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Haz Points to Disgruntled Generals


July 10, 2002 01:07 PM, By the Editor

Haz Points to Disgruntled Generals
Laksamana.Net -  Vice President Hamzah Haz has pointed a finger of blame at disgruntled generals who, he implied, have been destabilizing the restive province of Aceh by penetrating the Free Aceh Movement (GAM).

Amid the controversy concerning the government’s plan to impose martial law in response to the continuing violence in Aceh, Haz has questioned who is the mastermind behind GAM.

“Is it true that the terrorist group belongs to GAM, or is it GAM with another added factor? We still do not know. Or, are there external parties who want Indonesia to be unstable?” said Hamzah Haz as quoted by Kompas (7/7/02).

Haz was opening what is likely to become a new debate on generals and mid- ranking officers who have served and established deep roots in Aceh from the days of the Suharto era.

Seen from the military track records of high-ranking officers, there are two former generals who served in Aceh and went on to become ministers. They are Lt. Gen. Syarwan Hamid, Minister for Home Affairs under President B.J. Habibie, and incumbent Minister of Communications Lt. Gen. Agum Gumelar.

Syarwan Hamid has a black record in Aceh, where he served as Military Resort Commander in Lhokseumawe, Korem o11 Lilawangsa, between 1991-1992.

Gumelar’s connection with Aceh is less direct. In 1994 was assigned as Chief of Staff of the North Sumatra-based Bukit Barisan Military Command overseeing Aceh, under commander Arie Kumaat. Kumaat went on to head the State Intelligence Agency (BAKIN) under President Abdurrahman Wahid.

Since the end of authoritarian rule under Suharto, the crisis in Aceh has not necessarily been driven by GAM alone, but as a reflection of the proxy war among the generals. Under Suharto, military and intelligence operatives were given a carte blanc to put down the armed rebellion instigated by GAM.

Internal military tension had already surfaced, especially when then Armed Forces Commander General Benny Moerdani came into conflict with Suharto following the military’s rejection of then State Secretary Sudharmono as vice president in 1988.

The bad relations between Suharto and Moerdani saw the latter work to bring his faction to prominence, taking over strategic positions at the center as well as at regional military command level.

The event that triggered the liquidation of Moerdani’s faction was the 1991 Santa Cruz massacre in Dili, East Timor, which implicated Maj. Gen. Sintong Panjaitan and Col. Waraouw, two Moerdani protégés.

Then came the turn of Feisal Tanjung, assigned by Suharto as head of the Military Honorary Council investigating who was responsible for the Dili massacre.

The appointment signalled a power shift at central and regional military commands. Tanjung was appointed by Suharto as Army Chief of Staff in 1993.

The power shift was also reflected in Aceh. Then Col. Syarwan Hamid, close to Tanjung, was in charge in the troublespot of Lhokseumawe.

In 1990, a year before Syarwan took over the resort command, Suharto’s son in law and another Moerdani rival, Prabowo Subianto, was assigned to Aceh as Kostrad (Strategic Reserve Command) unit commander.

This coincided with increasing tension, military oppression and a rise in the level of armed insurrection, allegedly provoked by dissatisfied regional military officers from behind the scenes.

The central military command in Jakarta launched an anti-narcotics campaign, the Nila Operation, in 1990, resulting in cleaning up at least 47 Aceh-based military officers who had got involved in the marijuana trade.

The story became interesting when authorities investigated one officer involved, Sgt. Robert Suryadarma from Battalion 111 based in East Aceh, one of the major troublespots.

Suryadarma was found to be a follower of Rizal Gading, a rival faction of GAM supreme leader Hasan Tiro.

Rizal Gading in turn, is alleged to have had close ties to Benny Moerdani (see Geoffrey Robinson, Rawan is as Rawan Does, The Origins of Disorder in New Order Aceh, Indonesia Magazine).

The crackdown in Aceh ran parallel to events at the center, where Suharto began to strengthen the Feisal Tanjung military faction in an effort to balance Moerdani’s power.

From this arose speculation that Moerdani had been supporting certain disgruntled elements in the military linked to GAM in order to undermine the credibility and authority of its rival faction in handling the crisis in Aceh.

In response to the increasing armed strength of GAM supported by some military personnel, the military became more oppressive.

It was during Syarwan Hamid’s tenure as Lhokseumawe-based commander that militarism hit a new peak in Aceh, involving not only military personnel but ordinary civilians.

As local commander, Syarwan introduced a strategy of civil-military cooperation - a euphemism for compelling civilians to participate in intelligence and security operations against real or alleged government opponents. Syarwan thus militarized the civilian population.

“The youth are the front line. They know best who the GPK (Security Disrupting Movement) are. We will then settle the matter,” said Syarwan (Kompas, July 11, 1991).

In its effort to isolate the armed insurgency by GAM, the military established the Military Operation Area (DOM) in three troublespots, Pidie, East Aceh and North Aceh.

In these three areas, GAM was believed to have gained the sympathy of a fairly wide cross-section of the civilian non-combatant population.

The military became trapped in a process of state-sponsored terrorism, utilizing tools including rape, kidnapping, mass killing and torture to combat the civilian pro-GAM population.

The DOM was finally lifted during the Habibie presidency, but the military and GAM remained trapped in unending armed conflict.

Analysts say that during the military domination of Aceh under Suharto, military personnel in charge in Aceh mostly had backgrounds in intelligence and included veterans of special anti-terror units.

“As they were mostly experts in counter terrorism, it was no great problem for them to act as terrorists,” explains one.

Viewed in this light, Hamzah Haz seems to have good reason to question whether it is GAM and GAM alone which has been perpetrating terrorist acts.

As if to suggest a similarity between Aceh and the attack earlier this year on Soya village in Ambon, Haz has given the impression that the military is continuing to work behind the scenes to destabilize the regions.

“As at Soya in Ambon, up to date we still do not know who is behind the ruthless mass killings. This is just one example,” he said.




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