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Officials say al-Qaida operatives visited war-torn Aceh province

The Associated Press
Thu Jul 11,12:11 AM ET

Officials say al-Qaida operatives visited war-torn Aceh province
Thu Jul 11,12:11 AM ET

JAKARTA, Indonesia - Despite a visit last year by a senior al-Qaida operative to Indonesia's troubled Aceh province, the group never established a presence there, the region's military commander said according to media reports Thursday.

An aide to al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden ( news - web sites) arrived in Aceh in 2001, "but the visit was not followed by the terrorist network's presence in the province," Maj. Gen. Djali Jusuf was quoted as saying by The Jakarta Post daily.

The general could not be reached for comment on Thursday.

Indonesian officials insist that al-Qaida has not established a foothold in the world's largest Muslim nation. But neighboring Singapore has alleged that Indonesia serves as a base for Jemaah Islamiya, a group accused of plotting to attack Western interests in Southeast Asia.

Unconfirmed reports about an al-Qaida visit to Aceh, a province of four million people on the northern tip of Sumatra island, first surfaced in the middle of last year.

At the time, representatives of the separatist Free Aceh Movement claimed that two envoys from the Middle East had spent several days there but had departed after unsuccessful efforts to establish ties with local Muslims.

The rebels said they did not want to have anything to do with al-Qaida because they are fighting for an independent state and Islam was not a factor in the struggle.

Thousands of people have died in the 26-year war between government troops and the insurgents in the province. But unlike other parts of Indonesia, Christians and other religious minorities have not been targeted in Aceh.

Fighting has escalated sharply over the past year and the government in Jakarta is now considering imposing martial law in the province.

In February, rebels blocked an attempt by an Indonesian extremist Islamic militia to establish a base in Aceh. The guerrillas said Laskar Jihad, which is blamed for the killing of thousands of Christians in Indonesia's Maluku archipelago, was being sponsored by the military.



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