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Military Commander In Close Association With Police And Mobile Brigade To End Moluccas Conflict


Kompas Online
June 04, 2002

Ambon, Kompas Online

Commander Security Recovery Operational Commando at the same time also Commander Military Commando XVI/Pattimura, Major General Djoko Santoso in close association with the police has started to enforce security in order to end the 4-year old Moluccas conflict.

On Monday (3/6) Djoko called upon the District Police Chief, Brigadier General Soenarko and led the replacing ceremony of the Mobile Brigade troops who were on duty in the Moluccas. On the same day, the Pattimura Military Commando received a number of vehicles and anti- riot arms from TNI Headquarters and the Army to control a mob.

"I hope that the police and TNI can cooperate together to end the suffering of the Moluccas people. They have been suffering since long, it is high time to end the conflict. I also hope that people depend more on their inner self and ratio instead of emotion," said Djoko.

Report of Police Chief

In Jakarta, Chief of Police General Da'i Bachtiar reported Monday at a work meeting with the House's Commission II that the 3-year old conflict claimed the lives of 1.842 people and destroyed 25.373 buildings consisting of 25.144 homes, 91 mosques and 138 churches.

In his report Da'i mentioned that victims did not consist of members of the public alone, the number also include men on duty in the region. During the conflict 1.797 people died, 1.881 people got seriously wounded and 2.213 were lightly injured. 13 TNI members and 32 Policemen died during the conflict.

The Police Chief also admitted that his men and TNI stationed in Moluccas have been conducting arms sweeps since the signing of the Malino II agreement. Since May 31, 200 organic weapons, 900 improvised arms and 7.673 sharp tools , ammunition and explosives have been recorded.

However, estimations have it that more weapons are still in the hands of the public since the Police Barracks in Tantui, Ambon were damaged and looted in June 2000, as many as 1.080 organic fire arms went missing.

"According to estimations there must be more fire arms still in the hands of the public. That is why the Police depends on military support in sweeps on locations reputed for many fire arms in circulation. The most important part to the Police is materialization of public security now," said the Chief of Police.

Conquerers of the heart

In the Mobile Brigade barracks Djoko Santoso expressed hope that the newly arrived Mobile Brigade force could fulfill its task in a disciplinary and professional way. He also believes it necessary that the police and TNI should enforce sovereignty of a united Indonesian Republic together in Moluccas.

In his visit to the Mobile Brigade Quarters, Djoko managed to conquer the hearts of the Mobile Brigade force whose men had been involved in incidents against TNI in Moluccas. Apart from conducting a dialogue with the men, Djoko also visited the force's families who stayed in the Mobile Brigade barracks.

The Police and TNI, said Soenarko, will be one in the security enforcement of Moluccas while the police is under command of the Governor in his capacity of Authority Civil Emergency and under command of the Moluccas Security Recovery Operational Commando.

Chairman of the Truth and Justice Enforcing Committee and Anti- Violence In Moluccas (KP2PKM), Munir Kaerotty praised Djoko's initiative to encompass the police force, in particular the Mobile Brigade. "He took a very good step. Without the Mobile Brigade, everyone of them could not fulfill their duty well. We hope that security handling in Moluccas will grow better," said Kaerotty.

However, he reminded that shipping or use of the anti-riot equipment as well as those weapons to cripple a mob will not play an important part in solving the Moluccan conflict. He illustrated a sample, use of tear gas in several incidents as the Pos Kota incident in Ambon, it did not suppress the fights. On the contrary, in recent cases real bullets were used to control the mob. He hoped, therefore, that these weapons would be used professionally and that the conflict can be ended by means of dialogues.

As to measures to be taken in security recovery operations in Moluccas, Djoko said that on his part a consolidation of forces will be held, and that steps to enforce security and order will be taken, also dialogue efforts will be conducted among the parties.

As to the use of anti-riot weapons as well as killing arms, that would all depend on the situation at hand, said Djoko. "Political resistence should be handled politically. Legal offences would have to be countered with the law. Armed conflicts will be countered with arms," said Djoko.

Do not make an issue out of it

In Jakarta Da'i confessed that the Police has so far not appointed a new Police Chief who would at the same time function as Deputy Commander of the Security Recovery Operational Commando. "Let the present Moluccas District Police Chief take care of the feedback to the Commander of the Security Operational Commando first," said the Chief of Police.

The appointment of the Commander Military District XVI/Pattimura Commando to oversee security became effective with an Instruction of the Authority Civil Emergency State No. Prin o2/PDSDM/2000 dd. July 19 2000.

"We don't need to make an issue of it anymore, since the Police still needs assistance of TNI, especially in areas where still a good number of arms are in circulation. Of importance is that law enforcement is adhered to by the Police, for instance, when somebody has to be arrested," he said. (*)




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