10 Things people may never tell you!



            If you do not know by now, it really doesn’t pay to memorise your textbook cover-to-cover for any exams. Some seniors have sworn by mugger notes compiled and consolidated by past seniors (many of them Dean’s listers). The mugger notes are often bound and photocopied (which accounts for poor font resolution in certain sections) A4 sized books. They can be purchased from seniors who have managed to get their hands on a copy.



            It does, however, pay well to be nice to the lady at the Student Distribution Counter. We hand up assignments and get our grades from the counter so it’s best to be nice. She might lend you scissors, glue and scotch tape when you need it the most.



            Sometimes you might be told to hand up the assignments at the tutor’s mailboxes. These mailboxes are located on the third level. You should proceed by the flight of stairs next to the lift. You’ll find the mailboxes at the end of the corridor flanked by tutor’s offices. There is an index on the side indicating which mailbox belongs to which tutor.



            Some tutors take late assignments very seriously and penalize you very heavily. It’s best to just hand up everything on time. The lady at the Student Distribution Counter will register the exact time you hand in your assignment so there’s no way you can cheat. If you are unable to hand up your assignment on time and need an extension, fill up a form available at the Dean’s office and hand it in. However, your request will usually be rejected.



            You can apply for the NUS Co-op membership which gives you discounts on various items – nothing to lose. The Post Office, Health Clinic, OSA (Office of Student Affairs) and newly renovated student Lounge is located at YH (Yusof Ishak House). The Law undergraduate Lounge is located next to the MC room at the end of the mailbox corridor, near Biz Ad canteen. The Computer Lab is between the Moot Court and the Law academic noticeboards.



            To book classrooms, the Moot Court or any sound system for activities, fill up the application forms also found at the Dean’s Office and place them in the tray that is for completed forms. 2 forms are to be filled for the same booking. For classrooms and the Moot Court, you’ll get a copy back. For the sound system, you get both back but you have give a copy to Mr Selamat (our friendly technician!)



            Legal Writing is as fun and useful as you make it, but don’t neglect your other studies. You will need to get Legal Reasoning and Legal Writing by Neumann. Do not buy the dictionary unless you have to – copies are available at the Library. Helena Whalen-Bridge (Director of the Yr1 Legal Writing Programme) is super nice. So are the rest.



            Food is cheap in NUS. At the Arts canteen, there’s Western and Japanese cuisine, and home-brewed ice lemon tea for only $0.50 a cup. The Biz Ad canteen food ain’t that bad too. Bus A1 goes towards PGP. Bus A2 goes towards Central Library and the Science Faculty.



            Toilets! The nearest one to Lt15 is located at the flight of stairs near the wheelchair ramp. The ones near the Library are on the 1st and 2nd level are usually very well maintained. There are 2 separate locations for toilets at the Biz Ad canteen, one at the bottom level towards the carpark, and the other near Lt19. (Walk to the end of the canteen towards the Hon Sui Sen Library and down  the stairs.)



The Law Club Management Committee heads several sub-clubs such as the SLR – Singapore Law Review, MDC – Mooting and Debating Club, LSIRC – Law School International Relations Club, REPRO – Reproductions, Actus, Photographic Club and Law Annual. The CCA noticeboards are located at the staircase nearest to the Moot Court. Major Law School events include Law Ball, Law Day, Law Bash and Inter-Faculty Games.


Alright then, Welcome to Law School! All the best! =)









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