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Islamic Extremists Attack Cafes

The Associated Press
Wednesday, 26 Jun 2002


Islamic Extremists Attack Cafes
Wed Jun 26, 7:39 AM ET

JAKARTA, Indonesia (AP) - About 150 Islamic extremists armed with sticks and swords rampaged down a street popular with foreign tourists in Jakarta Wednesday, forcing their way into cafes and smashing beer bottles, police and witnesses said.

No one was injured in the midday raid on the street, Jalan Jaksa, by members of the Islamic Defenders Front. Police were present during the attack but made no arrests, said Lt. Wagimin, who goes by a single name.

The Front has staged similar attacks on discotheques and bars they consider un-Islamic. It also opposes the selling of alcoholic beverages, which are prohibited by Islamic law, and has spearheaded sometime violent protests against the U.S.-led war in Afghanistan ( news - web sites).

Jalan Jaksa is about half a mile from the presidential palace. It is lined with cafes and cheap hotels that cater mostly to foreign backpackers.

The attackers smashed beer bottles they had taken from the shelves of at least five establishments on the street. They also damaged signs advertising alcoholic products, witnesses said.

Indonesia is the world's most populous Muslim nation. Most of its 210 million people practice a tolerant form of the faith, however.



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