Movement 2:  Allegro, "Born to Run"
Allegro - the fast part.  The image of the two of them on the cycle with this music still haunts me . .

Does anybody have a pic of Jack with his helmet????

Oh, yeah, I found it on the map.  There really is a little town called Climax off I-87 just south of Albany.
As usual, Jack woke up rather early, especially considering how late they�d been up the previous night.  //  yeah, but it was worth it, // Jack thought with a grin.  Their vacation �officially� began when they both got home last night � and amazingly, neither one had to stay late for any last minute emergencies.  So after dinner, Jack had gathered their stuff for the trip so they�d be ready to go first thing in the morning.  He always liked to get an early start on a road trip.

They didn�t have much; packing for two on a motorcycle didn�t leave room for much beyond the essentials.  But Jack assured Lennie that there would be plenty of amenities at this �cabin.�  �Doesn�t sound like what I think of as a cabin, Jack!�  Jack grinned; //
boy is Lennie going to be surprised when he sees the place! //  It was Adam Schiff�s vacation home in the Adirondack mountains, upstate New York.  Adam hadn�t used it in years, since his kids were all grown and gone.  It was usually rented out through an agent, but Adam could claim �owner�s privilege� whenever he wanted.  He had first offered it to Jack 20 years ago in an effort to get the driven young man to actually take a vacation.  Over the years, Jack had borrowed the �cabin� every now and then, usually taking one of his assistant/lovers with him.  The last time had been with Claire . . .   Jack shook his head.  // That was then, this is now.  I  promise you, Lennie.  Just the two of us this trip. //  He wondered if Adam suspected what was going on.  He had called the day after Lennie reminded him of the planned trip to see when they could get the place.  It had been good to talk to his friend and mentor after so many months; he hadn�t admitted how much Adam�s departure from his everyday life had affected him.  He was very glad Adam had come back to the states instead of staying in Switzerland.

Adam had asked what had prompted the trip, obviously expecting to hear about a new girlfriend, hopefully NOT someone from the DA�s office.  Jack had told him it was just him and Lennie; that he wanted to thank Lennie for taking care of him after that incident back in November; then had to explain the whole thing and listen to Adam rant at him for not calling when it happened.  �Gee, sorry �dad!�  Jack laughed as he gently chided his friend for the over-protectiveness.  //
He really has been more of a father to me than my old man ever was . . . // Jack promised to keep in touch more, and reminded Adam that he could pick up the phone as well.  He would have to go visit soon, to tell Adam in person about the real reason for this trip.  He just couldn�t do it over the phone; he had to see Adam�s eyes when he �came out,� as it were.

After they finished what little packing they had, Jack had wanted to make it an early evening so they could get an early start the next day.  Lennie had agreed to going to bed early, but somehow it ended up being almost midnight by the time they got to sleep.  Jack looked at his bedmate sleeping peacefully beside him. He knew Lennie wasn�t much of a morning person; he could function early when the job demanded it, but on vacation he was NOT going to get up early.  Jack admitted he�d lost the argument, and decided to let Lennie sleep a little longer.  He smiled, and slipped quietly out of their bed.

He showered and shaved, then slipped on his robe and headed to the kitchen to make some coffee.  Yesterday he had stopped at the bakery near One Hogan Place and picked up some of his favorite sweet rolls and the chocolate croissants that Lennie loved.  When the coffee was ready, he filled Lennie�s oversized mug with it, black, and fixed himself a cup with light cream and sugar.  He put the cups and some of the pastries on a tray and took them back to the bedroom.

Lennie was still asleep, but in Jack�s absence he had rolled over and was sprawled across most of the bed.  Jack chuckled as he set the tray down on a nightstand and sat down on the edge of the bed � about the only part Lennie wasn�t using.  He reached over and caressed his lover�s face, calling gently, �hey, sleepyhead, you getting up today?  Or am I going on vacation without you?�

Lennie�s eyes fluttered open about halfway.  He yawned and stretched languidly, and sniffed as his nose caught the odor of the coffee.  That got the eyes open the rest of the way.  �Morning, Jack.�  He smiled and sat up as Jack handed him the mug.  �What�s this � breakfast in bed?�  �Nothing but the best for you, love!�  Lennie was flabbergasted � Jack NEVER used affectionate phrases like that.  Jack leaned in to kiss him, and for a few moments, breakfast was forgotten.  Lennie�s hand slid under Jack�s robe, sliding down his side and teasing lightly against the burgeoning erection.  Just as he expected, after a few moments indulgence, Jack pulled away.  �If you start that now, we�ll never get on the road!� he chided.  Lennie feigned reluctance, but gave in, thinking //
good, just what I wanted.  By the time we stop, he�ll be begging for it . . . //

They finished breakfast, then dressed quickly.  The day had dawned clear and cool, the sun promising afternoon warmth, so they layered warm flannel shirts over t-shirts.  Jeans and riding boots completed the package.  Jack had made sure Lennie got a good pair of boots last month and had actually worn them around the house enough to break them in.  He had also spent a lot of time lately at the gym, rebuilding the strength in his right arm so he could safely manage the bike for the 4-hour trip.  They grabbed their helmets and leather jackets and the saddle bags, and headed down to the garage.

Jack settled the saddle bags onto the bike and got on.  While Lennie settled in behind him, he slipped a CD into the bike�s stereo.  Abbie had made him a compilation disk with a lot of classic rock, including every motorcycle-themed song she could think of.  When Lennie was set, he checked to make sure their helmets were both tuned to the right frequency so that they could hear each other and the stereo.  �You ready, Lennie?�  �Let�s go!�  He leaned on the starter and the big engine roared into life.  Lennie felt the vibrations from the engine between his legs and gave himself over to the erotic pleasure.  He tightened his arms around Jack�s waist, purring along with the engine.  Jack laughed and eased the bike forward, heading out of the underground garage.

The Friday morning rush hour was just about over.  //
OK, so leaving this morning at 7 might not have been such a good idea after all // Jack thought, but he�d never admit it to Lennie.  It only took them about 15 minutes to get out of Manhattan, across the George Washington Bridge, and onto the Pallisades Parkway.  As they merged onto the Parkway, Jack punched the CD and revved the engine, roaring onto the highway as Bruce Springsteen�s �Born to Run� exploded into their helmets.  Funny how the words changed just a little this time in his mind . . .

Lennie let me in I wanna be your friend
I want to guard your dreams and visions
Just wrap your legs round these velvet rims
And strap your hands across my engines . . .

Will you walk with me out on the wire
`cause baby I�m just a scared and lonely rider
But I gotta find out how it feels
I want to know if love is wild, man I want to know if love is real

He obviously didn�t realize Lennie could hear him singing along, changing Wendy to Lennie throughout.  Lennie smiled and just hung on tighter.

About half an hour later they left the Parkway, merging onto I-87 north toward Albany.  They both had made this trip many times, their jobs taking them to the state capital for numerous reasons.  //
including Scott�s execution . . . the day that changed everything //   Lennie shook his head, not wanting to think of that fateful day.  But ultimately it had brought him and Jack together, so even that disaster hadn�t been ALL bad.  // Enough of that, Lennie.  Nothing but fun this weekend. //  

About two and a half hours into the trip, Lennie noticed an exit for a town called Climax.  //
Now why did I never notice THAT before? // he thought with a chuckle, pointing it out to Jack.  // And it�s about time, too . . . //   The bike, the warm sun, the music, his arms around Jack, all conspired to make him horny as hell, and he had a feeling Jack was too.  He spotted a sign for a rest area coming up.  �Hey, Jack, how about a bathroom break at that rest area?� 

When they pulled in, the rest area was deserted.  It was near noon; Lennie figured most people would leave the interstate to find an actual restaurant around this time.  Which suited him quite well.  As they walked into the men�s room, Lennie did a quick check to make sure they were alone.  As Jack headed for the urinal, he reached out and grabbed his arm.  �Actually, I had something else in mind.�  �Here?�  Jack asked, eyebrow raised.  �Here.�  Lennie said with finality as he pulled Jack into his arms and kissed him, hard. 

Jack couldn�t help responding. He�d been horny ever since Lennie tried to start something at breakfast, and the morning�s ride had been a powerful turn-on.  He certainly didn�t complain as Lennie�s hands unzipped his jeans and slipped inside.  He pulled Lennie�s leather jacket off so he could get to the spot on the neck that drove Lennie crazy.  Making out almost in public was a huge rush.  He pulled away for a moment so that he could send his own jacket to the floor.  Lennie unzipped his own jeans and skinned them with his underwear down to his ankles.  //
god, I�ll never be able to frisk a perp again // he thought as he assumed �the position�: leaned against the wall, spread-eagled as far as he could with the jeans around his ankles, and bent over slightly.

Jack couldn�t believe he was doing this, but by now he was so aroused that there was no turning back.  He slid his own jeans and underwear down, and took the tube of lube that had materialized in Lennie�s hand, probably from his pocket.  He quickly greased up and pressed against Lennie, pushing in and beginning to thrust almost immediately.  Lennie pushed back against him, and they quickly found a rhythm.  He slid his left hand around to pull on Lennie�s cock, fucking him front and back at the same time, while his right slid up under the t-shirt to tweak the hard nipples.  Lennie moaned with the pleasure; this was unbelievable!  He shrieked as the climax came over him, the contractions stronger than anything he�d ever felt before.  It was more then enough to send Jack over the edge as well.

When it was over, Jack pulled out and sagged against the wall beside Lennie, both of them gasping for breath.  �Oh, god, that was incredible!� Lennie was still overwhelmed by the experience.  Jack grinned at him.  �You had this all planned, didn�t you?  Teasing me this morning, the ride, even having the lube handy in your pocket!�   Lennie grinned back, sheepishly.  �Yeah.  I�ve driven this road often enough, remembered this rest stop usually didn�t get much traffic.  Was hoping we�d be alone here!�  �Well, we might not be much longer.�  Jack grabbed his jacket and shuffled into a stall to clean up and get dressed.  Lennie followed suit just in time, as they heard somebody open the bathroom door just as he locked the stall.

Jack finished and left, heading out to the bike without waiting for Lennie.  Instead of being scared, Jack was surprised to find himself all but laughing over the close call. A few minutes later, Lennie joined him.  �Oh, my god, do you realize how close that was?� Seeing the look on Jack�s face pushed Lennie over the edge, and they both ended up giggling like a couple of schoolgirls.  It was several minutes before they could breathe again.  Jack wiped the tears from his eyes as he reached for his helmet.  He turned to Lennie with a pathetic attempt at his best �stern prosecutor� look:   �Are you going to behave until we get there now?�  Lennie fought the grin that threatened to ruin the effect as he looked down, pouted, and said �Yes, sir.�

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Movement 3

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Disclaimer:  These characters belong to Dick Wolf and NBC.  I'm just borrowing them for fun, not profit.
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