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Government Urged to Stop ‘Foreign Infiltration’


July 12, 2002 06:34 PM, 

Government Urged to Stop ‘Foreign Infiltration’
Laksamana.Net -  Golkar Party has called on the government to take tough measures to halt Australian “incursions” into conflict areas of Indonesia, while Islamic groups are demanding an American national be deported for converting Muslims to Christianity.

Head of Golkar’s faction in the House of Representatives, Marzuki Achmad, said Friday (12/7/02) the recent arrest of an Australian ship's skipper in possession of munitions in Maluku province could be seen as evidence of a foreign plot to support separatist movements in eastern Indonesia.

Australian John Kevin, captain of the Alfred Nobel, was arrested Wednesday near Ambon, the capital of Maluku, which has been wracked by deadly religious violence over the past three years (see Australian Arrested in Ambon).

“I am afraid that the recent capture of the Alfred Nobel, a motorized ship flying the Australian flag, might be the tip of an infiltration iceberg with a hidden agenda to undermine the integrity of the Indonesian Republic," Achmad was quoted as saying by state news agency Antara.

Strong diplomatic and military actions should be taken to prevent Australia from meddling in Indonesia’s domestic affairs, he said.

He claimed Australia’s “successful intervention” in East Timor has apparently encouraged the neighboring country to interfere in troubled areas of eastern Indonesia, such as Ambon.

“I also heard that similar activities [of infiltration] have been launched in Papua [province]. I therefore hope the government will take strong measures soon. No foreigners should be allowed to infiltrate our territories," he said.

East Timor seceded from Indonesia in 1999 with backing from Australia, while human rights groups in Australia also support Papua’s separatist movement. The prolonged sectarian violence in Maluku has prompted a small separatist movement to demand independence, although it has not gained significant support from any Australian groups.

Achmad said the Indonesian military’s lack of resources is no excuse for a foreign nation to intervene in trouble-spots, as such action could undermine efforts to maintain national dignity and integrity.

He said House Commission I on defense and foreign affairs should summon the Indonesian Defense Forces (TNI) commander for detailed information on foreign incursions into eastern Indonesia.

“The House commission should also be informed about the steps the TNI commander is taking to overcome the infiltrations,” he added.

Missionary Imposition
Immigration officials in West Sumatra province are planning to deport an American who converted Muslims to Christianity, Germany’s Deutsche Presse-Agentur (dpa) reported Friday.

The report said authorities on May 31 revoked Robert Anthony Adams' business visa to work on a forestry project after he angered the Muslim community of South Pesisir regency by moonlighting as a missionary.

After his work visa was revoked, Adams reportedly returned to West Sumatra on a 60-day tourist visa and resumed his efforts to covert Muslims to Christianity.

"Whatever the reasons, Robert Anthony Adams will be asked to return home in order to prevent any eventual escalation of horizontal conflicts in South Pesisir regency and West Sumatra in general," West Sumatra Immigration Office head Amirul was quoted as saying by dpa.

Antara reported that Adams had been working in the province as a coordinator of a forestry project funded by Global Partners, a London-based investment banking firm.

The forestry project has apparently been axed because of the American’s missionary work.

The report said he had converted 123 local residents to Christianity.




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