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Not all of the famous 'Barbarians' (Vikings) were male.   The
warrior quen   Boadicea  (picture left) of the Celts , was one such
Female 'Barbarian' or early Viking.  

In 61 C.E.  she led a revolt against the Roman invasion of Britain , in retaliation for the rape of her Daughters by Roman Soldiers (whom was under order to do so from their supperriors).

Her army of Celts was victorious at first and pushed the Romans back to London , which Boadicea and her forces sacked and burned to the ground, killing almost all of the Roman citizens.

Her luck held untill the battle of Manchester,where she and her army was defeated by the Roman general Suetonius Paulinos.  She allegedly died by taking poison, administered by one of her faithfull DRUIDS.
She did so, rather than suffer the ignominy of capture by her hated enemies.
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