Taming the Wild Logan
A little Valentine's day piece written 2/14/2005
The story occurs on 2/14/2002
Lennie had a smug smile on his face as he drove home from work.  It was Valentine's Day.  He and Jack had a quiet, romantic evening planned, and he'd actually gotten out of the precinct at a reasonable time for once.  But for once his thoughts weren't exclusively on his lover.  He chuckled again as he wished he could take his turn as a fly on the wall at Abbie Carmichael's apartment �

A year ago just before Valentine's day, he and Abbie had become co-conspirators as she offered to help him find his way in the world of 'non-straight' sex.  It had led to a memorable Valentine's day last year, and some equally memorable encounters since then.  Abbie had opened his mind to the possibilities of going beyond traditional definitions of relationships.  And when his old partner and good friend Mike Logan had come into the mix a few months later, things had gotten REALLY interesting.  Somehow the raven-haired beauty had claimed the attention of the man who would never settle down.  Lennie figured it was because she had no desire to own him the way most women did.  And as he and Jack had discovered, even marriage didn't have to become a trap of ownership.  The four of them had a comfortable, friendly, affectionate relationship that allowed any permutation of bodies that happened to be available.  Lennie grinned as he remembered their New Year's party �

This year, it was Abbie who had special plans for the romantic holiday, and Lennie was very much looking forward to hearing how it turned out.  Especially since Mike also had plans, and he'd also told Lennie, who'd had to bite his tongue to keep from laughing.  Oh, this was going to be an interesting evening �


Abbie rushed home, having left the office a bit early to get everything set up for the special evening.  A simple pasta bake sat in the oven keeping warm, but it would likely be quite a while before they got around to eating it.  The place was lit by candles, cinnamon and vanilla scents setting the mood.  She wore a long slinky nightgown, sheer black silk with a satin stripe that just barely covered all the right parts.  Her long hair hung straight down, the way Mike liked it best.

She settled into her favorite chair to wait � if Mike caught a case late in the day, there was no telling when he'd get there.  But she knew damn well he'd be trying really hard to get out on time today �

She let her mind wander to what was coming, and quickly lost track of time as she imagined what Mike would do when he got there.  By the time the door opened, she was seriously ready for action, and it showed in the smile she gave her lover.  "Hey, baby.  Perfect timing."

She uncurled her long legs and gracefully got out of the chair.  Even in the spike heels, she walked so gracefully.  The vision took Mike's breath away.

"Damn, woman, you are HOT!"  He managed to gasp the words before she claimed his mouth in a heated kiss.  His leather jacket and suit coat fell to the floor, forgotten once she pushed them from his shoulders.  His hands came up to caress her body as they kissed, cupping each perfect breast, lifting it from the silk.

She pulled away, turning toward the bedroom.  "You coming, lover?"  she called over her shoulder. 

Mike didn't have to be told twice.  He kicked his shoes off and hurriedly followed her back to the bedroom.  Wine-red satin sheets covered the big bed, the blankets stripped off for the moment.  She grabbed him by the necktie and spun him around so she could push him down onto the bed, then climbed on top of him.  She kissed him passionately as she deftly undid the tie and unbuttoned his shirt.  A trail of kisses and soft bites trailed down his neck and shoulder, across his chest, until finally she took one already stiff nipple into her mouth.  She could feel his hardness beneath her, but she wasn't ready for that just yet. 

Instead, she sat up and slipped the gown from her shoulders, letting it pool around her hips.  Again she bent over him, this time leaning further up so that her breasts hung just over his waiting lips.  Eagerly, he suckled her, pulling her down so he could lavish both perfect globes in turn.

Finally, she pulled away, working her way back down his powerful chest.  Her fingernails scratched lightly over the skin, almost tickling as they slid over his flesh.  Her tongue teased at his navel as she deftly opened belt and pants.  She reached in to caress the hard cock still trapped in his underwear, wringing a groan from his throat. Her response was a deep, sexy laugh as she pulled away the last bits of interfering fabric.  Mike lifted his hips to let her push everything away, then sighed as she settled back over him.

She didn't take him inside just yet.  First, she positioned herself so that her wet cunt slid over his shaft.  Gently rocking back and forth, she coated him with her juices, rubbing her clit up and down his length.  Both were moaning now with the pleasure.  It wasn't long before the tremors shook her as she bucked against him.  Mike watched with delight as she came.

When she quieted, she grinned down at him.  "Got a present for you, lover.  Stay right there."

She climbed off, reaching to the nightstand to retrieve a small package.  Mike took advantage of the time-out to reposition a little more comfortably on the bed.  She sat beside him and handed him the box.  With an eager grin, Mike pulled open the ribbon and opened the box.  Inside was a cock strap, made of the softest leather.

"Don't want you coming too soon tonight, lover.  You like it?  I had it custom made for you."

"It's perfect, beautiful."  There was something about the snap that looked interesting, but just as he was going to take it out of the box to look at, she grabbed it and put it to use.  Luckily, the pause in the action had allowed him to cool off a bit, otherwise even the extra soft leather might have hurt a bit.  

Once Mike was suitably restrained, Abbie maneuvered back into position over him, this time sinking slowly over his rock-hard cock. 

"Ohhh, baby, you feel so good �"  Mike moaned as she engulfed him. 

She leaned forward to kiss him.  "You too, lover."

Then they were moving in tandem, easily finding the motion that sent them both into heaven and beyond.  At some point, Mike grabbed her waist and rolled them over so that he was on top.  Now things got more forceful as he pounded into her, fast and deep.  Mike lost track of how long they kept it up, rolling around, changing positions.  Abbie came at least three more times before Mike simply couldn't stand it anymore.

"Now, baby, now!  Take it off!"

Abbie was back on top, so she reached down and yanked the snap open, freeing Mike's cock from it's bondage.  The orgasm that shook him was almost enough to topple her from on top of him. 

When it was over, he lay panting, her head pillowed on his shoulder, the long hair fanned out over his chest.

"Happy Valentine's Day, Mike."

Mike just hugged her close, still not capable of speaking.  Finally, he caught his breath.

"Happy Valentine's Day to you too.  Damn, that was good."

They cuddled together for a while, not needing to say anything else.  Mike's curiosity finally got his attention.  "Hey.  Can I see my present again?"

Abbie tried not to smile too much.  "Sure."  She sat up and located the leather strap, handing it to Mike with the snap hanging down.

He looked at it curiously.  "Hey � I thought the snap looked different �"

Instead of a standard heavy duty snap, this one had what looked like a gemstone set in the center of the ring.

Abbie couldn't help grinning.  "You noticed!"

Mike was beginning to put two and two together.  "Wait a minute � that's not a real diamond?"

She nodded.  "After all, it's the traditional gift when you're asking somebody to marry you."

Mike looked at her in shock.  "Is that what you're doing?  Ask � asking me to marry you?"

"You betcha, lover.  Mike, you know we're meant for each other.  I don't want to own you, you know that, but I do want us to last forever.  So what do you say?"

For a long heartbeat, Mike just lay there in shock.  Then he got up and headed out to the living room.  Abbie stared after him, worried.  Had she come on too strong?  She wasn't a woman who would wait for something she really wanted, but men's egos could be so fragile sometimes �

Then Mike returned, laughing, and shook his head.  "Now I understand.  Did you tell Lennie about this?"

Abbie blushed and nodded.  "Why?"

"That explains the smirk on his face when I told him about this."  He held out to her a small box � a traditional ring box. 

"Mike?!!!!"  Abbie's hands trembled as she opened it, finding a beautiful diamond engagement ring inside.  She looked up at him with a grin.  "I'll take that as a yes!"

Then they were laughing and kissing and crying and holding on to each other.


Lennie sat back with a sigh.  Jack had really outdone himself tonight.  The soft music, table set with the good china and a candelabra, a single red rose in a bud vase.  And the dinner was delicious but not too filling.  After all, a guy had to leave room for dessert � whether it was at the table or in the bedroom.  And after all this, Lennie was definitely looking forward to that dessert.

He reached out and took Jack's hand, his fingers touching the wedding ring.  They smiled at each other, not needing words, content with each other's company.  After a while, Lennie stood up and came around the table, taking his lover's hands.  Jack came eagerly into his embrace, their lips meeting in the sweetest of kisses.  They stood together for a while, swaying gently with the music.  Lennie's kisses trailed around his lover's jawline, up towards his ear.

Jack willingly turned his head to give greater access, sighing as Lennie sucked on his neck.  He could feel his dick growing, as it always did when his lover did this.  Groaning, he pressed close, wanting to feel Lennie's answering hardness.  He wasn't disappointed.  Before long, Lennie was dragging him back to the bedroom.  His favorite cashmere sweater was pulled unceremoniously off and tossed aside, but he really didn't care.  It had been in the way, just like Lennie's shirt.  Soon that too was gone along with the rest of their clothes.

Lennie moaned as Jack's warm, wet mouth sucked him in, his tongue swirling around.  Over the past year, they had learned all the secrets of pleasing each other, all the special places and how to touch them.  The novelty of a same-sex relationship had long since worn off, leaving them with a deep, abiding love that they knew now would stand the test of time.

While continuing to suck gently, Jack slid his hand around to gently probe at Lennie's opening.  One finger slipped in easily, not even requiring lubricant.  Lennie moaned as that long digit stroked his prostate.  He writhed happily as Jack focused on his pleasure.

When the phone rang, Lennie smirked.  "Don't bother answering, Jack.  It's just Mike and
Abbie calling to announce their engagement."

Jack had been inclined to ignore the phone himself until Lennie's words sunk in.  He sat up and stared at his partner.  "What did you say?"  His activities of moments ago forgotten, he let go of Lennie and reached for the phone.  "Yeah?"

"Jack, it's Abbie.  We've got some wonderful news �although I guess Lennie already told you?"  Her usually controlled voice was almost a squeal.

"Let me guess � you're engaged?"   He glared at Lennie.

"He KNEW!  He knew what we were both up to and he didn't say a damned thing!  Let me talk to him!"

Grinning, Jack handed the phone off, whispering "I think you're in trouble �"

Lennie chuckled and took the receiver, holding is so Jack could still hear.  "Hey girlfriend!  Everything went as planned?"
"You know very well it did.  Why didn't you tell me he had the same idea?"
"What, and spoil the surprise?  So which one of you got to it first?"
Mike grabbed the phone.  "She did.  And we are SO gonna get you for this, Lennie.  We're still fighting over whether you're going to be the best man or the maid of honor �"

Jack burst out laughing at the vision of Lennie in a bridesmaid's dress, and got a playful swat from Lennie for it.

"Um, let's not take this girlfriend thing too far, kiddo �" Jack couldn't stop giggling, prompting Lennie to smack him with a pillow.

"Oh, all right, you can wear a tux either way.  But you will be there with us, won't you?  Both of you?  Because it wouldn't be right without you �"

They looked at each other and smiled, the silliness fading quickly away.  This time Jack spoke.  "Of course we will.  Wouldn't have it any other way."

Now Abbie was crying again.  "You guys are the best!"

Somehow, they'd ended up holding hands.  Lennie looked at Jack, all the love of their own courtship filling his eyes.  "You too, sweetheart.  Congratulations to both of you."  Things were getting a bit too weepy for his taste, so he went for sarcasm.  "But you know, SOME of us were in the middle of celebrating this holiday when you called � so can we plan this wedding some other time?"

Mike laughed.  "I hear ya, Lennie.  We'll let you two old-timers get back to what you were doing before you forget what it was �"

"Hey!  Who you callin' old?  Get your butt over here and I'll show you who's old �"

They all laughed.  Abbie spoke up.  "We'll have to get together and celebrate properly soon, guys.  Love you."

Lennie sighed as he realized that this wasn't going to change anything in the special relationship among the four of them.  "Love you too, sweetheart.  Even you, Mikey."

He hung up the phone and looked up to see Jack looking at him, shaking his head.  "I can't believe it really happened.  She managed to tame the wild Logan."

Lennie laughed.  "No she didn't, Jack.  That's the point.  He never stayed long with the women who wanted to tame him.  Abbie never even tried. She's happy with him the way he is.  They're two of a kind; a perfect match."

Jack smiled, thinking about their own relationship, and how special it was, all the more so thanks to the added spice of what they shared with Mike and Abbie.

Lennie gazed innocently at Jack.  "Now, just what WERE we doing?"

Jack laughed and pulled him back down onto the bed.

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Disclaimer:  These characters belong to Dick Wolf and NBC; I'm just borrowing them for fun and profit.
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