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Maluku authorities to extend period to surrender arms


The Jakarta Post
June 19, 2002

Maluku authorities to extend period to surrender arms

JAKARTA (JP): Maluku Governor Saleh Latuconsina said on Wednesday the local authorities had decided to give civilians more time to surrender their weapons, a report said.

Latuconsina, who is also the head of the Civil Emergency Authority in Ambon, said he had temporarily suspended weapons sweeps, while extending until June 30 the period for civilians to turn in their weapons without fear of prosecution, Antara reported.

Separately, the military commander of Sector I, overseeing Ambon and Lease island, Col. Erwin Hudawi Lubis, said his troops had seized thousands of homemade weapons and bombs in a hidden arms stash.

The seizure was made after police received a tip from local residents, he said




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