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Military to search for arms in Ambon


The Jakarta Post
July 1, 2002

Military to search for arms in Ambon

JAKARTA (JP): Maluku's Pattimura military commander Maj. Gen. Djoko Santoso said on Monday that security forces would search door to door for illegal arms.

Security forces had given two warring factions -- Muslims and Christians -- the deadline of June 30 to surrender their arms.

Security authorities plan to conduct raids on main streets in Ambon and other towns in the province and conduct searches for arms at houses in an attempt to prevent further violence.

"As the deadline has passed, we will continue sweeping operations in both areas," he said, Antara/i> reported.

Djoko made the remarks after attending a ceremony, marking the 56th anniversary of the National Police at Lapangan Merdeka Ambon on Monday.




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