in the cab.  Lennie was gasping for breath and laughing so hard his eyes were watering.

"Oh, shit!  Jack!  Quit it!  Come on, stop, will ya?  PLEASE!"

The words were gasped out in between bouts of nearly hysterical laughter.  Finally, Jack relented, flopping down beside his lover and pulling Lennie into his arms.  They held each other as Lennie caught his breath.

Jack grinned at him.  "Told you you'd pay �"
Lennie smiled and shook his head.  "You're just damned lucky you're not ticklish."
Jack smirked.  "Not my fault." 

His hands began roaming over Lennie's body again, but this time his touch was intended to arouse rather than tickle.  Their lips met as arms and legs twined together, seeking to get as close together as humanly possible.  Deep, passionate kisses, tongues trading spaces as they probed and explored.  Their hips pressed together as both cocks grew to fullness, seeking that most delightful friction.

Lennie took control, rolling Jack onto his back and bending his mouth to one already taut nipple.  Jack moaned as tongue and teeth worked at him, while fingers flicked over the other side.  Then the tongue was trailing down his chest, over his stomach, stopping to dip into his navel.  A hand slid down his side, trailing lightly over his hip, coming inward down that exquisitely sensitive line where leg met body, and finally tracing gently over his inflamed passion.

Lennie could tell by Jack's breathing that he was pushing all the right buttons.  He sighed, almost purring as he gently took that beautiful cock into his mouth.

"Oh, god, Lennie!"  Jack groaned at the long overdue contact.  The warm mouth worshipped him, sucking gently, tongue swirling around the sides, sending waves of pleasure coursing through his body. 

But after about 10 minutes, Lennie let go and traced a line of kisses back up Jack's body.  His fingers traced lovingly along the silver chain at Jack's throat.  Jack smiled up at him, reaching out to touch the gold one Lennie wore, remembering their first Christmas together last year, their eyes acknowledging everything that had gone between them since then.  Lennie caught Jack's hand and gently kissed the fingertips, his thumb tracing over Jack's ring.  Then he let go and bent to kiss his lover's lips again, practically laying on top of him.

Jack's arms wrapped around him, sliding down his back, finally coming to rest over the soft buttocks.  Lennie's body felt so good under his hands, so right.  But Lennie had other ideas.  He broke the kiss and crawled up Jack's body so that his knees were outside Jack's shoulders.  Supporting himself on the lattice headboard, he angled his body so that his cock was right in front of Jack's waiting mouth. 

Not needing to be told twice, Jack licked it like a kid with a lollypop, over and over again before finally taking it inside his mouth.  Lennie rocked gently, thrusting into that waiting mouth, groaning with the exquisite pleasure.  Once again, Jack's hands found his backside, trailing down the crack, teasing at his opening.  The twin sensations were driving him wild.  He groaned loudly as one finger slid inside.

"Oh, Jack!  Want you � inside me."

Jack let Lennie's cock slip out of his mouth as he extracted his finger.  "Oh, yes!"

Lennie leaned over to the nightstand for some lube, which he liberally applied to Jack's hard-on.  He knew it would hurt a little since he hadn't been stretched out for quite a while, but he didn't want to stop now, so he just moved into position over his lover and slowly impaled himself.  By the time he had sunk down over it, he was gasping with the combined pain and pleasure.

Jack's hands held him securely as he waited for his body to adjust to the intrusion, caressing and calming.  Finally the stinging stopped and he started moving slowly up and down, groaning as each stroke brushed against his prostate.  For a while, Jack let him control the tempo, keeping it slow and sensual.  But ultimately he couldn't keep still and began thrusting up to meet Lennie halfway.  Soon both were covered with sweat.  When he felt himself getting close, Jack wrapped his hand around Lennie's cock, stroking in time with their thrusts.  The wave of pleasure rolled over and through them both, leaving them breathless.

Lennie gently disengaged himself and flopped down to lay beside his lover.  Once again his fingers traced the silver chain at Jack's throat. 

"Thank you for making this Christmas even better than last year."

Jack smiled.  "And that's saying something � last year was pretty special."

A gentle kiss was as far as they got before slipping into sleep.

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Part 2

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Disclaimer:  These characters are owned by Dick Wolf and NBC.  I'm just borrowing them for fun, not profit.
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