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Army 'runs Indonesia'


News Interactive
JUNE 06, 2002

JAKARTA: The military (TNI) still holds the real political power in Indonesia, four years after the end of President Suharto's dictatorship, according to a former defence minister.

And soldiers will continue to run Indonesia for at least the next decade, predicts Yuwono Sudarsono, who was the country's first civilian defence minister.

"It's the only institution that's holding the country together," Mr Sudarsono said. "Despite its shortcomings, it's the most organised, the most disciplined."

Mr Sudarsono was part of the country's first democratically elected government under Abdurrahman Wahid and was responsible for reducing the role of the TNI in politics by pulling them out of government jobs.

But politicians have failed to take up the role of the military, particularly in the provinces, Mr Sudarsono said.

"(Now) there are 250 mini Suhartos around the country at various levels doing their own thing with no worry at all about being prosecuted," he said.

Analysts agree that since President Megawati Sukarnoputri rose to power almost a year ago, the impetus to remove the military from political life has waned.

Mr Sudarsono asserts that Mrs Megawati needs the political backing of the TNI's parliamentary representatives in order to be re-elected in 2004.

This report appears on news.com.au.





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